England's Call to Repeal Our Declaration of Independence


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After bailing them out of two world wars perhaps it is time to tell them to take a flying leap.


England's Call to Repeal Our Declaration of Independence

by Phyllis Schlafly April 30, 2008

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Gordon Brown's speech in America, April 18th 2008

part 1

part 2

It's a good thing that British Prime Minister Gordon Brown's U.S. visit was upstaged by the dramatic reception Americans gave Pope Benedict XVI. Brown might have been booed if he hadn't delivered what aides called his "signature" speech within the cloistered walls of Harvard's Kennedy Center.
Brown's tedious, hour-long speech impudently demanded that we issue a "Declaration of Interdependence" in order to submit to global governance. That's another way of calling on us to repeal our Declaration of Independence.

No thanks for the advice, Mr. Brown. Brave Americans rose up and rejected Britain's royalist rule in 1776, and we've gotten along mighty well without transatlantic interference in our government for more than two centuries. We certainly don't want to reinstate any foreign supervision today.

The redundancy of Brown's outrageous semantics was oppressive. His speech used the word global 69 times, globalization 7 times, and interdependence 13 times. He referred to Kennedy 19 times, lavishing fulsome praise on John F. ("his influence abides everywhere"), Robert (he sent forth "ripples of hope"), and Ted ("one of the greatest Senators in more than two centuries").

Brown rejected the traditional concept of national sovereignty, which means an independent nation not subservient to any outside control, telling us to replace it with "responsible sovereignty," which he defined as accepting what he calls our global "obligations." Hold on to your pocketbook.

Brown admitted that his "main argument" is that we must accept "new global rules," "new global institutions," and "global networks." Brown's global rules include massive U.S. cash handouts and opening U.S. borders to the world.

Brown's use of well-known American political phrases was tacky. He tried to morph FDR's New Deal into a "New Global Deal," and JFK's New Frontier into "the New Frontier is that there is no frontier."

Brown even slipped in an attempt at thought control: "Americans must learn to think inter-continentally." He declaimed, "We are all internationalists now."

Using the rhetorical device of inevitability, Brown warned us that his vision of the globalist future is "irreversible transformation." He wants to "transcend states" and "transcend borders" as he builds the "architecture of a global society."

Brown peddled the nonsense that the peoples of the world "subscribe to similar ideals." He tried to tell us that all religions (Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs and Buddhists) have "common values" and "similar ideals." No, they certainly do not.

Brown wants to increase the power of the United Nations to become the source of "an international stand-by capacity of trained civilian experts, ready to go anywhere at any time," and even be able to exercise "military force." Americans do not intend to cede such authority to the corrupt UN.

The silliest part of Brown's ponderous speech was his claim that "a global society" is "advancing democracy widely across the world." In fact, he doesn't even practice democracy in his own country.

Brown refused to allow the British people to vote on whether or not they want to accept the European Union (EU) constitution. He acquiesced in the plot of the constitution's author, Valery Giscard d'Estaing, to put the EU constitution into effect by calling it a treaty so it did not have to be voted on by the people.

Brown was chicken about the treaty subterfuge and did not permit a photographic record of his participation. He sent his Foreign Secretary to perform the official treaty signing in front of cameras.

The EU constitution, now called the Treaty of Lisbon, requires all signers to surrender their sovereignty and democracy to unelected bureaucrats in Brussels and judges in Strasbourg. The EU constitution takes away England's right to pass its own laws, forces England to surrender more than 60 UK vetoes of EU decisions, and gives the EU bureaucracy and tribunals total control over England's immigration policy.

Instead of a self-governing nation whose democratic system was developed over centuries, England is now ruled by what Margaret Thatcher called "the paper pushers in Brussels."

Brown made his globalism speech emphatic by repeatedly invoking the words "New World Order." The New World Order Brown tries to con the United States into accepting would mean taxing Americans for foreign handouts so immense they would make the Marshall Plan look puny, global warming rules to drastically reduce our standard of living, and putting American workers in a common labor pool with the world's billions who subsist on less than $2 a day.

Gordon Brown invited us to march forward to globalism "where there is no path." He's correct that there is no path on which we can expect globalism to lead us to a better world; in fact every path toward global government is a surrender of our liberty and our prosperity.

Gordon Brown should go back home and study up on how Americans refused to accept orders from King George III.

