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Just wondered if any of you guys have ever had a dream were you had to use your weapon? I had a strange one last night.

I was in some kind of dinner looking restaurant. I wasn't seated, just standing next to the register. I looked to my left just in time to see some guy pull out an AK47 and start firing. I told the person next to me to get down as I drew my pistol. The guy is backing toward me so I raised my Kimber and pulled the trigger. Nothing! Not even a click. Just then the guy spins see my, looks surprised, and falls to the floor up against a table. I instantly racked the slide seeing a live round eject from the chamber. Seeing this the bad guy raised his rifle. I pulled the trigger again. Bang. I see the round hit, bad guy drops his rifle and I wake up.

Kinda strange.
I haven't had any that I remember since I've started carrying (about 4 months now), but I used to have several of the "home invasion" variety. You know, the ones where you're in your underwear and someone is coming at you. You grab a rifle/shotgun/pistol (depending on your version of the dream) and pull the trigger only to hear a click or watch the bullet bounce harmlessly off the BG. Then Angelina Jolie shows up....oh wait, wrong dream :o.
Just wondered if any of you guys have ever had a dream were you had to use your weapon? I had a strange one last night.

I was in some kind of dinner looking restaurant. I wasn't seated, just standing next to the register. I looked to my left just in time to see some guy pull out an AK47 and start firing. I told the person next to me to get down as I drew my pistol. The guy is backing toward me so I raised my Kimber and pulled the trigger. Nothing! Not even a click. Just then the guy spins see my, looks surprised, and falls to the floor up against a table. I instantly racked the slide seeing a live round eject from the chamber. Seeing this the bad guy raised his rifle. I pulled the trigger again. Bang. I see the round hit, bad guy drops his rifle and I wake up.

Kinda strange.
Well Kimber here is hoping that dream never comes true.
All kinds of psycology has gone into the minds of cops and how they respond to carry. I would bet that all people with a mind set stop the threat have some sort of stress involved with this. The sheep dog must think like a sheep and a protector. The sheep don't even have to think, just follow.
I never seem to have my weapon in dreams. Occasionally I have a gun, or knife (none of mine; some anonymous one), or whatever, but it rarely seems to have any effect. It's a good thing that's not real life.

I have had dreams where I get robbed or taken at gunpoint, and get a very realistic stress reaction. Everything slows down, I start sweating, reaction is difficult, etc. That's been useful in trying to overcome that same sensation in a variety of situations.
I NEVER have any normal dreams like that..mine are "wierd"..such as talking cows, walking petunias, planet of the apes type stuff..don't ever recall having to defend myself or others, except maybe in a food fight or something like that.
Well I had this dream, where an armed gang broke in my doors, held me at gun point and demanded I have sex with them. The gang consisted of Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, Jessica Alba. Sandra Bullock, and Halle Berry.

I wanted to fight for my honor but somehow just couldn't do it!:D
I have to agree with the Doc, my dreams always seem to be the most outlandish series of events my brain can muster. The most realistic one I've ever had started with me on a date and ended with me punching the chief of Police in the face in a dark alley, the really weird part was the Chief of Police was James Cromwell. And I really do like James Cromwell, which makes it all the more strange, if I was punching Mr. Oxy Clean it would all make sense, but whatever.
...with me punching the chief of Police in the face in a dark alley, the really weird part was the Chief of Police was James Cromwell. And I really do like James Cromwell, which makes it all the more strange, if I was punching Mr. Oxy Clean it would all make sense, but whatever.
James Cromwell is freakishly tall. Most people probably couldn't even reach him. He'd just pat them on the head and laugh. :D
Any dream I would have of Mr Cromwell would be him standing in front of me repeating his line from the Green Mile, "What in the blue blaze **** was that?!"..
Yea, nearest I can figure, one of his movies must have come on the TV while I was asleep, and my brain heard the voice and included him in the dream....... could have been the tequila.
Can't remember the specifics, but in all of my 'gun' dreams, operation has always been a problem. Can't pull the trigger, can't draw, gun is empty, bullets do no damage, and the like. Disturbing to say the least. Don't have them to often so who knows why I have them at all.
Can't remember the specifics, but in all of my 'gun' dreams, operation has always been a problem. Can't pull the trigger, can't draw, gun is empty, bullets do no damage, and the like. Disturbing to say the least. Don't have them to often so who knows why I have them at all.

I've been carrring for over a year now and the only other dream I had was were the bullets were hitting but not stopping the attack. So I guess one a year is not bad! lol

Interesting article! Thanks for posting. Not sure how much scientific backing this theory has but I did have an experience like that once. I was coming home from a friend’s college graduation on my sportbike. We were going a little fast, around 100mph when a rod let go. I lost all my oil pressure and the engine, tranny, and rear wheel locked at about 90 mph. My very first reaction was head to the median and bail into the grass. Then all of a sudden I felt very calm and in control. I was then able to skid the bike, from the left lane of a major high way, over 3 lanes of traffic and to a stop on the shoulder.
Well I had this dream, where an armed gang broke in my doors, held me at gun point and demanded I have sex with them. The gang consisted of Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, Jessica Alba. Sandra Bullock, and Halle Berry.

I wanted to fight for my honor but somehow just couldn't do it!:D

What did you eat before you went to bed that night?? I'd like to have it for dinner tonight! lol
We have 300 to 1,000 threat dreams per year — one to four per night and just under half are aggressive encounters: physical aggression such as fistfights, and nonphysical aggression such as verbal arguments.
Those probably aren't ones that I usually remember. I don't know about anyone else, but I only remember one "threat dream" per month, if that many. Usually my dreams are just a mashup of what actually happened during the day, or something bizarre, like my friend turns into a winged frog and then it starts snowing (it rarely snows in Florida).

I've definitely noticed the "calmness in a disaster" thing that they mentioned, though. Another interesting thing is that if you repeat the same stressful thing enough in real life, you become able to handle it calmly, but in real time.
Last night, I was in Home Depot in my underwear and had to pee..the only threat to me was being embarassed by wetting on the floor..told ya, I have weird ones, all the time!

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