

I'm taking the kids and wife on a 3 day camping trip. It's not really roughing it, which I can't do because they are 3 and 5 (and because the wife is lazy lol) but it's about 100 miles northwestish of Green Bay, WI. The best part? There should be nobody else around to bum a few beers off me and talk a bunch of crap around my kids (or try to offer me weed, which seems to always happen...) We've got a lake full of bass, northern, walleye and trout, plenty of thick forest and a great view which includes lake Michigan on a good day. Should be fun! The only downside? I gotta dig catholes, a storm took out the outhouse.
My kind of trip. As a kid, these were the trips we did. Two reasons. First, they were affordable for my hard working father and, two, he knew the value of keeping a family rooted in the strength and love we had. Unfortunately, these type of trips have been replaced by high stimulus low family value substitutes. Good for you. Have fun and stay safe.
My kind of trip. As a kid, these were the trips we did. Two reasons. First, they were affordable for my hard working father and, two, he knew the value of keeping a family rooted in the strength and love we had. Unfortunately, these type of trips have been replaced by high stimulus low family value substitutes. Good for you. Have fun and stay safe.

Haha like jellystone! Camping my ass...
The best part? There should be nobody else around to bum a few beers off me and talk a bunch of crap around my kids (or try to offer me weed, which seems to always happen...)

I know exactly what you mean... We have a rock pit nearby that serves as our local shooting range since actual ones are lacking in my area. Great part is, it's free. Bad part is, it's free...for everybody. And completely unregulated. Every single time I go up there, without fail, some new idiot shows up with a crappy Bulgarian AK or Mosin he bought at Big 5 for $80, and tries to strike up a conversation with "Hey man, you smoke grass? No? Well, can I have a beer anyways?" All the while waving his new found $80 toy around wildly. Irritates the hell out of me, that the few good shooting places around keep getting ruined by these tools.
I know exactly what you mean... We have a rock pit nearby that serves as our local shooting range since actual ones are lacking in my area. Great part is, it's free. Bad part is, it's free...for everybody. And completely unregulated. Every single time I go up there, without fail, some new idiot shows up with a crappy Bulgarian AK or Mosin he bought at Big 5 for $80, and tries to strike up a conversation with "Hey man, you smoke grass? No? Well, can I have a beer anyways?" All the while waving his new found $80 toy around wildly. Irritates the hell out of me, that the few good shooting places around keep getting ruined by these tools.
I hate it when they flag everybody. you ask them if it's loaded and they say no and pull the bolt back to load it and a live round pops out. "Oh ****." That's all they ever say.
Well, the camping trip was horrible. I mean, i played a lot of holdem, but I had to empty out my tent about 5 times each day since it was pouring buckets. On the last night, I had to start a campfire to smoke out the bugs and it was all wet. That's what a can of gas is for lol. Used 4 gallons and had a roaring fire, got toasty warm and drove away the swarms of mosquitoes.

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