Flare guns in some otherwise restricted areas


Titles are un-American.
Note that I'm not advocating flare guns as a practical self-defense solution. It's just better than nothing in a very limited set of circumstances. If it's you and a BG, what do you want...two empty hands, or one empty hand and a flare gun?

As everyone probably knows, firearms are typically not allowed to be carried in national parks (among other places), although that may be changing. But, signal flare guns are obviously useful should you get lost, and you can easily justify carrying one. You could probably carry one openly on a backpack. It's the one "gun" (aside from a glue gun maybe) that still seems totally innocuous, even to antis.

I carry one in my car for its primary purpose (TEOTWAWKI and I need rescuing) but also it's a good extreme last-resort BUG.

  • It may be enough to scare or distract people and animals to allow a quick escape.
  • If you actually shoot someone with it, it may deliver a decent punch and possibly light them on fire.
  • At point-blank range, you can probably do some serious damage.
  • You never know...maybe you'll get lucky and your attacker will be be covered in gasoline.
Note that I'm not advocating flare guns as a practical self-defense solution. It's just better than nothing in a very limited set of circumstances. If it's you and a BG, what do you want...two empty hands, or one empty hand and a flare gun?

As everyone probably knows, firearms are typically not allowed to be carried in national parks (among other places), although that may be changing. But, signal flare guns are obviously useful should you get lost, and you can easily justify carrying one. You could probably carry one openly on a backpack. It's the one "gun" (aside from a glue gun maybe) that still seems totally innocuous, even to antis.

I carry one in my car for its primary purpose (TEOTWAWKI and I need rescuing) but also it's a good extreme last-resort BUG.

  • It may be enough to scare or distract people and animals to allow a quick escape.
  • If you actually shoot someone with it, it may deliver a decent punch and possibly light them on fire.
  • At point-blank range, you can probably do some serious damage.
  • You never know...maybe you'll get lucky and your attacker will be be covered in gasoline.

A bunch of friends and I used to shoot at sharks with practice flares (the ones that glow white). When they're less than a foot under water, it really ruins their day. :-)

I also have a flare gun to use for its intended purpose. But, in all honesty, if it's the only means of defence in a bad situation, I certainly have no qualms against using it against anyone/anything trying to ruin my day.
Have any of you ever actually had to use a flare gun for defensive purposes? How would it work? Would you brandish it, fire a warning shot, or if SHTF, actually shoot a BG with it?
IF it was a last resort thingy I would have no problem with shooting it. Pretty much what dacingwolf stated. Never crossed my mind, but now You got me thinking of getting one and keeping it in the vehicle/s.
Good Thread!
gotta use your head for sure. pretty much anything can be made into a weapon. and if setting someone on fire for doing stupid things is what it takes, then so be it.
Keep in mind that due to the short barrel and other factors, the flares don't fly straight. Shootingsharks was very challenging. The flight of the flare added to the fun.

Note that I'm not advocating flare guns as a practical self-defense solution. It's just better than nothing in a very limited set of circumstances. If it's you and a BG, what do you want...two empty hands, or one empty hand and a flare gun?

As everyone probably knows, firearms are typically not allowed to be carried in national parks (among other places), although that may be changing. But, signal flare guns are obviously useful should you get lost, and you can easily justify carrying one. You could probably carry one openly on a backpack. It's the one "gun" (aside from a glue gun maybe) that still seems totally innocuous, even to antis.

I carry one in my car for its primary purpose (TEOTWAWKI and I need rescuing) but also it's a good extreme last-resort BUG.

  • It may be enough to scare or distract people and animals to allow a quick escape.
  • If you actually shoot someone with it, it may deliver a decent punch and possibly light them on fire.
  • At point-blank range, you can probably do some serious damage.
  • You never know...maybe you'll get lucky and your attacker will be be covered in gasoline.

Flare guns are good to have.

Let's see how the proposal to carry in National Parks goes.
As everyone probably knows, firearms are typically not allowed to be carried in national parks (among other places), although that may be changing. But, signal flare guns are obviously useful should you get lost, and you can easily justify carrying one.

Might depend on the day's fire alert status.
I am so glad I live in an area where I don't have to think about being armed 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Flare gun for self defense?? Why would you have a flare gun in your car. A flare maybe but a flare gun? I guess if you live in a remote area a flare gun would work. Flare gun on a boat, I could see that, but in a car give me a break??????
I am so glad I live in an area where I don't have to think about being armed 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Flare gun for self defense?? Why would you have a flare gun in your car. A flare maybe but a flare gun? I guess if you live in a remote area a flare gun would work. Flare gun on a boat, I could see that, but in a car give me a break??????

