Finally Got The Beretta PX4 Storm Sub-Compact!


Staff member
Well I had some items I've been trying to sell on eBay that I set aside for a pistol and the last of the items finally sold. So I've been having a Beretta PX4 Storm Sub-Compact 9mm in my sights and I finally got it!

So far it feels really nice. I prefer the backstrap that was on it originally, there were two others to try out. I also like how one of the magazine's base can be pulled down to make it extend for your pinky. I thought that was pretty neat. Anyway, I'll be doing a more detailed review on it after I shoot it a bit.

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I'll say that it shot REALLY good. I'll get more detailed when I do my actual review of it. But I think I have a new favorite!
Luke - Have you reviwed this firearm yet. I can't find it on search., if so, sorry. I love Beretta's (my old 92fs) but really want a small carry piece. The Glock 26 is smaller and lighter, so I have been leaning that way.... but I can't get over wanting this gun. Have you had any problems with concealment? It looks pretty fat and itsspecs are bigger than the G26. Any help would be appreciated.
I haven't finished my review on it yet. I really like it but I have to say I find myself carrying my Glock 26 more than that. I just got my laptop back from Dell on Friday and will hopefully be able to get a few product reviews out soon including this one.
PX4 Storm Subcompact First 250 rounds. Few problems - and a question.

Bought the 9mm gun a few weeks ago, and had the following experience:

First 50 rounds: FTFs - 2-3 per magazine. Used Blazer Brass and Federal ammo.
Next 100 rounds- Federal 115 grain and cheap generic ammo. - about 10 FTFs
Next 50 rounds were shot with American Eagle 124 grain - no problems at all. Unfortunately the ammo costs about 80% more than I'm ready to pay for range ammo.
Next 50 rounds - generic ammo - about 5 FTFs.

Another problem that bothers me is that (with all ammo except for the 124 grain) the slide fails to stay open after the last shot about 85% of the time. Also, when I load the chamber with safety/decocker in safe position (as the manual suggests) the slide doesn't return all the way forward - it stops about 1/8 in. short about 40% of the time.

Since it seems that some of the problems are improving I am hesitating with sending the gun back to Beretta, but in the same time I wonder if I should just send it and let them take care of it. The gun store clerk said that since there is nothing physically wrong with the gun, and since they will probably use +P ammo in Beretta when/if I send it they probably won't experience the same problems and send it back.
Does anyone have any experience with their customer service? Should I just send it back, or put some more rounds through it and see if my problems disappear?
I don't have any experience with their customer service, but... My Best friend uses one of these taser gun lookin thingies as his primary carry and he didn't have any FTF issues at all from day one. He's out about 600 rounds through it now and has been dumping range reloads through it.
Bought the 9mm gun a few weeks ago, and had the following experience:

First 50 rounds: FTFs - 2-3 per magazine. Used Blazer Brass and Federal ammo.

Another problem that bothers me is that (with all ammo except for the 124 grain) the slide fails to stay open after the last shot about 85% of the time. Also, when I load the chamber with safety/decocker in safe position (as the manual suggests) the slide doesn't return all the way forward - it stops about 1/8 in. short about 40% of the time.

The gun store clerk said that since there is nothing physically wrong with the gun, and since they will probably use +P ammo in Beretta when/if I send it they probably won't experience the same problems and send it back.
Does anyone have any experience with their customer service? Should I just send it back, or put some more rounds through it and see if my problems disappear?

Sorry, I don't own a Beretta - But I'm confused by the Gun Stores answer (other than it gets them to NOT send the gun back).. How is there "Nothing physically wrong" when the slide fails to return all the way forward..
This would appear to be the reason for your FTF's, buy the slide being back, the firing pin can't fully reach the primer..
This is a new gun.. I'd tell the gun shop to either fix it, or send it back.. The Gun is NOT reliable enough presently for any real protections, so unless it is JUST a range gun, I'd get it fixed ASAP.. (IMHO)
Put another 100 rounds through it, and got only 4 FTFs. Nevertheless, it's time to send it back to Beretta. It's really a disappointment - I wouldn't expect this from a $600 gun, especially since one of my main reasons for buying it was all the great reliability reviews that I came across.
Other than FTFs the gun shot great, was pretty accurate, with very manageable recoil (9 mm). Since it's pretty slick it's easy to carry, even though it weighs about 24 oz...
I'll try to give an update once i get the gun repaired.

