Ever think you'd see this in America???


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The emergency polulation of all his internment camps for the sake of "national security" could easily be 'spun' to show the brain-deep sheeple that their internet communication must be closely 'monitored' for their own safety.

And NO - I can't believe in a handful of short years our American culture has deteriorated into this... I never would have imagined THIS was how Americans would permit themselves to be hi-jacked.

If this present prevailing mindset and heart attitude existed back in 1950, there would have been no 'cold war' and we'd all be speaking some dialect of Russian, Chinese or Cuban Spanish right now... I just can't believe any one in America thinks this bHo guy is tolerable.

The screaming rate of downhill speed to the Oligarchy that is being forced on us is total b.s. and is not acceptable in any way. The Annointed One is doing everything he can to cut off any communication disseminated that show's what he is really doing.

He has surrounded himself with radicals, socialists, marxists and communists that report to him and only him, cutting off all checks and balances that Congress is there, in part, for.

Glenn Beck summed it up in an outstanding manner this past week and America will never be what it once was, do not miss this. If you did, see the recap here. He has pulled the facts together and defined the questions we must ask, but haven't gotten any answers to, perfectly.
I believed that what we have seen and more was possible because as a Christian much of what is happening appears to be the fulfillment of prophesy. Also the desire to move the whole world together under a one world government is something that has been in the works longer that any of us has been alive. Still it is happening at an alarming rate before our eyes and has accelerated exceptionally under the Obamanation.
I believed that what we have seen and more was possible because as a Christian much of what is happening appears to be the fulfillment of prophesy. Also the desire to move the whole world together under a one world government is something that has been in the works longer that any of us has been alive. Still it is happening at an alarming rate before our eyes and has accelerated exceptionally under the Obamanation.

+1 to everything you said HK. It was always in the cards. I just didn't know how incredibly fast they'd be dealt. But, that was never ours to know.
i thought that i'd never live to see things in our country get this bad, is this what i spent 13yrs. in the army for and ruined my health for? when will this country wake up and get back to the principals that this country was founded? i say let's through all the bum's out and start fresh and make it so politicians can serve only 1 term so big money and pacs. can't control this country?:mad::mad:

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