Gee, let me see...........you're alone OR with your Family on vacation (of course, driving the Car) off at some remote area and You do not have your gun because of the remote area and .............well you get the picture. You're going to use whatever weapon you can get your hands on to save yourself/Family. Oh yeh, I got a flare gun in the back of the car with the first aid kit! BUT I'm not going to use it as a self defense weapon. Those are used only on boats. I'm sure You're going to shoot the bastard with it. I know I would! Now you need emergency response. Hmmm, no one is going to see my Road Flares I bought because of all these tree's in this Remote area. Oh yeh, I got two more flares in the case. Maybe I can shoot one up in the air!
Come on, in a car give me a break.
I don't think the thread is saying that Everyone should have a Flare Gun in their car, BUT it's not a bad idea to have one. So, it can be used for distress call and a back up weapon. MAYBE if I had some extra $ I would get one. I still think it is a good idea.
I'm NOT knocking You, but I got the impression from you that it is dumb idea to have one in the car and use for self defense.
Comment's welcomed.............
I am so glad I live in an area where I don't have to think about being armed 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
Must be nice in Heaven. As for us still on Earth, crime can happen anytime and anywhere.

Flare gun for self defense?? Why would you have a flare gun in your car. A flare maybe but a flare gun? I guess if you live in a remote area a flare gun would work. Flare gun on a boat, I could see that, but in a car give me a break??????
You could be involved in an accident that puts your car in a precarious position but not be obvious to rescuers or other motorists and be unable to climb out of the car without going for a long drop. This has happened through the years with people who went over cliffs in their cars and their legs were pinned, making them unable to get out although they were still alive - and no one realized they might be down there. You could also be involved in any number of other disasters.

The biggest reason is that you should have a "go bag" just in case you have to make a quick exit. Terrorism and sudden acts of God don't always announce themselves with enough lead time to gather supplies. This bag won't do much good sitting at home, so it stands to reason that you need to have it located nearby your person. In my case, my car is usually no more than 1/4 mile from me at any time.
Must be nice in Heaven. As for us still on Earth, crime can happen anytime and anywhere.

You could be involved in an accident that puts your car in a precarious position but not be obvious to rescuers or other motorists and be unable to climb out of the car without going for a long drop. This has happened through the years with people who went over cliffs in their cars and their legs were pinned, making them unable to get out although they were still alive - and no one realized they might be down there. You could also be involved in any number of other disasters.

The biggest reason is that you should have a "go bag" just in case you have to make a quick exit. Terrorism and sudden acts of God don't always announce themselves with enough lead time to gather supplies. This bag won't do much good sitting at home, so it stands to reason that you need to have it located nearby your person. In my case, my car is usually no more than 1/4 mile from me at any time.

No I don't live in Heaven. It is a shame you have to live everyday like someone is going to jump out and kill you. I realize crime can happen anytime and anyplace but I don't center my life around it. I am aware of what's around me and where I go but I don't walk around with my hand on my weapon ready to draw at any time. As for a flare gun in a car, I have never seen any emergancy check list of what to keep in your car that included a flare gun.. But maybe it is a good idea.. of course if you were pinned in the car or under it and the flare gun was in the trunk oh well.... But it might still be a good idea to have one in the car just in case..
Here's an interesting question.

Arizona has perhaps the most liberal gun laws in the country, basically allowing anything (including handguns, shotguns, rifles, knives, and Class III and NFA weapons) to be carried concealed with a permit and openly without one. Does anyone know if flare guns can be carried there?
Here's an interesting question.

Arizona has perhaps the most liberal gun laws in the country, basically allowing anything (including handguns, shotguns, rifles, knives, and Class III and NFA weapons) to be carried concealed with a permit and openly without one. Does anyone know if flare guns can be carried there?

Now that brings up another question. If you carried a flare gun concealed is it against the law. I think the law deals with hand guns. Is a flare gun a hand gun?? I am serious about this. Does anyone know about this. Is there a LEO out there that can help...
Somebody mentioned in passing shooting a bear with a flare gun. I would imagine that would annoy the bear quite a good deal and he might hold it against you. Doesn't sound too promising to me.
Somebody mentioned in passing shooting a bear with a flare gun. I would imagine that would annoy the bear quite a good deal and he might hold it against you. Doesn't sound too promising to me.
Not only would a bear be annoyed but a BG would be also! A flare gun lacks the velocity to penetrate flesh. It looks good on TV but that's TV. Also I'm willing to bet that if someone was caught carrying a FG in restricted area they would be charged anyway. If they don't charge you for carrying a weapon they could charge you for having an incendiary device. They will hang you anyway. The best thing to do is if you are worried about not having a firearm is not to go there. I'd use a FG as a last resort and then only as a distraction so I could get the heck out of there.