First Time Open Carry


New member
Well, just for giggles, I thought I'd try open carry this past weekend. I had become more and more intrigued by the arguments for it and figured I'd give it a try. What I found: I liked it. No worries about concealment, printing, etc. Just go. No one in any public place which I frequented said anything. It did generate a discussion of 2A rights with some friends (all hunters who don't carry at all). Nothing wrong with a little discussion of your constitutional rights. So, it was all good. I intend to do it more.
That must be the element of surprise that so many talk about:

SURPRISE! It's easier, nobody tends to notice, those that do tend to notice and ask usually go away with a little bit of education.

Congratulations for coming out of the closet! :biggrin:
Didn't recall that you open carried, NavyLT. It was cool to "come out of the closet". I thought I was gonna be more concerned about it than I was. Basically, a non-issue so far. And I'll deal with it if it ever becomes an issue with anybody. It's a good opportunity to spread a little "freedom awareness".
The first time you open carry, it's nerve wracking. You have all sorts of expectations of people staring at you while calling the police, etc.

The reality is that most people won't even notice. I've been OC'ing for quite a while now, and have had only four people ask me about it, and no police encounters so far.

OC is just a normal part of my life now. It's actually surprising to me when someone even notices.
The first time you open carry, it's nerve wracking. You have all sorts of expectations of people staring at you while calling the police, etc.

The reality is that most people won't even notice. I've been OC'ing for quite a while now, and have had only four people ask me about it, and no police encounters so far.

OC is just a normal part of my life now. It's actually surprising to me when someone even notices.

Between the sheep (notice but too timid to ask), the "minding their own business types" (notice, but hey, live and let live), and the completely oblivous (gun? what gun?), the odds of someone saying something to you are probably pretty low.
Between the sheep (notice but too timid to ask), the "minding their own business types" (notice, but hey, live and let live), and the completely oblivous (gun? what gun?), the odds of someone saying something to you are probably pretty low.

Try that here in MA:sarcastic: Sheep... Oh yea... See how they run...

I want to so bad, but it's not a traditional open carry state. Yea I know just do it and make it happen.
I kinda sometimes flirt with it when I have my OWB holsters on. I just have a flannel shirt, unbuttoned and sometimes hey it opens. I just don't want it to be made into an issue that would affect my keeping the license.

I can imagine the patriots here meeting in the taverns and pubs to discuss the revolt some 240 years ago. Just walk in with a rifle and perhaps a pistol in their belts. Guns lined up along side the table. They sit down and no one looks at you like "What the hell are you doing in here with THAT?!!":fie:

Sigh... Perhaps someday in my lifetime.

I've open carried numerous of times, it's no biggie after you get past the "everyone's watching me" syndrome. Now there are some states like Connecticut and cities like Philadelphia where I won't even dare try! I'll need to see more "test cases" first. The cool thing about states with comfortable open-carry is that I can use my OWB holster, which is much more comfortable in comparison to the IWB holster I would use in places like Philly or Connecticut. Plus, I am not constantly hand checking my firearm when I am exiting a vehicle or gettiing up from a chair.
That must be the element of surprise that so many talk about:

SURPRISE! It's easier, nobody tends to notice, those that do tend to notice and ask usually go away with a little bit of education.

Congratulations for coming out of the closet! :biggrin:

+1 I have to agree completly. It took me awhile to OC the first time but once I did I was surprised at how much easier it was then CC.

+1 on the congradulations part also. :cool:
Try that here in MA:sarcastic: Sheep... Oh yea... See how they run...

I want to so bad, but it's not a traditional open carry state. Yea I know just do it and make it happen.
I kinda sometimes flirt with it when I have my OWB holsters on. I just have a flannel shirt, unbuttoned and sometimes hey it opens. I just don't want it to be made into an issue that would affect my keeping the license.

I can imagine the patriots here meeting in the taverns and pubs to discuss the revolt some 240 years ago. Just walk in with a rifle and perhaps a pistol in their belts. Guns lined up along side the table. They sit down and no one looks at you like "What the hell are you doing in here with THAT?!!":fie:

Sigh... Perhaps someday in my lifetime.


You're on the right track, 6SC, keep it up. I do much the same around here: I might carry concealed into a restaurant (you gotta wear a jacket around here most of the year, anyway), then remove my jacket. I did this recently and it took the better part of an hour before someone in our own group said "Is that a gun?". I commended them on their powers of observation (hey, it only took 'em an hour to notice), and asked if they had a problem with it. None at all, as it turns out.

Come warm weather, I intend to OC much more. The sheep will have to live with it. :biggrin:

Keep the faith, brother.
Doesn't take much to tickle your funny bone, CST. Go take a nap...I know you need it after that whuppin' you took last weekend. :biggrin:

How ya feelin'?

lmao that was just funny. I'm feeling good man, just a bit angry :mad: that those Mother...did that lol, then again that could be the percocet making me feel fine :sarcastic:
lmao that was just funny. I'm feeling good man, just a bit angry :mad: that those Mother...did that lol, then again that could be the percocet making me feel fine :sarcastic:

Percocet is good. Hard not to feel angry...but...I know a lot of guys who hit the deck like you did and didn't come up in nearly as good shape...amazing that you managed to hang on to your sidearm.

Rest up, brother.
I've open carried numerous of times, it's no biggie after you get past the "everyone's watching me" syndrome.

Takes a while to get past that though. The first few months of OC for me, I thought EVERYBODY noticed and I was nervous because of it.

Now there are some states like Connecticut and cities like Philadelphia where I won't even dare try! I'll need to see more "test cases" first.

I live near Philadelphia, and I used to be afraid to OC there. Now, in the odd times where I have to go (I can't stand the place!), I have no problem OC'ing. However, my phone is ready to begin internet broadcast just in case of any legal issues. I don't mind being a test case, since I know I have the right (I have a PA LTCF).
lmao that was just funny. I'm feeling good man, just a bit angry :mad: that those Mother...did that lol, then again that could be the percocet making me feel fine :sarcastic:

You OK? What happened? If I may ask? PM me if you would rather not write it in open forum or just say not open for discussion and I'll accept that.

I'm not sure if it directly applies to this thread, but it's an important thread to check out...
Back on track here...
I've not openly carried yet myself. I've carried into several situations, but never had to draw and those I've had to confront never knew.

That being said, my two experiences with someone else in a group openly carrying have been positive in my view. Nobody called the cops, nobody ran away. It was just a normal everyday experience even with someone carrying a gun around on their hip. That being said, the person is a huge guy working in security, but people didn't even bother giving him a wide berth when he was at the local dog park walking around with a gun.
SD open carry

Today i openly carried in Vermillion SD.Carried in Walmart,Hyvee, and Jones Food. it was late in the evening but one hyvee employee just asked what kind of gun I had. I thought it was pretty exciting.
Last summer I walked into a wal mart open carrying and the greeter told me that i could not open carry the firearm into the store then proceeded to tell him that I am licensed to carry and about that time here came the store manager and he told me that i had to leave,So I did.I guess it`s a matter of what walmart you go to.

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