Further Reading:
Quick Topic:

North American Union

Global Governance/United Nations

Read previous Phyllis Schlafly columns
It is time to demonstrate resolve

This Republic should cry out against this as we have been successful for over 200 years. Two wars with England and two wars as England's ally. If they want to repeal it from their records...fine. That is their counrty, their right. If they want to come here and repeal it from us, They better be prepared to lose a lot of ships and aircraft. There will be no need for the Army to get involved. The sportsmen can handle it nicely. If we spin it properly, we could even turn a pretty penny on the whole affair when we take all of the formerly British colonies around the world and sell them for the resort properties that they are.:viking:
:wacko:Thankfully Brown will not long be an important part of British politics. Unfortunately, the 'inevitability' he speaks of is the islamization and radicalization of Europe. The EU will be transformed into the new Caliphate before long.

We need to increase our diligence to resist all erosion of our rights--not embrace them.

(has he looked at teddy's voting record? does he have a clue about individual American attitudes rather than the NYTimes towards phrases like 'new world order' 'globalization' has anyone noticed how tired the public in the US is getting of this:Poep:)

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You want our Declaration of Independance England? Come take it from us.
You're gonna need alot of Brit's packing big guns though! :icon_finger:
Well C.L., I now see the reason for your affinity for colored fonts! Interesting point of view. I never realized that you're not a natural-born citizen. I also find it quite respectable that you, as a naturalized citizen, have served more time in the U.S. armed forces than any 3 natural born citizens. Thank you, sir.

And I'm just busting your chops about being an ex-Brit. Keep up the good posts. They're ALWAYS good to read.
British Gossip or just B.S. :-)

Thank you Pascal,
A recent study in the Greater London area showed that only one 10 y/o child in any school of over 200 in the inner east-end boroughs of 3 VERY rough areas of Londonistan, including the slums of Brixton and Hackney spoke English as their [at home] first language. Just thought I'd throw that in there in case USA Carry patron 'rdoggsilva' wants to send me any 'fan mail' ([email protected]) about my feelings on how that happened, and why I am posting this thru a US server not British Telecom.com/btinternet.com .
I also find it worthy of note that as GWB sat in a classroom listening to the kids on the morning of 9/11 he had to be warned TWICE by his aids that the WTC had sustained a hit from an aircraft, he listened on, facial expression still peaceful, then another aid almost yanked him away to inform him of the second hit, at that time a flash alert message was sent to MI5 and MI6 plus the Ministry of Defence in Great Britain placing ALL their armed services on alert to come to our aid in those first horrible hours as no one knew if it was just 4 hijacks with one gone wrong, or an all out coordinated and sustained attack on the United States of America. RN subs entered launch codes and the RAF was scrambled before ours was! How I know that, I have British military M8's who were doing just that and they told me about it in the weeks/months that followed. We may have saved the Limeys from Adolf H., but name me one other nation who reacted faster than our own president could leave a classroom and arrive at the White House to address a shocked American public, 3 days later I think it was, to come to our military aid if we needed it within hours of the twin towers falling.
No I am not saying I prefer the British way of anything over the American dream I made come true for myself, but even to this day in Iraq (one of our presidents other slight over-reactions about them ALL being a-Q and stocked with enough WMD's to wipe out the USA) or Afghanistan, the logical knee-jerk U.S. retaliation against the 'Talli-Tubbies' who sheltered Bin-Dick-Wad; the SAS and SBS and a few members of the Royal Gurkha Regiment special ops unit beat our Deltas and U.S. special ops to feet on the ground in the 'Stan, supplying the inbound U.S. commandos and our intel services with critical G2 on time on target and ID-FF real-time satellite telemetry and HUMINT. On 7/7 my best M8's wife was in London for some training, she was running late, she missed catching a bus, cussing she would be late for an important meeting, she watched in shock as that double-decker she almost jumped onto exploded right in front of her, peppering her pretty mid-40's face with glass and blood! Had that day caused more casualties I can tell you that an aging Soviet nuke the Brits just happen to have hanging around from a cold-war double deal when the Berlin wall came down would have been detonated over the 2-hour old sighting of ObL the Brit spooks were tracking and he even had his own satellite tracking his every move 24/7 made in the U.K. of course for independent action/termination that would have had no blow-back repercussions on the U.S.A. as the powers that be in Thames House and Downing Street did not want the Yanks to be blamed for the deaths of millions of indo-paki/afghan persons/collateral just to de-cap a-Q, knowing 'the cell' had already moved it's best trained #2 CCC assets to several other safe nations just in case the U.S. went Hiroshima on Obi-Wan-Laden who had fled the Stan by the time our forces reached Kabul. Give it 10 or 15 years and that tad of truth will surface in a factual book not a London tabloid. Until then Princess Di DID die an accidental death in a tunnel in France c/o a drunk chafferer and some over-enthusiastic paparazzi, and the average Brit 'better' believe that the mother to # 3 in line to the crown was not going to be used as an asset/intel leak by the Saudi royals in their game of poli-oil-poker and probably was the dirty work of the 'licenesed to terminate with extreme prejudice 'department' of the MIce, as the CIA 'affectionately' calls them. So next time you look around at who is grateful that they are not all speaking German, just say 'Hi' to any visiting Brit who you may run into, they are a friendly bunch, they love to booze it up and boast about anything, but they generally do not forget the HUGE debt of gratitude they owe your fore-fathers for being as was called: 'Over here, over paid and over sexed!' as many a pretty young sexy British rose was swiped from our English babe population, married to the G.I. of their dreams and now living out their golden years in our population. Right here in Spokane I personally know about a dozen nice old ladies who came home with their G.I.-Joe, U.S.A.F., USN and USMC husbands. And a few of them have finally worked out which side of the road us Yanks drive on, it ain't a bonnet, it's a hood, gas not petrol ($12 a gallon!) and they prefer life here to living off around $500 a month old age pension they'd get back in jolly olde G.B.!

