Firearms Permits in Mississippi


New member
You may obtain a "firearms permit" by applying at the major Mississippi Safety Patrol stations throughout Misssissippi. You must be 21, not a drug user, not a wife beater, etc. Anyway, a permit costs $100 plus a $32 fingerprinting fee.
The permit is good for 4 years and is also accepted in Alabama,Alaska,Colorado, Florida,Georgia,Kentucky,Louisiana,Michigan,Montana,New Hampshire,North Carolina,Oklahoma,Tennessee,Texas,South Dakota,Utah,Washington and Wyoming. It allows for concealed carry of pistol or revolver (really, I guess you could carry both). I found it to be an excellent setup but you do have to wait 4 months for the permit to arrive in the mail. P.S. You do not have to wait for a background check when buying a handgun. You can leave with the handgun at the time you buy it if you present your permit....

That is all correct. A few guys I know said the maximum wait for a permit is 12 weeks, but I could be wrong. It took them every bit of that, though, to get theirs. However, there are specific locations you have to go (not necessarily "locations throughout"). For example, North Mississipians must to to Batesville. There is no classroom requirement, although it's highly reccommended. Plus, MS has a Castle Doctrine...a major plus.
Most of the two above posts is correct. I applied for one in New Albany, the local highway patrol office in northeastern Mississippi, on the 3rd of October and I received my permit on February 2nd. That is four months less one day. The main reason I think was that the 3rd would have been on a Sunday. With the office in New Albany and the one in Batesville, there are two in northern Mississippi. Renewal requires another trip to the highway patrol office because another set of fingerprints is required since the FBI does not accept a set of fingerprints older than 6 months. When I checked the "official" website for such, the price was not correct. The price of a set of fingerprints went up since the website was updated. For more information, go to and click on Firearm Permit Unit, then on Individual Permit. I also bought a new pistol at a gunshow in Tupelo before my permit arrived and the vender made a phone call and within a few minutes, the gun was mine to walk out the door with. He even told me that if I had a permit it would have taken a little longer and I would have had to fill out one or two more lines on the "form".
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Hello to everyone. I appreciate all the above info on the laws in MS. I am fairly new to the state and intend on applying for my permit soon. I am from Ga. and was glad to see that the permit from MS is good in just about all the states I would ever travel too. I am trying to get used to navigating the forum, but just wanted to say hello as a new member to the forum. I am living in Wiggins right now and am a Army Veteran. I served in Desert Storm and a member of the NRA. Just a brief profile...I guess I will search for the proper forums to discuss the type of weapons I own and prefer.

I had a good experience getting my permit here in MS. Went to the Highway Patrol station in Meridian,paid my money,had my prints done and was on my way. If you have no criminal record there should be no problem. I have never waited to make a firearm purchase in MS other than the obligatory call time while in the store. I think the DPS actually issues the permit and just holds it until the time frame has concluded. I may be mistaken but I beleive there was a law passed recently that will allow me to renew my firearms permit through the mail when I am due for renewal, I beleive that passed and was signed last year. Good luck getting your permit. MS is a SHALL ISSUE state. For residents only. I beleive I am correct in this. Good luck.
I have a good friend who is a MS State Trooper/Detective, I might see if he might could pull some stings and get my paper worked pushed through in alittle more timely manner. If not..guess I will wait like the rest. I must say MS gun laws are pretty nice overall. I especially like the right to carry in your vehicle just as it is onsidered an extension of your home. I have heard some stories about people telling the LEO during a traffic stop about the weapon in his car and as a result the LEO took posession of the weapon and it took over a month for them to release it back to him. This seemed alittle odd to me and don't think it would be a standard problem. I think it was just a case of a young officer or something. I don't volunteer any info to LEO's unless asked a direct question. If they ask if I have any weapons I would answer truthfully, but not too quick to volunteer the info because I don't want my weapon being seized for no good reason.
I keep my peperwork all together above my visor for easy access and my weapon in the center console. I have never been stopped except for once in a random road block and wasn't asked about any weapons so I did not mention it. I ride a Motorcycle alot and that has alot to do with wanting to have concealed permit. I this case I would make the officer aware up front. Does this sound logical or not? Feedback appreciated...

