Driving From WA To CO


New member
Hi all, first time poster here, this is a great site and I hope to contribute to the community in the future.

I need some advice:

I will be driving to CO shortly from WA state. Of course, I would like to bring my pistol. I have a WA concealed pistol permit that CO (or OR which I will probably be driving through) does hot honor.

ID and UT are on the way that honor the WA permit so I am okay there, and I can drive around OR (I would rather not though) but my question is would I legally be allowed to leave my pistol locked, cased, and unloaded in the trunk of my car while driving through OR and CO (and of course not carry it in CO once I'm there?) If not, in the future, what sort of options do I have if WA is my state of residence and I want to go to CO?

Thanks in advance,
In CO it is legal to have a loaded pistol in your vehicle during travel for personal protection, the only exception may be the Metro Denver area. It is also legal to open carry in CO, altough it is not a common site. You can even carry a rifle in your vehicle as long as there is not a round in the chamber. Hope this helps, and have a safe trip.
OR is an open-carry state, although some local laws may impinge on that. Loaded handguns must be carried in plain sight in a vehicle.

CO is also an open-carry state, but localities may pass their own regulations on open carry. Loaded handguns may be carried anywhere in a vehicle.
OR is an open-carry state, although some local laws may impinge on that. Loaded handguns must be carried in plain sight in a vehicle.

CO is also an open-carry state, but localities may pass their own regulations on open carry. Loaded handguns may be carried anywhere in a vehicle.

I thought that for people without a permit, OR does not allow open carry in vehicles.

In Colorado, you're okay pretty much anywhere outside of Denver with open carry and carrying in your vehicle.

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