Finally got my first 1911 and I am stoked!!!!!!


New member
It's a used Springfield Armory m1911 G.I. I went into the local firearms dealer and couldn't resist when I seen her. Crappy cell phone picture but it is all I have for right now.

It's a used Springfield Armory m1911 G.I. I went into the local firearms dealer and couldn't resist when I seen her. Crappy cell phone picture but it is all I have for right now.

You will not be unhappy... It is hard to believe that they got a new style gun (semi-auto) so right on the 1st design..
Congrats! I want one for my collection. I think any gun enthusiast ought to have at least one 1911 in their arsenal. I was ready to pull the trigger on a Sig GSR and something came up exepectedly and I had to back out. Attorney's will do that to you:mad: I am hoping that I will be in a position to buy one next month. I am looking at several full size 1911's besides the GSR; The Kimber Cutsom 2, the Kimber Custom Target 2, the Para Ordnance SSP (stainless) and the STI Trojan.
Glockster20, you can't go wrong with a Custom II if you want a no-BS 1911 with the basic "add ons" that people normally upgrade them with.

To the OP, congrats! I've turned into a 1911 freak ever since I got mine, and now I can't stay away! You will love it.
I too have just purchased my first 1911 and I am now a die hard fan!! Having previously only shot Double/single action pistols I found the single action trigger pull much more user friendly :) Now I want a compact for ccw:biggrin:
Congrats on the nice piece. It will serve you well. Say whatever you want about 1911's but when you're 100 years old it'll still be kicking out rounds like day one.

......and don't go putting them sissy pearl grips on it! .:biggrin:
Welcome to the 1911 Headbanger Family. Brings a tear to my eye. Kinda makes you want to stand up and put your hand over your heart. Shoot the hell out of it, train like you mean it, and carry it. I promise you this. You may find other guns, and put the 1911 down for a while so you can carry your Double Action Super Duper Doo-Dad Wonder Special, but sooner or later, you WILL come back to John Brownings beloved pistol. Have fun with it. I have a GI like that one. Put a couple of hundred rounds of FMJ through it before you carry it. Even though I like Corbon and Gold Dot ammo, my GI likes Hornady TAP 200 grainers. Very reliable with them and shoots them like a Match Pistol. Or if you like FMJ for defense (I have no problem with that) see if you can find some Hornady 230 grain FMJ Flat Point. I "KNOW" for a fact that this load works well on humanoid targets. It was also Jeff Coopers favorite "Service Load".
Mes0hemi I'm sorry I have to be the one to tell you this but you're going to have nothing but trouble with that gun. Soooo to save you the headache I'll go ahead and take it off your hands. :biggrin:

Congrats. I carry a 1911 and love it. You'll have a lot of fun shooting it. Enjoy.
Congratulations! Springfield is a great company. If you ever need their customer service you will agree with me!

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