Fire Mission

I'm not sure what the popular answer is among USA Carry members, but I chose that state laws should apply.
If you add those in favor of concealed carry and those in favor of both concealed and open carry the total is 44%. More than against.
If you look at the choices only 36% are against it. The rest are for it in one way or another.

What's your position on citizens carrying weapons in national parks? * 45195 responses

State laws should apply.17%

It should not be allowed.36%

Concealed weapons should be allowed in all national parks, regardless of state law.

Concealed weapons and "open carry" should be allowed in all national parks, regardless of state law.
I voted for CW and OC. It's up to 35% now and CW is 15%. The other side is 33% and 17%, so the split is exactly 50-50.

"State laws should apply" isn't terrible, though. It's not as good as making it a universal federal law (which it should be since it's the 2nd amendment) but it's better than nothing. So really, the "ban all" crowd only has 33%.
Man did that poll change directions! The only choice for anti-gunners was the 2nd choice and it dropped to 6.3%. All the pro-gun choices are now 93.7%. I think the desire of the people is pretty darn strong...

What's your position on citizens carrying weapons in national parks? * 273052 responses
42% State laws should apply. Pro
It should not be allowed. Anti
28% Concealed weapons should be allowed in all national parks, regardless of state law. Pro
24% Concealed weapons and "open carry" should be allowed in all national parks, regardless of state law. Pro
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Man did that poll change directions! The only choice for anti-gunners was the 2nd choice and it dropped to 6.3%. All the pro-gun choices are now 93.7%. I think the desire of the people is pretty darn strong...

What's your position on citizens carrying weapons in national parks? * 273052 responses
42% State laws should apply. Pro
It should not be allowed. Anti
28% Concealed weapons should be allowed in all national parks, regardless of state law. Pro
24% Concealed weapons and "open carry" should be allowed in all national parks, regardless of state law. Pro

I think the desire of the people is pretty darn strong...

And there your have the real problem. The bureaucrats don't care what the desire of the people is. What ever happened to government by, for and of the people that our founding Fathers fought for?

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