e4473=gun registration


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I am posting this in two forums.I am doing that on purpose.This is too important to miss.To all of you fellow firearm dealers out there,and to all of you,actually,buyers,too,I want to bring something to your attention,if you don't already know about it.I was looking on the ATF website today for how to order a form and I found information about an electronic version of the ATF form 4473.Supossedly it was recommended by the president to reduce paperwork (this would be president Bush).I downloaded and installed it and proceded to go through it and realized that when the e4473 is used,it is not kept on file by the FFL,it is kept on file BY ATF.That means that they will know your name,what you bought,how many,and when.I know,the 4473 already has all of that stuff on it.But the paper forms are kept on file by the FFL,and ATF looks at them once a year during a compliance inspection or if they are investigating a crime.With the e4473,they will have the information at their fingertips.This is gun registration.Voluntary,for the moment,but gun registration,nonetheless.Personnaly,I am concerned.There is no uninstall feature in this program,either.You have to manually delete it if you want to get rid of it.Which I did.
Watch out fellow freedom-loving Americans.If you are a dealer,I recommend that you do not use the e4473.And if you are a buyer,I highly recommend that you DO NOT fill it out when you go buy a firearm.Make the dealer use the paper form or take your money somewhere else.
Just my thoughts on the matter.You all do what you want.I know what I'm going to do.At least as long as I have a choice.

:mad: :help: :eek: :nono: :sad:

I am posting this in two forums.I am doing that on purpose.This is too important to miss.To all of you fellow firearm dealers out there,and to all of you,actually,buyers,too,I want to bring something to your attention,if you don't already know about it.I was looking on the ATF website today for how to order a form and I found information about an electronic version of the ATF form 4473.Supossedly it was recommended by the president to reduce paperwork (this would be president Bush).I downloaded and installed it and proceded to go through it and realized that when the e4473 is used,it is not kept on file by the FFL,it is kept on file BY ATF.That means that they will know your name,what you bought,how many,and when.I know,the 4473 already has all of that stuff on it.But the paper forms are kept on file by the FFL,and ATF looks at them once a year during a compliance inspection or if they are investigating a crime.With the e4473,they will have the information at their fingertips.This is gun registration.Voluntary,for the moment,but gun registration,nonetheless.Personnaly,I am concerned.There is no uninstall feature in this program,either.You have to manually delete it if you want to get rid of it.Which I did.
Watch out fellow freedom-loving Americans.If you are a dealer,I recommend that you do not use the e4473.And if you are a buyer,I highly recommend that you DO NOT fill it out when you go buy a firearm.Make the dealer use the paper form or take your money somewhere else.
Just my thoughts on the matter.You all do what you want.I know what I'm going to do.At least as long as I have a choice.

:mad: :help: :eek: :nono: :sad:

Yeah I can see your point there. That is wacked. I will be having them do the paper work. No online stuff for me.
I heard something on the news about this - they were saying that the ATF says it prevents errors in reading documents due to poor writing which are "technical violations" and that gun dealers like the news system. Gun buyers were saying that it was scary. ATF said gun buyers were misinformed. Gun buyers said ATF was not accurately stating the facts.

I'd like to hear a perspective on this from several FFLs and from an expert on firearms law. Until then I'm going to reserve judgment because I don't know enough about ATF to make an informed decision, but I will insist on using the paper form at least until then. Paper has served me well so far, and my handwriting is pretty good.
I have extremely BAD handwriting, but when filling out a 4473, I take my time and have never had a problem with folks being able to read it. They did have problems pronouncing some of the information, though.

Until they change the policy, I'll stick to the paper form. They've actually made the new forms more "user friendly". They don't open up in the old "fan fold" fashion, and you're able to use standard abbreviations like "St., Ave., Pl., etc." The guy at the gun shop said the new forms came out a couple of weeks ago, and they're yellow in color.

There's a company called Coloseum Software that makes the SAME SOFTWARE, but YOU the FFL keeps the record on your computer. NOTHING gets transmitted to ATF. Their software (ATF) is a revers engineered version of the same thing. They basically ripped it off from Coloseum. GOA sent out a notice about this a couple months back. Go to their website and you;ll find the info.
I read about this form a week or so ago from a link on the NRA website. It did not go into the details you are providing. I did wonder about where the information goes. For that matter, it seems anything that has been on the internet is accessible to someone. I am quit sure the government could access it no matter who had the files.
doesn't sound good to me.. making it look like things are easier and less mistakes.. but I see the point of it being like registering.. NO THANKS!!!

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