That settles it, I will never install Firefox. About the only company I hate worse than Yahoo is AOL. You can complain about Mocrosoft and Bill Gates all you want to but I hate AOL 10 times as much as you hate Microsoft. If you had been in the Internet business back in the lat 90's you would understand what illegal monopolies were. Any illegal tactics and false advertising ideas Microsoft ever used they learned from AOL amd Yahoo.
First of all, Firefox and AOL are unrelated. They are not produced by the same company; AOL is owned and operated by AOL. Firefox is an open source project continually refined by independent programmers and coordinated by the Mozilla Foundation, a nonprofit organization.
Secondly, there's nothing wrong with Firefox per se - it's a high-quality, very secure and stable product. If anything is the matter, it's either the user's computer, or the accessories that the user has put onto Firefox. There are thousands of extensions available for Firefox, which do everything from show you the weather to connect with Paypal. If you want to do it, there's an extension out there for it.
Many extensions are made by independent purveyors though, and there's little formal quality control. You either have to get something that has a long history and is highly rated (like scriptblocker) or look at user comments. Obviously, not all extensions are high-quality, and those that aren't can sometimes cause problems. If Google hasn't updated the toolbar to work with newer versions of software, then that is solely the fault of Google - not an issue with Firefox.
As for Microsoft - they didn't invent illegal business practices, obviously. However, they significantly predate both AOL and Yahoo! and they started out marketing a broken product which required specialized support to fix, which they obviously charged for, or charged to train others in how to provide. General Motors actually invented this more than anyone else in the field of manufacturing.
AOL simply signed people up for something they didn't know they were signed up for, then charged them out the ear until people realized it and then cancelled their service with some difficulty. That's been around as long as governments have been charging taxes and then not delivering on promises.