I'd forgotten about this incident,once on my way thru Sebastapol I was stopped at a roadblock. The young officer spotted my revolver between the seat and the console. He immediately shouted to the OIC that I had a weapon,he kept my liscense and asked me to pull over to the shoulder while he and the police cheif talked it over. The cheif approached my car,and asked me a few questions. He left and came back and asked me if he were to run my dl would he find anything. I told him no,and gently reminded him that carrying in my vehicle was within my rights in the state of MS. as it was in fact an extension of my home. He left came back handed me my dl and told me to have a safe evening. Know your rights,be courteous and polite. This all happened before I ever applied for my firearms permit. I only applied for it after I took a job that required me to travel out of state.
If you have a Firearms Permit in Mississippi, and you get pulled over by a LEO, the FIRST thing you should state, is that you have a firearm in the vehicle, because as soon as your vehicle ID has been run (if you own the vehicle), dispatch will be notifying the LEO that you have a Firearms permit. It is the same thing with your license; as soon as it has been run; dispatch will be notifying the LEO that you have a permit. The first thing they will ask is do you have a firearm in the vehicle and where is it? Of course they always add (and it would be in your best interest also), that you point to its location only. I have never heard of an LEO taking a firearm for the duration of the stop, wanting to physically see it and its "concealed" location or removing the firearm from someone’s possession permanently, unless something was done to warrant the behavior. I do not understand what most people are referring, but Mississippi LEO's are not unintelligent, or stupid; especially when it comes to Mississippi law. They did not get their Badges from a box of Cracker Jack; they went thru an Academy and studied their states laws just as all LEO's do.
By the way, a Mississippi Firearms Permit is now good for 5 years and usually takes 45 days to recieve. You can download the application from the Mississippi Highway Patrol website; and the website gives the locations that the application can be processed. South Mississippi processing is done at the D’iberville station on Wednesdays, starting at 9:00am (be there at 8:00am, as the doors usually open at 8:00). Make sure that your paperwork is "Notarized".(the correct forms, as some people fill out all the forms when only those aplicable are requred. If you are NOT an LEO (or ex LEO, or security), you only need to Notarize 3 forms. Make sure that you also have had a legally useble "Passport photo" made. I believe it is still Cash or "Cashiers Check" only.

I never said anything about LEO's in MS being stupid or anything to infer that I felt that they were. I have had 3 encounters with LEO's in MS over the past 3 years ,and each time the officers conducted themselves in a very friendly and professional manor. My understanding of the law here in MS is that even if you do not have a CCW it is still legal to carry you firearm in your vehicle, as per the castle doctrine, your vehicle is considered an extension of ones home and covered by the same law.
This means to me, if you are pulled over by Leo and he ran you through the system and you did not hold a CCW, nothing would lead him to believe you would have a firearm. Now, I know there is a difference between having a firearm concealed in your car and or on your person. I have never heard of a Leo taking possession of a person who had a legal CCW permitted firearm. I have only heard of a Leo taking the firearm of someone who had a firearm in his vehicle under the castle doc law.
Now, that being said..maybe the person had an attitude, or other infractions that the Leo thought warranted in taking the firearm at that point. I know he did get his firearm back, but had to spend money and jump through hoops to do so. So in this case maybe some people would choose not to mention it. One who is in possession of a CCW, I agree fully, should make the Leo aware of the fact from the beginning. I would hand him my permit with my other documents when first approched.

God Bless America and all those who have taken the oath to defend it against all enimies foriegn and domestic!
Give respect and 9 out of 10 times you will receive it!!!
I never said anything about LEO's in MS being stupid or anything to infer that I felt that they were.

I apologize. My post was not meant to imply or suggest that you think, said, or wrote any disparaging or derogatory statements about LEO's (in MS specifically, or anywhere). It was the culmination of reading posts (not just from this thread) about CCP holders (Firearms Permits carriers) however it is called in your state of residence, and their interaction with LEO’s. As of now, it has been overwhelmingly negative, with the LEO continually painted ignorant to the laws they are paid to uphold. I have had multiple encounters (with MS Troopers, Sheriffs, and Police) and have (apparently) been extremely lucky, as I have always had civilized, positive encounters (other than the reason I had been pulled over for). The remainder of my post was to update information on receiving a MS Firearms Permit.

