Firearm RIGHTS

Just wanted to see what you guys thought about this. With all of the Antis and the Brady Bunch, where do you see gun laws in 10 years? Do you see them getting less strict across the Nation or stricter? I am only curious. It is my hopes that we will win this war in fighting for what is our god given right Thoughts?
For the most part, I see the predominantly red states continuing to be among the most gun friendly and having the best carry laws, and the people's republics will continue to have the worst gun laws. At the federal level, I can't really say, except maybe that NFA will continue to be the law.
10 years ehhh? well if those brillant boys creating black holes are sucessful we wont need to worry as we will have all be sucked into space, maybe not a bad alternative:girl_wacko:
If Barry gets elected there is not a doubt in my mind that the left will make every effort to take away our 2A rights among many other things. we will be on our way to a socialist government with gun laws like Australia, England etc.
then they will take the next step towards a comlete global economy, one monetary profile, control by global courts ,...,. I need to stop before I :suicide:
Pray it isnt Obama

Looking state by state, I think it doesn't matter who the president is. Whether it's Obama or McCain, Idaho, Alaska, Virginia, Montana, Wyoming, and Arizona will continue to have gun friendly cultures, and PRMA, PRCA, PRIL, PRNY, PRNJ, and PRDC will continue to have gun unfriendly cultures.
Who gets elected is part of it, because they appoint federal judges at all levels, and help with elections across the country of people who can influence those decisions. The President alone has limited power; it's the way they choose others that makes all the difference.

Part of it also has to do with events that we can't really predict. A huge shooting spree may be the impetus for new laws in a particular state. One case in a million (Heller) that comes out of the blue might define the law one way or another. A natural disaster may motivate a million Americans who wouldn't otherwise have considered the idea to buy firearms over the course of a year. The chaos after Katrina motivated a lot of people to make first purchases or start going back to the range again.

I see gun rights tipping in our favor. The AWB was a comical failure, with even Bradyists saying it was a bad law. Florida, with the nation's #3 highest population, has passed some very gun-friendly legislation recently. Heller is on the books and will be considered by any future court. We've got the edge, but we need to keep pushing to gain more ground and not lose any.

Currently we have 9 guns to every 10 people under civilian ownership in the US! I'd like to see that rise to at least 11 guns to 10 people (ie, literally "more guns than people") in my lifetime. Naturally, I would also like to help out as much as possible with that increase... :wink:
I seriously hope I'm wrong, but I see us with all our guns, and having to buy ammo on the black market. I'm afraid the anti's have started going after ammunition, from an ecological, as well as cost standpoint.
I seriously hope I'm wrong, but I see us with all our guns, and having to buy ammo on the black market. I'm afraid the anti's have started going after ammunition, from an ecological, as well as cost standpoint.

totally agree with this...........brings up a thought I had. I've noticed many on here have "tons" of guns, how much ammo do you have for so many different firearms? I mean I can see if maybe one has a couple of 9mm or maybe 3 different .45's then having ammo isnt a big issue. for those who have many diferent calibers, do you concentrate on keeping enough ammo for all of them so in one of the scenarios talked about on here all of the guns are actaully useful?
I stock ammo for .22, 9mm, .45, .223, 30-30, and 44 mag. Let's see how to put this..... I'm comfortable with the amount of ammo I have for each caliber...... Not all of it is at my home, either.......:rolleyes:
totally agree with this...........brings up a thought I had. I've noticed many on here have "tons" of guns, how much ammo do you have for so many different firearms? I mean I can see if maybe one has a couple of 9mm or maybe 3 different .45's then having ammo isnt a big issue. for those who have many diferent calibers, do you concentrate on keeping enough ammo for all of them so in one of the scenarios talked about on here all of the guns are actaully useful?

I agree that stocking ammo for all calibers is a good idea... cause you never know.
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I agree that stocking ammo for all calibers is a good idea... cause you never know.

I do too agree with this.

I think that the Heller case is going to be a huge asset to us in the fight to totally preserve and even restore our 2A right. I think that over the years you will see more and more states have cases like this. I can only pray that our 2A right will stay forever, shooting has become my number 1 hobby. I hope one day to have a very nice firearm collection one day.
I seriously hope I'm wrong, but I see us with all our guns, and having to buy ammo on the black market. I'm afraid the anti's have started going after ammunition, from an ecological, as well as cost standpoint.

I'd rather learn handloading.
I reload for 4 of the 6 calibers I own, and while it's cheaper than over the counter, it's getting more and more expensive. I s'pose that's true about most everything.
As gun and 2A people we need to be realistic. The recent 2A SOCUS decision was way too close for us to get euphoric. From a constitutional standpoint it should have been 9-0. Take heed. Barack "Reaonable Regulations" Obama will see to it that court appointments will hew to his line where nasty guns are concerned. Never mind his recent BS about being "pro 2A." The slow, inexorable drift to a one-world political reality continues and will only intensify under Obama— and barely slow under McCain. It IS the wave of the future whether we like it or not.

As for ammo, I take the handloading route. I stock enough powder, primers, cases, and bullets to keep me going for a long, long time. For some of my lesser used rifles, for example, I may only have a dozen or so rounds on hand, but thousands and thousands of components ready to go. I think that's the way to go considering the assault on ammunition currently being mounted. (Can't you just hear them? "Well, we can't take away their guns, so let's make it impossible for them to shoot anything out of them!")
As gun and 2A people we need to be realistic. The recent 2A SOCUS decision was way too close for us to get euphoric. From a constitutional standpoint it should have been 9-0. Take heed. Barack "Reaonable Regulations" Obama will see to it that court appointments will hew to his line where nasty guns are concerned. Never mind his recent BS about being "pro 2A." The slow, inexorable drift to a one-world political reality continues and will only intensify under Obama— and barely slow under McCain. It IS the wave of the future whether we like it or not.

As for ammo, I take the handloading route. I stock enough powder, primers, cases, and bullets to keep me going for a long, long time. For some of my lesser used rifles, for example, I may only have a dozen or so rounds on hand, but thousands and thousands of components ready to go. I think that's the way to go considering the assault on ammunition currently being mounted. (Can't you just hear them? "Well, we can't take away their guns, so let's make it impossible for them to shoot anything out of them!")

and if the finished product is now black market it only stands to reason that the individual ingredients will also be. in that case I would think it would more difficult to get everything you can get the powder, but the brass is nowhere to be found or the bullets are 3 states away. not sure there is a better side to that coin.
Well, we can keep compounding worst cases 'til we're blue in the face if that's what we like to do. In my own personal situation I'm OK for about the next twenty years.

And while all these draconian regulations are being put in place, what's everybody doing except sitting around with their thumb up their a$$?
I know I dont have 20 years worth.....:yu:
I have enough for what I always thought was my idea of a worst case scenario, but alway pray I never need it.