First malfunction (sort of)


New member
After about 300 rounds through my Ruger P345 I had a failure to feed thursday upon removing the cartrage i noticed a torn spot in ths case, that I assumed was damaged as the gun tryed to feed. As I looked closer I saw that the brass was actually folded under itself. Are factoy defects like this common? I was shooting Rem UMC fmj. 45acp should I change ammo or just take a closer look as I load?

What is the safe way to dispose of damaged of defective cartriges?
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Recently ther have been a number of Quality issues

After about 300 rounds through my Ruger P345 I had a failure to feed thursday upon removing the cartrage i noticed a torn spot in ths case, that I assumed was damaged as the gun tryed to feed. As I looked closer I saw that the brass was actually folded under itself. Are factoy defects like this common? I was shooting Rem UMC fmj. 45acp should I change ammo or just take a closer look as I load?

What is the safe way to dispose of damaged of defective cartriges?

In the latest Guns & Ammo there is a good article about Ammo defects and mix-ups.

The best way to dispose of a bad cartridge is to pull the round with a bullet puller. Sprinkle the powder on the front lawn(excellent fertilizer) and put oil in the primer.

If you don't have the ability to do that then take it to a gun store of the cops and turn it in. One of us knuckleheads will probably do it for you as well.

As for the gun, clean it really well. Inspect the extractor and the feed ramp and the magazine lips. Look for deformed or missing material.

Buy about 250 rounds of ball ammo and go have a field day at the range. If any other malfunctions occur, I strongly suggest you contact the maker and see about the warranty.
there have been several reported factory flaws with rugars in general. their automatics have a few common flaws best bet if it does it again send it to ruger