Family killed in TX


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Very sad. You just truly never know. Some of us who live in rural areas feel like these things aren't going to happen. You most have a way to defend yourselves. By the way, if you do not keep your doors locked, DO NOT announce it in a national article.

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How awful! I'm one in a rural area (we do lock our doors, by the way) and it's true we can get a little lax in thinking things like this couldn't possibly happen in our little town. I've often caught myself when the news has some shooting/robbery/crime thinking that I'm glad I live where it's safer, then have to remind myself that there are "bad guys" everywhere and every town has a road going to it and "bad guys" can drive, so we're only as safe as we make ourselves. Sad for this family and community.
How awful! I'm one in a rural area (we do lock our doors, by the way) and it's true we can get a little lax in thinking things like this couldn't possibly happen in our little town. I've often caught myself when the news has some shooting/robbery/crime thinking that I'm glad I live where it's safer, then have to remind myself that there are "bad guys" everywhere and every town has a road going to it and "bad guys" can drive, so we're only as safe as we make ourselves. Sad for this family and community.
My parents live in a small seculded area in Georgia. My step-dad doesn't lock the doors on his truck, but locks the house up like Knox. It makes NO sense considerin he leaves his carry weapon under the seat. Some people are just strange...
that's horrible... stupid kids. I always wonder how people can actually bring themselves to do such a thing. they should fry...
My friend Boris lives ina a more rural setting than I and often when we talk about what is going on all around he will say, "We live out in such and such a place". I always remind him that there are no truly safe places anymore just places that are dangerous and others that are more dangerous. You have to be careful not to get lulled into a false sense of security.
Criminals are very smart in a lot of things they do. I live near a recently opened expressway and crime jumped severely once they opened it. The crooks know to head to gun free zones, they know they can jump on the expressway and be anywhere in no time and they know rural people are far too trusting.

What sucks most is, they just keep getting smarter so it keeps getting worse.
I read that story last night...blew my mind. I'm sorry to say but it really goes to show that you can trust nobody.
Pretty tough to think that ones own flesh and blood would be involved in something this horrific. At 16, she's not a little kid anymore. I can't imagine her having to live with this, when she realizes what she's done.

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