first reloads, FTF


New member
I tryed out my first batch of reloads this weekend,and had a lot of failures to feed. they actualy feed into the chamber, but did not fully seat. all 50 did eventualy fire, after locking and manualy releasing the slide (somtimes repeatedly). My diagnosis is that the grease and lead needed to be cleaned off the end of the case. I cleaned and chambered a few, but have not made it back to the range. Is this type of issue common? Do you think cleaning with scotch brite pads will solve my problem? Is there an easyer way? I am loading .45acp, with 230gr Oregon Trail lead round nose bullets, for my Ruger P345.

Did you use a crimp die?
Are you shaving lead when you seat the bullets? (not enough flare)

My first thought is not enough crimp since the 45 seats on the case mouth.
I use the Lee Factory Crimp Die and have never had a problem.
Burch, welcome to reloading!
What is the OAL of your rounds? Are you "in the ballpark"? I load 230gr LRN's at an OAL of 1.27" with no problems.
You might consider purchasing a case gauge so you can drop the rounds in it to see if they drop in readily/easliy. (The barrel of your P345 will work but the case gauge is very handy.)
And what about the ramp on your Ruger? Is it polished adequately?

When I am setting up for loads (new), I usually load 10 to 12 rounds or 2 mags full of each charge. I mark the primers with a different color Sharpie and keep track of which work, etc. I know what "having the itch" feels like but 50 is a lot to run through if they aren't working. The patience it takes is trying. Or, you can become proficient at using a kinetic bullet puller like I did! :redface:

I check each round I build because I don't want failures at the range. Sometimes there will be small pieces of lead that hang around the top of the casing. I clean them off and wipe the round off with a rag. I don't have an opinion about the Scotch Brite pad.
I'llk second the use of the Lee Factory crimp. Set it to just push the bell back even. The die also resizes the entire finished round. Also get a good Viberator and clean you cases prior to loading.
Burch, welcome to reloading!
What is the OAL of your rounds? Are you "in the ballpark"? I load 230gr LRN's at an OAL of 1.27" with no problems.
You might consider purchasing a case gauge so you can drop the rounds in it to see if they drop in readily/easliy. (The barrel of your P345 will work but the case gauge is very handy.)
And what about the ramp on your Ruger? Is it polished adequately?

When I am setting up for loads (new), I usually load 10 to 12 rounds or 2 mags full of each charge. I mark the primers with a different color Sharpie and keep track of which work, etc. I know what "having the itch" feels like but 50 is a lot to run through if they aren't working. The patience it takes is trying. Or, you can become proficient at using a kinetic bullet puller like I did! :redface:

I check each round I build because I don't want failures at the range. Sometimes there will be small pieces of lead that hang around the top of the casing. I clean them off and wipe the round off with a rag. I don't have an opinion about the Scotch Brite pad.

+1 I'd also like to know your OAL. Sounds like you may not be seating the bullet deep enough. Also, make sure your resizing die is making it all the way to the bottom of the case. If the entire case is not resized that could cause it to jam up partly into the chamber. I also use the Lee crimp die for my .45. It resizes one last time to make sure the round will make it into the chamber.

I have also done what benzuncle suggested about the barrel. Break down you pistol and remove the barrel. When you load up your next batch drop each into the chamber. They should drop right in without and resistance.

Lastly, how are you cleaning your brass? Do you have a tumbler? If not invest in one. fast easy way to clean and polish your brass.
OAL averages 1.26, I am shaving some lead I will cheak the expander depth and get back with you thanks!

Yep if you're shaving lead you need to flare the cases more. If you left the shaved lead on the loaded round that could cause the round to hang up in the chamber. Load up a few more after you adjust the flare and give them the barrel test. If you still have issues let us know. Maybe even post a pic or two.
Burch, when I'm adjusting my setup, I don't prime or charge the round with powder. I just make my other adjustments until I'm pleased with the results. I still have to knock'em apart but there is only the casing and the bullet to deal with in the kinetic puller. I surmise you can figure out how I learned that one, eh? :redface:
Thanks guys, I set the expander die a little deeper to get the flair I needed to stop shaving lead. then I loaded a few and tested them in the chamber. I think the problem is solved, now I need a break in the rain so I can give them the full test