First Post, Moving to MO from AK, very nervous!


New member
Like the title says, spent many many years in gun loving Alaska where I can OC into just about any place and not get a second look and can CC with very few restrictions. I daily CC and have for many years but at times run into somewhere OC, not a word has every been said about OC. Wife and I with son and his girlfriend have been assaulted leaving a restaurant in Anchorage and will never happen again. 911 cell call was useless as dispatch sent cops to restaurant after the initial contact while we were smoking down the road being chased by 2 vehicles. I have been assaulted a few times working down town and leaving after dark.

Moving to about an hour south of St Louis, small town is close but house is in a rural area.

Until something else comes along, I will frequent 67 Gun Club. I train almost weekly. I like to OC between house and training area. If I stop to get gas or something, will people freak out and call LE or like here, its a daily thing to see OC.

Just how worried should I be about gun laws and such in MO? An example here, I had to clear my CC weapon for a reason before entering a retail gun shop and could not load until outside for obvious safety reasons, as I left the shop walking across the parking lot, I pulled my CC from IWB, slapped a mag in, racked slide, did loaded chamber and striker check while an Anchorage police officer was driving by, he gave a look and a smile. Will this happen in MO or will this be an arrestable offense.

Is it that easy to get CCP?
6 months or not?
How easy or fast can a class take?

The plan was to leave here April but wife says we may be out of here Dec.

Anyone would like to get time of the trigger with long guns or short guns and live in the area or farther away, let me know. I have no shooting partners there yet.

Mo ccw

Not sure on how you would be accepted with OC.
But, as far as Missouri goes, very easy to get CCW.
You have to take the 8 hour class (check on Missouri Concealed Carry Gun Permit and Firearms Information Website for list of places and instructors).
Did mine on a Saturday. Simple, easy. $135 and it included ammo, range time and qualification shoot.
Go to local county sheriff office to apply after you have your training certificate. Missouri is a 'must issue' state so as long as you don't have anything lurking in your background you are good to go.
They will take your money, most are $100, fingerprint you and off you go.
They MUST issue within 45 days. Mine, in St. Charles county took only two weeks).
Once you go to pick up your permit from the sheriff office, you have 7 days, and only 7 days to go to license office. You can get your CCW on either your drivers license or state ID. Most do the state ID as MO CCW is only good for 3 years and DL is good for 6. Plus ID is only $11 and DL is $20. Your training certificate is good for life, you can get it this weekend and not apply for years and it will still be good (unless they change the laws). The only time line is 7 days from the time you pick it up to getting your ID.

Good Luck!
Never see OC in MO.

I have lived around the Kansas City area for 38 years and the only open carry I have ever seen was one guy running a Gun store. In the K.C. area from what i hear even though it's supposed to be legal they will take your gun and make you fight forever too get it back.

Until you get your permit you can carry a loaded gun in your car if you are over 21 with out a permit. You just have to leave it in your car or take it in the house.

This site will give a good run down on the law and class.
Link Removed
Hey, Goblin...

Why are you moving?

Just wondering why you are leaving Alaska. Work related? Family?
I believe Missouri has one of the best CCW laws on record, If you go into a place where it's posted, "No Concealed Weapons" the law states they can only ask you to leave first. If you don't which would be stupid, then you're fined $100.00 (Keep it CONCEALED). Have a safe trip here.

D. Lewis
Moving do to family issues.

I hear MO is a very liberal state, the county we are moving to is very Dem and supported Obama even though its a rural farming area.

No need for CC permit here, its legal as long as 21 with only a few off limits.

I just fear being harassed by LE if someone sees a firearm on me, even though the laws says its legal, I hear horror stories that LE still hassle, not so much MO but down in the states in general.

Moving do to family issues.

I hear MO is a very liberal state, the county we are moving to is very Dem and supported Obama even though its a rural farming area.

No need for CC permit here, its legal as long as 21 with only a few off limits.

I just fear being harassed by LE if someone sees a firearm on me, even though the laws says its legal, I hear horror stories that LE still hassle, not so much MO but down in the states in general.


Well, good luck with it, bro.