A prayer for all who have given an oath to God to (give their lives and) serve this great Country. ...And a moment of silence for all who gave their full measure....
@ Hunterlee

Hey Man, no problem with the misunderstanding concerning the MS Leo's. I just didn't want anyone to think I was in someway against LEO's.
Hell, only crimminals hate the Leo's far as I am concerned. Now, they are human and some are more professional that others, but they have my support at what they do. It is not a job anyone can do, just as being in the US Armed Forces is not for everyone.
I am just glad this Great Nation has enough young men and women with the heart and fortitude to step up and do what needs to be done to protect Liberty and Freedoms that so many have died for in all the wars and conflicts dating back to the American Revolution to the present threats from the radical Islam.

I hope we won day can figure out that talking and pussy footing around with the very people who wish to destroy us and fight to win. Forget Political Correctness, running around the wolrd trying to save every nation but our own. We need a leader who will draw a final line in the sand and let those who wish to see us destroyed s a nation, as Christians, as the greatest nation on the planet.
We need to tell the UN to stick it up thier ass.
We need to look out for our own first and get our Republic back in order first. Send these wacko progressives packing to prision or russia, one or the other. Okay my health is not good right now and I am getting my self stressed out....I am going to shut it down for now. We will have to hit the range one day soon. I got one that is free out here just 10 minutes north of Wiggins. We will talk later.

I hope we won day can figure out that talking and pussy footing around with the very people who wish to destroy us and fight to win. Forget Political Correctness, running around the wolrd trying to save every nation but our own. We need a leader who will draw a final line in the sand and let those who wish to see us destroyed s a nation, as Christians, as the greatest nation on the planet.
We will have to hit the range one day soon. I got one that is free out here just 10 minutes north of Wiggins. We will talk later.

I completely agree. Political correctness is destroying this country. I have one idea that might make the suicide bombers think twice. Every time a suicide bomber blows them self up; publicly show the burying of their remains (no matter how small) with a slaughtered pig and ignore all comments of outrage from anyone/everyone (as I guarantee there will be a lot). They blew themselves up while trying to kill Americans; we can do with their remains as we wish. As for free shooting, I live out in the woods “sort of” (I can open my back door, throw some coke cans out and legally shoot; while Dominoes also delivers), and my family has a range that has targets at 25 yards, 50 yards, 75 yards, and 100 yards. The targets are 2 x 4 7/16 steel plate (only hand guns allowed to fire at these). The 50 yard target has two 1 x 2 - 5/8 plates (for rifle use and/or zeroing) on either side of the 2 x 4 plate, as does the 75 yard target. The 100 yard target has four 1 x 2 - 5/8 steel plates “stacked” on top of each other (against the 7/16 plate), great for most all rifles. It is a nice “little” (free) range. The backstop is actually a branch (creek/swamp), and with the shooting table location, your actual shooting angle is “down” into the branch.

A prayer for all who have given an oath to God to (give their lives and) serve this great Country. ...And a moment of silence for all who gave their full measure....
45 days is correct and apparently they utilize every bit of that. By calling 601-987-1586 you can talk to a human being concerning the status of your application. I believe a large part of the wait time is for your local LEOs to respond after they are notified of your application. Understandably, your local LEOs are given 30 days to respond to your eligibility when you apply for a CCW in Mississippi. No response constitutes approval so the full response time is required. This is to allow local LEOs input just in case something has changed, on the local level, since your application was made. STUDY HARD, TRAIN WELL AND SHOOT STRAIGHT.
Ammo is expensive, training and practice are priceless.
Hello, I've seen videos that suggest handing your CCW with your DL when stopped. Although the laws requires a verbal statement, I would be more inclined to offer both permits to investigating LEOs. The theory behind this is usually, when approached by a law officer, the more seasoned officer approaches the drivers side while the less experienced approaches from the passenger's side. There is a greater chance of an inappropriate response from the less experienced officer if he is not in a location which allows him full access of the conversation. He may just hear the words "I have a gun" or some portion of the conversation which may cause him to respond inappropriately which could be dangerous for all concerned. I feel it's always expeditious to respond to a traffic stop in a way that will allow me to continue with my business and not hold any LEOs from doing the same. I would hate to think that my stupidity caused a LEO to be spending more time with me than someone who might need his assistance.

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