As gun and 2A people we need to be realistic. The recent 2A SOCUS decision was way too close for us to get euphoric. From a constitutional standpoint it should have been 9-0. Take heed. Barack "Reaonable Regulations" Obama will see to it that court appointments will hew to his line where nasty guns are concerned. Never mind his recent BS about being "pro 2A." The slow, inexorable drift to a one-world political reality continues and will only intensify under Obama— and barely slow under McCain. It IS the wave of the future whether we like it or not.
As for ammo, I take the handloading route. I stock enough powder, primers, cases, and bullets to keep me going for a long, long time. For some of my lesser used rifles, for example, I may only have a dozen or so rounds on hand, but thousands and thousands of components ready to go. I think that's the way to go considering the assault on ammunition currently being mounted. (Can't you just hear them? "Well, we can't take away their guns, so let's make it impossible for them to shoot anything out of them!")