You know what's funny, in a scary sort of way...
I'm no longer amazed at how literally 'dumb' the American public is anymore.
I'm certain many otherwise intelligent Americans would totally buy into the media's line of "questioning" and end up agreeing "YES! By golly we DO need to pass even more laws and blah blah blah..." completely ignorant to the existing laws already in place.
Similarly, I never take part in any "survey" that asks my opinion, but then insists my "opinion" fit into one of their pre-existing categories - because then it's not my opinion at all. Rather, it's "to what degree do you think like I want you to think?" .... or more accurately now in the post-BHO election era.... "to what degree does your gray matter still function, or shall we go ahead and make ALL your decisions for you?"
Surveys that begin with "what do you think about...?" and end with "A, B or C" as my choices tend to get a response of "I think you better get out of my face because my opinion isn't on your scripted list."
But that's just me. I DID just get official results in another thread that I'm old... so maybe cranky comes with the territory?
Where's my prune juice and cardigan anyway?...:lazy: