Firearm industry launches blog about firearm inaccuracies


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This is a very good idea. Hopefully, a few people will read it and realize the truth about firearms.

Firearms Industry Launches Blog to Address Inaccuracies Surrounding Firearms

NEWTOWN, Conn., Nov. 25 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) - the trade association for the firearms, ammunition, hunting and shooting sports industry - has launched a blog aimed at hunting down and correcting inaccuracies about firearms and the firearms industry. The blog, titled "Aiming for Accuracy," is updated regularly with news, links and other helpful resources designed to promote accurate communications about firearms issues in the media, among bloggers and with all firearms enthusiasts.
"Tomorrow is here," said NSSF President Stephen L. Sanetti. "In order to fully represent one of the oldest industries in the world, it is incumbent upon NSSF to utilize new communications tools. NSSF is dedicated to using every medium at its disposal to set and keep the record straight. We encourage readers to bring inaccuracies in the media to our attention, and we ask NSSF members and other readers of the Aiming for Accuracy blog to forward relevant postings to their local media and their favorite bloggers."
A link to the Aiming for Accuracy blog is displayed on the NSSF homepage (

SOURCE National Shooting Sports Foundation
We can use all the help we can get that is for sure to combact the lies that come from the media.
It looks like a good idea on paper. I just hope that it achieves its intended purpose and does not get victimized by anti groups.

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