Canis-Lupus :mp230603214546Murde
morning of 9/11

Thank you Pascal,
A recent study in the Greater London area showed that only one 10 y/o child in any school of over 200 in the inner east-end boroughs of 3 VERY rough areas of Londonistan, including the slums of Brixton and Hackney spoke English as their [at home] first language. Just thought I'd throw that in there in case USA Carry patron 'rdoggsilva' wants to send me any 'fan mail' ([email protected]) about my feelings on how that happened, and why I am posting this thru a US server not British Telecom.com/btinternet.com .
I also find it worthy of note that as GWB sat in a classroom listening to the kids on the morning of 9/11 he had to be warned TWICE by his aids that the WTC had sustained a hit from an aircraft, he listened on, facial expression still peaceful, then another aid almost yanked him away to inform him of the second hit, at that time a flash alert message was sent to MI5 and MI6 plus the Ministry of Defence in Great Britain placing ALL their armed services on alert to come to our aid in those first horrible hours as no one knew if it was just 4 hijacks with one gone wrong, or an all out coordinated and sustained attack on the United States of America. RN subs entered launch codes and the RAF was scrambled before ours was! How I know that, I have British military M8's who were doing just that and they told me about it in the weeks/months that followed. We may have saved the Limeys from Adolf H., but name me one other nation who reacted faster than our own president could leave a classroom and arrive at the White House to address a shocked American public, 3 days later I think it was, to come to our military aid if we needed it within hours of the twin towers falling.
No I am not saying I prefer the British way of anything over the American dream I made come true for myself, but even to this day in Iraq (one of our presidents other slight over-reactions about them ALL being a-Q and stocked with enough WMD's to wipe out the USA) or Afghanistan, the logical knee-jerk U.S. retaliation against the 'Talli-Tubbies' who sheltered Bin-Dick-Wad; the SAS and SBS and a few members of the Royal Gurkha Regiment special ops unit beat our Deltas and U.S. special ops to feet on the ground in the 'Stan, supplying the inbound U.S. commandos and our intel services with critical G2 on time on target and ID-FF real-time satellite telemetry and HUMINT. On 7/7 my best M8's wife was in London for some training, she was running late, she missed catching a bus, cussing she would be late for an important meeting, she watched in shock as that double-decker she almost jumped onto exploded right in front of her, peppering her pretty mid-40's face with glass and blood! Had that day caused more casualties I can tell you that an aging Soviet nuke the Brits just happen to have hanging around from a cold-war double deal when the Berlin wall came down would have been detonated over the 2-hour old sighting of ObL the Brit spooks were tracking and he even had his own satellite tracking his every move 24/7 made in the U.K. of course for independent action/termination that would have had no blow-back repercussions on the U.S.A. as the powers that be in Thames House and Downing Street did not want the Yanks to be blamed for the deaths of millions of indo-paki/afghan persons/collateral just to de-cap a-Q, knowing 'the cell' had already moved it's best trained #2 CCC assets to several other safe nations just in case the U.S. went Hiroshima on Obi-Wan-Laden who had fled the Stan by the time our forces reached Kabul. Give it 10 or 15 years and that tad of truth will surface in a factual book not a London tabloid. Until then Princess Di DID die an accidental death in a tunnel in France c/o a drunk chafferer and some over-enthusiastic paparazzi, and the average Brit 'better' believe that the mother to # 3 in line to the crown was not going to be used as an asset/intel leak by the Saudi royals in their game of poli-oil-poker and probably was the dirty work of the 'licenesed to terminate with extreme prejudice 'department' of the MIce, as the CIA 'affectionately' calls them. So next time you look around at who is grateful that they are not all speaking German, just say 'Hi' to any visiting Brit who you may run into, they are a friendly bunch, they love to booze it up and boast about anything, but they generally do not forget the HUGE debt of gratitude they owe your fore-fathers for being as was called: 'Over here, over paid and over sexed!' as many a pretty young sexy British rose was swiped from our English babe population, married to the G.I. of their dreams and now living out their golden years in our population. Right here in Spokane I personally know about a dozen nice old ladies who came home with their G.I.-Joe, U.S.A.F., USN and USMC husbands. And a few of them have finally worked out which side of the road us Yanks drive on, it ain't a bonnet, it's a hood, gas not petrol ($12 a gallon!) and they prefer life here to living off around $500 a month old age pension they'd get back in jolly olde G.B.!

