Excellent LEO video debunking rifle myths


Titles are un-American.
This is a great educational video done by a police officer that demonstrates the difference between automatic and semi-auto rifles and attempts to throw out some of the ridiculous ideas promulgated by the media.

I thought the part where he replaced the stock and added a heat shield and a bipod for a more aggressive look was particularly telling.
This is a great video. How ever let’s face it the truth dose not sell papers, so like the training officer said the use of key words. The paper is all about selling papers and making money. The truth will take a hit very time.
This is a great video. How ever let’s face it the truth dose not sell papers, so like the training officer said the use of key words. The paper is all about selling papers and making money. The truth will take a hit very time.

Even more than their desire to make money and sell papers is to further their agenda of disarming American citizens. Tell a lie often enough and the sheeple will believe it is true.
Very good video. I live in one of the states that still bans "assault weapons". So I can have my Ruger Mini-Thirty with the wooden stock but if a change it, it then becomes a banned weapon. Of course there is still the question as to if I change the look of it now being that I bought it pre-ban will the weapon be legal or not? My hope is since the Supreme Court decision, the states that still have "assault weapons" bans will be challenged and overturned.
Maybe someone should try showing that video to Sarah Brady. Her website likes to claim that semi automatic "assault rifles," which are functionally no different from semiautomatic handguns, should be banned because they fire a lot of rounds in rapid succession, and, get this, can be spray fired from the hip. Gee, I guess she's saying that firing from the shoulder is a better way for criminals to kill than spray firing from the hip.

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