Expect to see more reports like this.....

It's sad that we have a lot of anti-gun people out there. What's worse is that the "non-bias" :confused: media is beginning to take sides. What I found interesting were the comments made after the article. Many in the LE community are not against properly trained citizens having firearms. :yes4:


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Gun-Happy Crime Seen as Growing Trend

Posted: Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Updated: December 23rd, 2008 04:33 PM EDT

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The Miami Herald
via NewsEdge Corporation

MIAMI, Fla. -- Carlos Alvarado, armored-car guard: shot and killed during a two-man robbery Dec. 1 at Dadeland Mall.

Sunil Paul, Hess gas-station clerk: gunned down Nov. 25 over a gold necklace that wouldn't snap.

Kiem Huynh, Dunkin' Donuts customer: fatally shot in the back during a holdup Thanksgiving night.

And Thursday, Miami-Dade County police Officer Gustavo Hernandez: shot in the face while serving a search warrant. The bullet blew off part of his lower jaw, knocking out several teeth.

By themselves, those murders and other shootings may appear to be isolated South Florida crimes, a blip in a region where violence is too often routine.

But together, they are part of a troublesome and growing trend, according to law enforcement authorities. And statistics show that robberies and other violent crimes are on the rise.

"It clearly shows the caliber of criminals is getting more brazen, more violent," said John Rivera, president of Miami-Dade County's Police Benevolent Association, the police union.

From the region's top police officials to prosecutors and public defenders, there is growing unease about the shoot-first mind-set that has infected criminals in South Florida and across the nation.

"There seems to be an indiscriminate, callous disregard for human life that is shocking and stunning," said Public Defender Howard Finkelstein. "It's almost that they believe violence is a respectable way to resolve conflicts."

Their crimes make headlines and destroy lives. And in some instances, authorities say, it appears that the killing is just for killing's sake.

The root causes run the gamut from societal pressures -- both in the home and on the streets -- to a growing coarseness in pop culture, said Broward Sheriff's Office Lt. Col. Danny Wright, who has witnessed the changing dynamic first-hand.

Finkelstein thinks advancements in technology -- from text messaging to MySpace -- have changed the way people communicate. And it's not for the better.

"While a lot of patterns in crime are cyclical, I am gravely concerned that many of this generation have either lost -- or never had -- the ability to bond with fellow human beings," he said.

Finkelstein's office has been involved in defense of the five men who authorities say are behind last month's series of robberies at Broward and Palm Beach County Dunkin' Donuts shops.

The viciousness of the shootings shocked even the most veteran police, as the men behind the robberies were not content to just scare and steal.

Instead, they looked to "up their body count," as one suspect put it -- indiscriminately shooting defenseless, prone customers on their way out. Thus far, police say they have attributed at least two killings to robbers' murderous whim. Four other people were injured.

True, South Florida has seen periods of extreme violence -- the Cocaine Cowboys in the 1980s, for example -- but that rage of violence was largely a means to a criminal end.


What is going on now is different, BSO Sheriff Al Lamberti insists.

"[Prison] is not a deterrent anymore," Lamberti said. 'These [Dunkin' Donuts robbers] weren't upset because they couldn't pay their rent or their 401(k)s went down. These are just cold-blooded thugs."

While law enforcement senses an escalation, precise data on violent crime are mixed.

Murders in Broward this year have declined from last year, while they are up 8 percent in Miami-Dade, according to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. But robbery is up 13 percent over the last three years in Broward, and up 11 percent in Miami-Dade.

Like Lamberti, Miami Police Chief John Timoney has noticed a change in the criminal mind-set. Timoney blames the trend on the proliferation of assault weapons on the streets.

Whether people with homicidal tendencies seek out such firepower or the weapons trigger an aggressive response in those who hold them, Timoney said the constant factor is AK-47-style weapons, which he would like to see banned.

"These are weapons of war," Timoney said. "They have nothing to do with protection."

The change in culture is also due in part to the growth in gang activity in this area.

Recently, the Los Angeles-based Crips and Bloods have tried to gain a foothold in Broward and Miami-Dade, according to the FBI. James Herard -- the alleged self-confessed gunman behind the Dunkin' Donuts robberies -- and his cohorts are all Crips, authorities believe.

In response, the FBI's Miami field office has recently increased its number of gang squads from one to three.


When asked what is most troublesome about the area's rash of gang crime, FBI Supervisory Special Agent Kevin O'Rourke said simply: "The vastness."

"The violent-gang criminal activity knows no territorial, racial, ethnic or cultural boundaries and affects all the citizens of South Florida," he said.

In Opa-locka, police recently arrested nearly three dozen members of two gangs said to be responsible for a flood of drugs and violence. Authorities also nabbed 40 guns in the raid.

Like the FBI, local police are adapting to the times.

BSO and Fort Lauderdale police both have bulked up their street crime units, the nitty-gritty police who tackle crimes in progress, drug enforcement, burglaries, thefts and prostitution.

But every time police officers adapt, they inadvertently provide criminals with new information about how police do their job.

The thieves who hit the armored truck at Dadeland did so despite the presence of Grinch Busters, Miami-Dade police who patrol shopping centers during the holiday season. Grinch Busters were on duty the day Alvarado was killed, and they were among the first to respond to the shooting.

On the streets, crack dealers once kept dozens of hits in their pockets; now they know that they need to hide them from narcotics agents.

Killers once used 9mm handguns. Now they fire off rounds with AK-47s.

Ultimately, the escalation could reach a breaking point, leaving people afraid that even a trip to a coffee shop could cost them their lives.

Miami Herald, The -- 12/23/08
"There seems to be an indiscriminate, callous disregard for human life that is shocking and stunning," said Public Defender Howard Finkelstein. "It's almost that they believe violence is a respectable way to resolve conflicts."

Their crimes make headlines and destroy lives. And in some instances, authorities say, it appears that the killing is just for killing's sake.

"[Prison] is not a deterrent anymore," Lamberti said. 'These [Dunkin' Donuts robbers] weren't upset because they couldn't pay their rent or their 401(k)s went down. These are just cold-blooded thugs."

And some still wonder why we would want to be armed.
GF, Thank You
HK, +1
What bothers me is that total lack of repect these "People" have for others as well as themselves. The lack of fear of repercussions or consequences just blows my mind. What's the answer? Prohibition won't work,We tried that with the 18th Amendment. Some how we have to get back to the basics of the family. Somehow we must teach our youth.
"It clearly shows the caliber of criminals is getting more brazen, more violent,"

All the more reason for honest, hard working people who register they're weapons to be armed.
In the local news a few days ago: Orlando has posted a new record for the number of murders in 2008 - and the year isn't even over yet! I think Central Florida is feeling left out...Miami gets all the news. Let's not let S. Fla. get ahead of us.

I moved up to Deltona to get away from the increasing crime in the Dade/Broward area. I lived there for 58 years, was born and raised in the Ft. Lauderdale area. And now it seems the criminals have also decided to relocate. We actually have a gang problem in Deltona. Had a home invasion a few days ago - and one of the BGs was shot in the groin by one of the victims.

And people actually have the ignorance to ask why anyone would need a carry permit. As the first item on that list posted elsewhere, I do not carry a gun because I want to kill people. I carry because I do not want to be killed.
Human nature is changing and I choose to notice while others play ostrich (putting their heads in the sand). Even my wife who is a staunch anti gunner feels the threat of crimanl acitivity, even in our rural area. I will always protect myself and family at any cost. :cool:

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