Elections Show Anti 2A Will Lose

Some will lie to get in office, some will kill to get their and some will lose with respect. We will see.
That was a very nice read. Thanks for posting it. We must, however, not let our guards down. We can't simply believe what most politicians say. We need to review their prior voting records when at all possible.
That was a very nice read. Thanks for posting it. We must, however, not let our guards down. We can't simply believe what most politicians say. We need to review their prior voting records when at all possible.

DrDavidM, I couldn't agree with you more. We must always stay aware of what politicians have planned and let them know how their decisions may impact re-election.
Events since 09/11 may have convinced the somnambulent sheeple that they may need to defend their own lives. Just wait until some Islamo-Nazis open fire in malls in the DPRK and/or Chicago and unarmed innocents are cut down like Jews, Gypsies, and other assorted Uentermensch and enemies of the Reich before the guns of the Einsatzgruppen. The Greater Los Angeles County Inter-ethnic Spring Festival of 1992 had a lot of hoplophobic liberals wishing they had a gun. A few mall massacres will scare the guano out of them and they will suddenly wake them up that the govt can't protect them.
This is good to hear, I certainly hope it holds true. We must vote to protect our rights.

This will include immediate distrust of any politician who says " I support the rights of hunters and sportsmen"

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