email to the mayor of Clanton Ohio about the abuse of the ccw permit holder


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Hi everyone.
I sent a email to the mayor of Clanton about the abuse of the ccw permit holder by a Clanton Police officer.
On his website he states he enforces all the laws of the city and is the top conservator of the peace in the city. So I asked him what is he going do?
I hope some of you will ask him too.
his name is William J Healy the second. mayor of Clanton Ohio.
This is an obvious case of Roid Rage. I will say it again..... Roid Rage.
Having watched the video and read all the threads about this incident and along with it posted on the internet/fox news. The Mayor/police union do not have any room to wiggle and hopefully will DO THE RIGHT Thing as you pointed out he is the top conservator of law and peace in the city of Canton. I have family in Ohio and will ask them to keep me posted for it will take awhile to go through the courts.
This is an obvious case of Roid Rage. I will say it again..... Roid Rage.

That was my first thought. I've worked with many LEO's and have many LEO friends and they don't act like that; on or off duty.
I do know some LEO's that went from 90lb wimps to massive monsters in a matter of months and had that 'roid rage' too!
Similar to this is what's called 'Lieutenant's syndrome' in the military. I'm an Air Force vet, with both enlisted and commissioned service. One time I was walking across base with another officer, I was a Captain by then, he a 1st Lt. Some enlisted folks coming the other way were busy talking and failed to recognize us with a salute. He yelled back at them about the missed salute, they apologized and saluted crisply in response which to me more than resolved the issue. But then he went walking back to the group, and totally went off on them with an embarrassing diatribe. I at this time was some distance away, but close enough to hear. He came swaggering back, full of ego, at which point I gave him a total piece of my mind, informing him in no uncertain terms he was NEVER to abuse an NCO in my presence again. There is acceptance by doing nothing, and there is correction by acting when you see BS and abuse. As a commisssioned officer, I knew what my mission was, always, and it was NEVER to abuse my authority, or to abuse others below me in rank or influence. What these cops did was the opposite of all of that.
Well put and thank you for your service. I have said it before on this subject. We can't let a few bad officers dictate how we view and cooperate with law enforcement. Most officers are hard working and decent people trying to make a living and serve their community.
Hi guys.
The Mayor of canton replyed to my email. He was very professional and open with me. He is on top of the incident. I think he understands the fear we have of the bad cop going crazy on us.
i think we can wait and see what happens in the court and police dept on this incidence.
I do think the officer will be given a hearing and they will see what should happen to him.
I think he will be fired. I am not sure he will be charged with any crime. I hope he will be sued.
this incident has shaken our faith in a lot of police depts. With the madison five and all the bad stops the police are making. a case where a policeofficer stepped over the line so far and was held accountable
will help other policeofficers see that they must follow the law too.
You know we want to carry to defend ourselfs from attacks, not be attacked by our police.
Is a police dept so scared of us they become more scary than a robber.
Do you hear that!!! are we frighten by our own GOV-( POLICE) More than we are by the badguy!!!
Shame on any police dept that forgets WE THE PEOPLE. and and thinks screw the people.
I'd rather see him get charged with a crime than sued. Most specifically 3 counts of assault with a deadly weapon, or terroristic threat.

Police should be held to higher standards when it comes to following the law...not the other way around, they shouldn't be let off easy because of their job...
I live in Ohio most police here are not very friendly :cool:
In every place there is a snake here and there...I am sure not all of Ohio's police and LEOs are all bad. I live here in Missouri and like the police here in our area though next county leaves nothing to be desired. So when I am in that next county I try to be as inconspicuous as I can. It will be a loss of my precious time if I am to be stopped and inconvenienced just because I did something stupid.
I believe the officer was suspended but that does not resolve the situation. His local police union most likely protect him and will still have his job, along with sensitivity training. Sucks!
Forget the whole CCW aspect of this encounter, the LEO was just flat-out abusive, gun or not. It's not like the cop was calm and polite from the beginning and only crossed the line when he found out there was a gun in the car. This clown was wrong from the get-go. The gun only served to fire him up even more. He needs to be doing something else for a living.

BTW, I don't have much sympathy for the "victim" who decided to put himself in a bad/dangerous situation by choosing to go out whoring. In any case, the LEO's behavior was indefensible.
It's pointless to contact the Mayor. This needs to get to court and criminal charges need to be pursued against the Officer at the State level. If this happens at the municipal level it's sure to get buried or handled in a manner that won't result in proper justice.
Forget the whole CCW aspect of this encounter, the LEO was just flat-out abusive, gun or not. It's not like the cop was calm and polite from the beginning and only crossed the line when he found out there was a gun in the car. This clown was wrong from the get-go. The gun only served to fire him up even more. He needs to be doing something else for a living.

BTW, I don't have much sympathy for the "victim" who decided to put himself in a bad/dangerous situation by choosing to go out whoring. In any case, the LEO's behavior was indefensible.

The victim of this abusive cop was exercising his right to peacefully assemble, in a public place, no evidence of a curfew in effect was shown. The civvies were in a place that they were legally entitled to be, and have no need to explain their presence or business there. The cops were "Danger Stupid","felony abusive under color of authority", and criminally and civilly liable, and put the taxpayers in Canton on the hook for a boatload of cash.
Guy I did a little research on canton. one of their policeofficer killed his girlfrined in 2008 or around that time. and canton is in stark co, ohio where all the women who were stripped search for no real reason by male and female officers. Guys these people are living in the stone age. They think they can do what ever they want to. The fbi and federal courts need to have federal oversight on them cause they are out of control group.
stark co is where the canton policeofficer killed his pregnant girlfrind and where all the unlawful strip search happend. nice guy these police officers from canton and stark co.

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