Canis-Lupus :mp230603214546Murde

I also find it worthy of note that as GWB sat in a classroom listening to the kids on the morning of 9/11 he had to be warned TWICE by his aids that the WTC had sustained a hit from an aircraft, he listened on, facial expression still peaceful, then another aid almost yanked him away to inform him of the second hit,

Did it take take that long to sink in or was he just not supprised?
We need to remind Gordon that we settled this issue already.

]We beat you Brits in 1776[/COLOR][/B]!" Just how many of you can trace your lineage back to those days ,

I can , they didn't 'chuck tea' ,but they sure chucked some lead. My 10th great grandfather came over from Scotland in 1743. He was too old to fight but his 3 sons did. Some of that family branch fought under what would become another of our families forefathers (after several of our boys married into the Cleveland family). Benjamin Cleveland (1738–1806) was an American pioneer and soldier in North Carolina. He is best remembered for his service as a colonel in the North Carolina militia during the Revolutionary War, and in particular for his role in the American victory at the Battle of Kings Mountain in 1780 .Our family has sent sons into every major war to this very day. My grandfather fought in France 1918 and my dad 'toured' Europe serving as a gunner in the 717th tank Bat/att to the 79th Infantry in Europe;
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Dad very much admired the British (but never had much good to say for the French).

Thank you for your service to our country sir. It is much appreciated
brits are ok...

yeah, the brits have always been there. it seems that i remember the Royal Navy sent surface ships to patrol american waters and to help defend the waterways off our coasts till we figured out WTF. and PM Blair's address to a joint session of cngress while the nation was in mourning and shocked by the nonsense of it all. i need to get a copy of that speech, but i remember him telling congress and the american people that " we were with you in the begining adwe shall be with you until the end". i remember that because everytime someting happenend somewhere, some kind of disaster, america trid to help those who could not and now we were attacked by a bunch of morons. who stepped up to the plate? well, alot of people did. including the british goverment and her people. i did notice the conspicuious absence of the french and the germans..... as far PM Brown's comments about The Declaration of Indepedence...... that matter has been settled. I AM A AMERICAN AND A TEXAN. I AM NOT , NOR WILL I EVER SUCCUMB TO GLOBALISM AND I WILL RESIST IT IN EVERY WAY THAT I CAN .
How soon they forget...

..... as far PM Brown's comments about The Declaration of Indepedence...... that matter has been settled. I AM A AMERICAN AND A TEXAN. I AM NOT , NOR WILL I EVER SUCCUMB TO GLOBALISM AND I WILL RESIST IT IN EVERY WAY THAT I CAN .

And then Toreskha said, "We need to remind Gordon that we settled this issue already."

Hey Boris!
I like your Texas attitude.
Don't these guys remember the last can of whupass soup that we opened on them almost 250 years ago?
Wasnt that about the time when they came over here so prim and proper and marched in a straight line while a group of rag-tag farmers with muskets hid behind trees, rocks and hills and picked 'em off one-by-one.
Well, today us us rag-tag farmers are better equipped, and can hide better, too.:icon_biggrin:
later - Sam
Canis-Lupus,I agree with you.And I thank you for your service to our country.And I thank you for reminding us of some important history.I am reminded of an old saying,"those who do not study the mistakes of history are doomed to repeat them."
That being said,I say F**K Brown!
We like being independant.
Lone-Star takes on Lime green pommies?

