Entry level sniper rifle...

For real gunther37 chill out or get out. We are all here to help each other. Not talk about what you have going on in your sick mind. The 700 is a great rifle i picked one up from walamrt after shooting a friends. never did get to shoot mine lol. Still a great rifle.

i attended and passed marine scout sniper school back in 96
the whole time we were in the school we were earning the title sniper............so its a sore spot with me......and other 8541's when people just assume the title........

but.........im in the wrong because civillians go by the dictionary meaning..........

sorry about that...............shoot on
so has anyone on here accuracy tested a 700 varmint tac riflle yet if so how did it perform. im looking hard at getting one soon. being people get a bit nervous when you pull out a M1A to shoot a groundhog or a deer. somehow they thinks its overkill i guess:sarcastic:
kimber, go to Yahoo search and put in 6.5 by 284. About 1/3 of the way down click on 6.5 by 284 Wikipedia. lol...They can explain it better that I can. It does say that they shot a 1 1/2 inch group at 1000 yards with it. Now that is shooting!
i attended and passed marine scout sniper school back in 96
the whole time we were in the school we were earning the title sniper............so its a sore spot with me......and other 8541's when people just assume the title........

but.........im in the wrong because civillians go by the dictionary meaning..........

sorry about that...............shoot on

Hey Gunther, while we will always be Marines, we stopped being 8541's, 0311's, 5711's or any other MOS on the day we ended our enlistment. Your current MOS is CIVIE, and civies don't have snipers. I respect your training and experience, but you aren't a sniper anymore.
Got to admit, I'm kind of in the middle here, but I am a tad more on gunthers side. Sniper is a title that is earned. The job of a sniper is to engage enemy personnel not just paper targets and animals. It is a fine point but a legitimate one. Law Enforcement and the military have snipers. Now, I still think of myself as a Scout Sniper, just not a current one. I am a Marine, just not a current one. I am a Marine Infantryman, just not a current one. Wolf, you do prove his point in your post. Civs dont have snipers, and so, do not have sniper rifles.

There are too many times where the press uses terms like “sniper” as well as others. How many times do we see major mistakes made about different types of fire arms in the press? I know it bothers me, because ignorance breeds ignorance. Now, I am not calling anyone here ignorant, but attention to details, IMHO, is important here. We may know what you were talking about, but some will not.

That being said.................. Remington has some great Bang sticks. I have a Rem 700 and it drives nails. Good luck!
Got to admit, I'm kind of in the middle here, but I am a tad more on gunthers side. Sniper is a title that is earned. The job of a sniper is to engage enemy personnel not just paper targets and animals. It is a fine point but a legitimate one. Law Enforcement and the military have snipers. Now, I still think of myself as a Scout Sniper, just not a current one. I am a Marine, just not a current one. I am a Marine Infantryman, just not a current one. Wolf, you do prove his point in your post. Civs dont have snipers, and so, do not have sniper rifles.

There are too many times where the press uses terms like “sniper” as well as others. How many times do we see major mistakes made about different types of fire arms in the press? I know it bothers me, because ignorance breeds ignorance. Now, I am not calling anyone here ignorant, but attention to details, IMHO, is important here. We may know what you were talking about, but some will not.

That being said.................. Remington has some great Bang sticks. I have a Rem 700 and it drives nails. Good luck!

well said.......... and they do make a fine rifle.
Here is my take on the subject for what it is worth, and I understand it might not be much. Most of us here pretty much believe in being ready for what ever life sends our way.
For what ever tomorrow brings. Some may envision an intruder in our home as the worst case scenario. Others an active shooter in a public setting. I think a lot of us also understand that someday we could face something a lot worse. We could be faced with the possibility of a threat to our constitution, our liberties, our way of life. Be it foreign or domestic our founding fathers new that was possible and that is why we have the 2ND amendment. It was not written to protect our right to hunt. I hope it never comes to that but if and when it does we will need all the tools and ability we have to protect our family, and country. It could be very valuable to be able to shoot accurately at long range. Having a good rifle and the practice to do that will come in handy. So call it what you want. If you like the term "long range tactical rifle" better than "sniper rifle" so be it. One thing I know, if that time ever comes no one will care if we are an "official military trained sniper or not. Semantics will not matter. The only thing that will matter is can you hit your target.
class "f" TARGET RIFLE

Got to admit, I'm kind of in the middle here, but I am a tad more on gunthers side. Sniper is a title that is earned. The job of a sniper is to engage enemy personnel not just paper targets and animals. It is a fine point but a legitimate one. Law Enforcement and the military have snipers. Now, I still think of myself as a Scout Sniper, just not a current one. I am a Marine, just not a current one. I am a Marine Infantryman, just not a current one. Wolf, you do prove his point in your post. Civs dont have snipers, and so, do not have sniper rifles.

There are too many times where the press uses terms like “sniper” as well as others. How many times do we see major mistakes made about different types of fire arms in the press? I know it bothers me, because ignorance breeds ignorance. Now, I am not calling anyone here ignorant, but attention to details, IMHO, is important here. We may know what you were talking about, but some will not.

That being said.................. Remington has some great Bang sticks. I have a Rem 700 and it drives nails. Good luck!

I have a class "F" target rifle. It is a scoped bull barrel weapon designed to be fired prone supported*(bipod)*
It is often referred to as the Sniper division in shooting competition but very few of the participants are actually snipers. Most of us are lazy target shooters that like an inherently accurate rifle with a potential tactical application. (busting down dogs or elimnating the heinous prairie dog contingent is as good as it gets)
Leave the sniping to the proffessionals. That is why the sub MOA club is named as such it is not the sniper club or the benchrest club. There is no law against owning such a rifle and certainly no crime in wanting an accurate rifle. I do have a problem with folks claiming to be or do something they are not awarded.
I have shot a 1000 yd match. I have taught others how to be a better shooter. I have served over 20 years in the military. I have not ever been to scout sniper school nor have I been labeled sniper.

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Here is an excerpt from my last EPR in the USAF
Having a "sniper" type rifle will not make anyone a "sniper" so those who have "earned" the title can feel safe.

However worrying about what it is called by some dudes on the internet is a little silly. Kind of like the small group of military folks who don't think civilians should wear be able to where camo "...cause they haven't earned it"

As for the rifle I would like to buy a 700 or a Savage in .308. The Savage seems to be maybe a better performance to cost ratio.
Having a "sniper" type rifle will not make anyone a "sniper" so those who have "earned" the title can feel safe.

However worrying about what it is called by some dudes on the internet is a little silly. Kind of like the small group of military folks who don't think civilians should wear be able to where camo "...cause they haven't earned it"

As for the rifle I would like to buy a 700 or a Savage in .308. The Savage seems to be maybe a better performance to cost ratio.

they make all types of camo. but a mossy oak deer hunter converting to marpat digital is a little wannabe for my taste
I am probably going to catch a lot of slack for this one, but this is what I have and it is quite good.

Remington 710 in the 7MM Mag.

The main thing that I didnt like about it was that it was grey. But with a little krylon fusion, matte clear coat, and some imagination it is quite impressive.

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