Elected Officials and their Oath of Office


New member
I was going over several old emails that were resent last week concerning the UN Small Firearms Treaty and WA State Bills that are being considered for gun control. My concern deals with our elected officials both state and fed that take a oath to protect, defend and support the Constitution but take every opportunity vote away our rights. There was a thread written to impeach Senators Cantwell and Murray for their continued attack on the 2nd Amendment rights but didn't seem to make headway according to the numbers on the petitions
circulated. It would seem that WA State would have enough gun enthusiasts/owners to unite and at least either flood their offices with communication pro gun legislation or when they don't listen to us vote these people out of office! Anyone have an idea how to unite the people to accomplish this before it is too late?
Not likely to get enough people to make a difference until it's too late. There are examples everywhere. The socialists have successfully gotten their nose under the tent by little nips at our freedoms. People are willing to accept little losses to preserve the big picture. Protect the children, old, poor, sick..... you name it. The US Constitution be damned. There is a process to change the US Constitution but the socialists know they don't have enough support to get what they want. They corrupt our elected representatives and the court system to get what they want. No I have no proof to any of this, just my opinion and observation.
Not likely to get enough people to make a difference until it's too late. There are examples everywhere. The socialists have successfully gotten their nose under the tent by little nips at our freedoms. People are willing to accept little losses to preserve the big picture. Protect the children, old, poor, sick..... you name it. The US Constitution be damned. There is a process to change the US Constitution but the socialists know they don't have enough support to get what they want. They corrupt our elected representatives and the court system to get what they want. No I have no proof to any of this, just my opinion and observation.

You are right on! The lib-o-rats always go against the people to get what "is best for all us pee-ons"! Since they can not get most of us to vote for their stupid ideas the libs depend on the courts to rewrite our laws and interpret the US Constitution to say what they want it to say and mean. Then when we get people in office who walk their talk they get mocked and made fun of by their own party! By that I mean when Cruz and Lee spoke up about obummercare and the budget McCain and Graham were some of the first to try to slap them down!! We need a total house cleaning in DC! The WH, House, Senate AND the Supreme Court!!!!
Entitlements have done more to destroy the constitution, in my opinion then anything else. Once you start giving people free stuff, they tend to become your friend. Once you have all these "friends" voting you in, it gets harder to make the right decisions. So they do these go a rounds. People will not care about the loss of their rights as long as the Section 8, food stamps, Obama phones, and all the other stuff is coming. Once they run out of other peoples money to give away we be in a world of hurt. We are close right now!

I got this email from a friend....sort of says it all...

The Food Stamp Program, administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is proud to be distributing this year the greatest amount of free Meals and Food Stamps ever --- to 47 million people, as of the most recent figures available in 2013.

Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the U.S. Department of the Interior, asks us "Please Do Not Feed the Animals." The stated reason for this policy is because "The animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves."
I think the oath they take has as much meaning to them as their campaign promises.

Words on the wind.
Every "Oath of Office" I've ever seen includes the defending if the US Constitution. That goes for the President of the US on down to local police. Based on this Obama should be Impeached for failure to defend the US Constitution by ignoring or going around it. That goes for Eric Holder also, as he is the one charged with judicial prosecution of those breaking to US Laws as they exist. Their MO is if you disagree with a law, just ignore it.
When the Supreme Court ruled that The "Affordable Care Act " was a tax and could therefore be forced on everyone, I knew we were in big trouble. To me, that showed more then any other decision they have made that legislating from the bench was all in a days work. For those who think the Constitution is a living document and can be interpreted based on current social issues got their way. Whats next?
I will happily replace our Mississippi people in Washington but I am very satisfied with our state government. Last year Representative Andy Gipson (R-Ms) authored a bill call MS HB 2 which gives us back our 2nd amendment and THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI

Section 12
The right of every citizen to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person, or property, or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall not be called in question, but the legislature may regulate or forbid carrying concealed weapons.

So now we can open carry without a permit like a lot of other states. He also passed a bill that people on welfare have to be drug tested.
So long as those who stand up for our rights (not just 2nd amendment) are dismissed by both parties as kooks, I will worry about my grandchildren's future.
I should have expressed more than that I had something else on my mind at the time. I meant their oath they took I guess I thought anyone that read it would get that. I don't like any Right's of ours being messed with or ignored. Sorry for the mix up
Most politicians just see the "oath of office" as a something that is expected that they do, but seldom think of it after they are in.