Hmm, Samurai,
The name given to the feudal fighting class of the Shogun's military, and a way of life both chivalrous and brutal; lotus blossoms and harikari for dishonor, very Jap-attack handle for a good old Texas lad!
Bushido, literally meaning "Way of the Warrior"; the Samurai code of honor. Ironic that when the gun hit the Samurai culture of swords and bows it was deemed cowardly and dishonorable to even engage an enemy with such a crude weapon that didn't really come into it's own until the Japs went up against enemies like Russia and China who had no problems sending master swordsmen to their graves in-masse from a safe distance, and enlisted the help of the U.S. Army (and others) to help train the Imperial Army into which end went bang! I chose the more lowly survivor instincts and hunting skill of the creature that still hunts in the American wilderness to this day, and liked the scientific spin not the (sounds tough) 'Timber Wolf' :Image3: nom-de-guerre for this place, on USENET I'm 'Loner' which also fits into my life story somewhere. Nothing but handles but most say something of how you view yourself, or a nick-names others give you that stick, like famous Brit rocker Sting, born Gordon Matthew Sumner received the nickname Sting while a member of The Phoenix Jazzmen. Everyone in the band had a nickname. One day he came to a rehearsal in a striped yellow & black soccer sweater and the trombone player, Gordon Solomon, remarked that Sting looked like a bee. This led to him being called Sting, like anyone cares. I did some active duty military time in Texas, Ft. Sam Houston (the heart of MEDCOM) and Ft. Bliss, and I had my metal tested training in one of the crappiest shit-holes in America, bug-infested, hot and humid 12,000 acres just off Interstate Highway 10 called Camp Bullis, 'Camp Bull-Shit' for most who ever pitched a pup-tent over a nest of fire-ants. So I formed some opinions about the Lone Star state, got 3 or 4 good M8's living down there and left some great (pre-marital) memories along the river-walk in S.A. Now most good Texans remember the Alamo as a victory of sorts, a symbol for sure, well for Sam Houston the pay-back was fitting to Santa Ana, when he finally caught up with him. Tens of thousands of the newly formed state of Texas citizens wore gray [not the blue] during America's bloodiest conflict in it's warring history. In the early eighteen-thirties, the territory of Texas belonged to Mexico. Now they want a wall to keep those same Mexicans out, what would Wal-Mart do without cheap labor? Many Americans had moved to Texas, because they could buy a lot of land with little money. 28th state of these United States, admission to the Union on December 29, 1845. Less than 5 years later they chose sides and when the first mortar rounds hit Fort Sumter that leads me to my memories of my London school days when we were taught that owning slaves was a bad thing to do, even if our 'enlightenment' that no man shall be owned by another was relatively new when the British Parliament passed the Slavery Abolition Act in 1833, but we all know the American Civil War wasn't really about freeing the Negro :nietblij: who still had limited rights when our first troops landed in 'Nam in plenty of these United States!
Link Removed That's the facts I was learning long before I ever left Britannia.
The Brits did lend much more than kind words of support to the losing side in that 4 year rumble, and this link is worth a read. I wish I were in Dixie, hurray...hoorah! :love2:
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If you plan on going to live in another country, it really helps if you learn a small bit about what made that nation more desirable than the the one you left behind you with few fond memories of being poor, hungry all the time and bloody cold all winter.
Just passing thru y'all.......

Canis-Lupus :13:
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my family has been here awhile they got kicked out of england by the tutors because they sided with the stewarts came here in the 1600s sided with the british later to fight the french and indians in the 1750s where i still live now and later fought against them at saratoga and won then again in 1812.dont think we should let them dictate now.:no:
Yes, I can trace my family that far back. I've had relatives of european descent in North America since at least 1675, and can trace back to the early 1100s in used-to-be-Great Britain. My great-grandma's maiden name was Stewart. :biggrin:
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They can have it when they can come and take it....

And they give back the thousands of guns that were owned by the citizens of the United States they they donated for use in good faith to keep the Nazis at bay during WWII, and then they dumped in the Ocean!!!!
I can trace mine back to a travelling German Lutheran preacher who rode a donkey around the counties and preached in Barns in 1751 in what was then the Virginia Colonies. 2 of his 7 sons, serve with Daniel Boone in the VA militia in the French/Indian wars and then in the Revolotion, all but 1 of 7 died. they eventualy moved into what is now Kentucky and West VA. Germans were pushed out just as much as the English, and we fought side by side. and we who are here now, should laugh at this arse hole and tell him where to go and Toreshka's picture was spot on.

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