Mine is having the exact same issues. I'm currently at 350 rounds. Please let me know how your experience with customer service goes as I am also considering sending mine back.
Px4 problems

I like the looks of this Beretta also, but I am troubled with a gun that does not operate properly out of the box. I fully expect someone to reply with the "gotta break it in" theory. And the +P idea does not work either. It would seem to me that a properly functioning autoloader should be able to accept a mixed load magazine without a hick up. I have a similar problem with my Springfield Ultra Compact. It can be finicky at times.
Just picked one up today. Sure hope I don't run into these problems. From my research, problems like these are fairly rare for this pistol.
Put another 100 rounds through it, and got only 4 FTFs. Nevertheless, it's time to send it back to Beretta. It's really a disappointment - I wouldn't expect this from a $600 gun, especially since one of my main reasons for buying it was all the great reliability reviews that I came across.
Other than FTFs the gun shot great, was pretty accurate, with very manageable recoil (9 mm). Since it's pretty slick it's easy to carry, even though it weighs about 24 oz...
I'll try to give an update once i get the gun repaired.

sorry to hear about your troubles there. I bought one of these right after they became available, and I love the hell out of this little gun. I have never had any problems with it with any ammo ive put through it, which was mostly junk. Sounds like you may need to send it back, but I dont know anything about berettas customer service. Once it starts running for you, you will be amazed at the groups this little thing will give you, I've had 1" groups at 20 yards off-hand with WWB.
But as I said, from my experience with the gun, you probably have something wrong with yours. GL
Put another 100 rounds through it, and got only 4 FTFs. Nevertheless, it's time to send it back to Beretta. It's really a disappointment - I wouldn't expect this from a $600 gun, especially since one of my main reasons for buying it was all the great reliability reviews that I came across.
Other than FTFs the gun shot great, was pretty accurate, with very manageable recoil (9 mm). Since it's pretty slick it's easy to carry, even though it weighs about 24 oz...
I'll try to give an update once i get the gun repaired.

Have you tried cleaning the mags/gun (get all that packing grease off)? Some people seem to think that packing grease is lube and its not, and Berettas are especially prone to failure when not properly cleaned.

I have several Berettas (including the full size PX4) and I know that not cleaning the NIB gun causes the problems you seem to be experiencing. As for the slide not going all the way fwd, I think you having the decocker/safety on is causing it. Are you 'slingshot' loading the gun, or are you hitting the slide release after inserting a full mag? I've found that if I load a fresh mag into the gun with the slide in battery, then slingshot the slide to chamber a round it doesn't bind up, but if I have the slide out of battery, load a mag THEN hit the slide release, sometimes it does the exact same thing when the decocker/safety is engaged. If the safety is not engaged it never happens.

Also, I noticed it happened more when the gun was brand spanking new, after around 500 rds it never happened again. I also never use the safety except to decock and when range rules require me to do so, and I never load it with the safety engaged.

Another thing to look at is make sure the mag springs are in there correctly, apparently some mag springs have been installed upside down/backwards... Even in factory mags.

As for it not liking all ammo, I'm not surprised. My full size PX4 was finicky, only liked AE ammo at first, but now it'll eat anything, including Blazer Brass and WWB. I don't shoot anything but BB, AE, Fiocchi and WWB for target though, so I'm not sure about any other ammo. SD ammo works 100%, but I don't shoot hundreds of rounds since its not a CCW gun.

If you are still having problems after detail cleaning the gun/mags and making sure the mag springs are installed correctly, send it back to Beretta since its under warranty. Berettas are known as good quality firearms, this isn't acceptable if everything else is 'ok' with the gun, IMO.
Just got my PX4 Storm 9mm subcompact and I am having the same problem

I will try cleaning it and see if that fixes it. Very dissapointing first day at the range. I am having the exact same problems as Lugar.

Just opened mine out of the box new today - ran 200 rounds of remington 9mm. first 3 magazines were great - no problems. Then on the fourth magazine a black plastic pin fell out of the top of the grip and into my left hand while I was shooting. Thankfully I caught it and pushed it back in. I pushed it in extra hard and it seemed to snap into place tighter than before. I loaded another magazine. Then it jammed twice. Then towards the end it started jamming after every few shots. I am going to clean it thoroughly and try again with some more expensive ammo. The manual does not say anything about cleaning it before using for the first time. I expect I will have to send this back to Beretta which really sucks because I am leaving the country in a few weeks and this is the last thing I want to deal with after spending 600 bucks on a new pistol.

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