Dumbest HR Complaint ever!

I once worked at a place and they had a bulliten boardwhereyou can post events orthings for sale. I wanted to post an ad for an upcoming gun show and they said I couldn't because it was promoting violence.

That's just warped! You could ask them if watching S. Stalone or Arnold S. movies is promoting violence? Does swimming promote violence and drowning? Is driving on the interstate promoting violence and road rage? Is marriage promoting domestic violence? Is joining the military promoting warrior violence? To the contrary, it's promoting peace. There is no cause and effect. It's sad that people cannot see that!:cray:

I would complain to H.R . about the Obama crap on her desk. That is promoting stupidity.

Before the recent presidential election several employees had various Obama items decorating their offices and I complained to HR and had them remove it. You see I work at a state owned facility and it is illegal to campaign at work. :laugh:
First, do NOT get in touch with the ACLU. You want to sleep with a syphilitic whore to get even with her mother? Secondly, start taking everyone else to HR for anything that offends you. Any talk of gays? That would offend me. Any talk of abortion? That would offend me. Anyone using profane language (I work with an idiot that can't keep his mouth shut in the break room, and the filth that pours out of his pie-hole)? If I were in your spot, this guy would be in the HR office in about 5 seconds. Any talk about drugs? Politics? Global warming?

You get the idea. Now, if HR doesn't want to stop others from "offending" you, then get yourself a lawyer, and settle out of court for a nice big SUM!
Touche! I'm a woman and I really don't care one whit about another woman's "periodical." Why should I? My first hubby talked about nothing but cars and engines 24/7/365. That was annoying. Anything obsessive is annoying. Anything but 2A and firearms, that is not obsessive :no: that's DYNAMITE!:biggrin::lol:

I will say that it is almost as bad to hear some fellow tell all about his latest "conquests" or the porno movie he watched last night.
I didn't press the gun show thing.by that time I was already selling knives, swords, stun guns and other assorted goodies to the employees and my bosses, most of whom were hunters.
Where my husband and son work all the guys carry. And all the wives also have permits to carry. :biggrin: The last woman to get hers finally got one last week.:biggrin:
First, do NOT get in touch with the ACLU. You want to sleep with a syphilitic whore to get even with her mother? Secondly, start taking everyone else to HR for anything that offends you. Any talk of gays? That would offend me. Any talk of abortion? That would offend me. Anyone using profane language (I work with an idiot that can't keep his mouth shut in the break room, and the filth that pours out of his pie-hole)? If I were in your spot, this guy would be in the HR office in about 5 seconds. Any talk about drugs? Politics? Global warming?

You get the idea. Now, if HR doesn't want to stop others from "offending" you, then get yourself a lawyer, and settle out of court for a nice big SUM!

I so agree with you!!! At one time the ACLU was a meritorious agency with ethics and honor. Those days are long gone. Anyway, you are right on TARGET and I applaud you.
This is called sarcasm

See if they will take your case! They seem to love free speech. If they won't go get a real lawyer and drag the company and the ACLU into court. One for restricting free speech and the other for failure to follow it's charter. you should be able to make some cash out of the deal.
The ACLU hates guns and gun owners more than Rebeca Peters. The get a real lawyer part is sound advice...you have been discriminated against! If there is a law that covers what has been done, use it and make sure you get enough out of the company to bring suit against the knuckleheads who caused you trouble in the first place. Let tham know that you do not take this lightly and go after them fangs out with a rented dog...err...I mean lawyer!
I so agree with you!!! At one time the ACLU was a meritorious agency with ethics and honor. Those days are long gone. Anyway, you are right on TARGET and I applaud you.

At one time politics was a meritorious profession with ethics and honor. Those days are long gone.

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