Driving through Alabama ?

Do me a favor and check out who the OP is...

And technically you didn't, I asked about AL specifically, not the federal "FOPA" law.

are you really this dense???

are you really this dense???
What is dense about what I said. Your comment was misinforming. You said to check out FOPA, which is a federal law and not anything to do with AL, and that if I go by that I can travel through states where my permits are valid. Well first of all, all I was trying to find out what AL laws were concerning where the gun had to be in the vehicle both with and without a permit, and if it had to be unloaded or not. Well I've gotten an answer on both now. Second, FOPA is not for states that DO honor your permits, it is for states that do not. But more specifically, FOPA simply allows you to transport guns THROUGH a state that would otherwise be illegal if I were to live there or if that state were to be my ultimate destination. But since, as stated before, that starting Aug. 1st AL will recognize SC permits then FOPA would not even apply in this situation.

My comment to your original reply was simply stating the ridiculousness of FOPA because it requires you to have it unloaded and locked out of reach. So essentially it allows you keep arms, but not bear them. Therefore it is an unconstitutional law (as is every single gun law this country has). Any law that limits ANY person's ability to take advantage of their right to keep and bear arms is unconstitutional and therefore invalid. Not saying I'm going to be the test case for everyone, I'm just telling it how it is.
Here is another take on the new Bama laws. They can be confusing to say the least.

Six things to know about Alabama's new gun law 6 days before it takes effect | al.com
Ok, so going by the wording in that article, "you can have a loaded gun in your car" if you have a permit. It didn't specify where it had to be. So I'm assuming anywhere in the vehicle is game if you have a permit?

And on a side note, that article sounded to be a bit biased towards the fact that the local sheriff should be able to deny someone the ability to obtain a permit.
Ok, so going by the wording in that article, "you can have a loaded gun in your car" if you have a permit. It didn't specify where it had to be. So I'm assuming anywhere in the vehicle is game if you have a permit?

And on a side note, that article sounded to be a bit biased towards the fact that the local sheriff should be able to deny someone the ability to obtain a permit.

Al.com is anti-gun biased. It's as left-wing as the NY or LA Times, or any other media outlet you can think of. I wouldn't use the newspapers they are the combined website for to line the bottom of a bird cage.

Other than that, you can use your permit after August 1st to carry inside your vehicle. The only thing you can't do is have it out in the open (open carrying or just sitting on a seat or the floorboard). It's one of the few really weird leftovers from the old laws. Open carry becomes fully legal on Aug. 1, but not in your vehicle. Oh well, it's Alabama....All Southern states still have a vestige or two of Deliverance-style laws on the books. LOL

Link Removed, enrolled version of SB 286 that the Governor signed and that will go into effect this Thursday, Aug. 1st. I haven't memorized it, but I'm very familiar with it, and don't think you'll find anything in it that says you have to follow SC's laws when carrying in your vehicle. I'm 99.5% sure you are bound to Bama's laws, and I know without a doubt that you can carry fully loaded (your weapon, not you
) as long as that's true. Still, read it to make sure.

Look at handgunlaw.us and it will tell you what you need to know.

I doubt if they have anything on the new laws yet either since they're not in effect yet. After Aug. 1st, everyone should be on the same page.


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