Drawing a Weapon


New member
It seems to be the consensus that should a defensive shooting occur, it is imperative that the shooter call 911 first, get a lawyer, etc. If, hypothetically, you are encounter a potentially lethal threat and draw your weapon, but the BG thinks otherwise and leaves you alone, should you still report it, even though no shots were fired? It would seem to me that this is sort of a "no harm, no foul," in that since nothing really happened, it would be more trouble than it's worth to report it. Is there a worry of the BG reporting YOU for brandishing and then making up some BS story?? Does it depend on if there are witnesses?


I would report it for a few of reasons.
First, there is a thug on the loose that will do it to someone else. Get a good description and report him to the police.
Second, there can be a chance that the thug will report you. Doubtful that he will do it but there is a chance.
Third, If there was even one witness that saw only part of what happened they may create the rest of the scenario in their own mind and come to the conclusion that you are the thug with a gun.
If you feel threatened enough to pull your weapon then I would say that you should report it. I had not thought about someone reporting ME as the "man with a gun" but I can see how that could easily be construed. Here is another thought. Some folks are buying the Concealed Weapon permit shield to carry on them. I personally have not purchased one because I do not want someone mistaking me for a police officer OR to even think that I am presenting myself as a police officer. The flip side to that might be that someone seeing that shield might identify you as a good guy and not report you as "man with a gun". I am thinking there are more chances of you being confused as being a LEO vs the other since the chances of you pulling your weapon would be very small. Just thinking out loud here and adding to the conversation.
...but the BG thinks otherwise and leaves you alone, should you still report it, even though no shots were fired? It would seem to me that this is sort of a "no harm, no foul," in that since nothing really happened, it would be more trouble than it's worth to report it. Is there a worry of the BG reporting YOU for brandishing and then making up some BS story?? Does it depend on if there are witnesses?


:pleasantry:Let me preface this comment with the statement that I am not a lawyer, but have been a LEO.

The fact that there WAS a foul intent perpetrated by the BG, and he re-thought his idea when he saw that you were better prepared stopped his evil intent, is no reason NOT to report it. If the BG does make a claim against you, chances are it will be later rather than sooner. If your report to the police predates his, it would show that you wanted to avoid conflict, but were prepared for conflict. It would also alert the police that there is a BG in the area that they may not know about yet. Personally, I would file a report to cover my six.
Anytime you draw a gun in public for defensive purposes you should call 911. Witnesses may have already called. The perp may call and report YOU as the aggressor. There is a dangerous person in the area and perhaps he may attack another victim.
I'm agreeing with your out-loud thinking, Chief. I think Concealed Carry badges have the potential to cause more trouble than they're worth. LEOs on other forums have agreed. Thanks everyone for your input. Makes sense.
I agree with those above who believe reporting a "near miss" encounter is a good idea.

It also shows CCW holders are being good public stewards and can help bolster positive impressions among cops.
Experience on calling

I've seen several cases where the first person to call was assumed to be the Good Guy and the latter was the BG by default. Caused lady I know to go to prison for a while.

On the badge idea, I go with the DON'T side as in many states it is specifically not legal AND you become liable for damages if anyone is hurt due to them assuming you were someone in authority. Just because you see them in CCW mag is no reason to buy them.

CCW Instructor
There was a "man with gun" report just yesterday a block from my work. He wasn't doing anything actively wrong, he just had a gun, so someone called the police.

You and the BG may know what happened, but there may be a witness you didn't see (a block away, for example,) who just heard a shout, looked, saw one person with a gun, and a second person running away.

If you pull, you call. Simple as that. Even simpler than if you had to use it, because you did nothing wrong in any way, so it should be a simple "someone assaulted me, I drew, he/she ran." Tell that to 911, and they might not even send an officer, depending on where you are.
It seems to be unanimous, and it really should be. I believe that each person has a responsibility to society to be able to protect themselves and others. Carrying a weapon is one way, and calling the police is another.

If you are threatened enough to draw your weapon, call the police. You will protect yourself from possible misinformed prosecution, and you have the chance to get a scumbag off the streets.
Absolutely no question in my mind that if the weapon is drawn, whether fired or not, holder of the weapon should be the one to call 911 first. Establishing intent is the most important act you can do after being forced to display or use your weapon. Agree: nix the CCW badge!
Absolulely, call the cops

I agree with the sentiments above. 1. The first one to call 911 is nearly always assumed to be the good guy until proven otherwise. 2. The perpetrator actually calls in to report you as a "man with a gun" fairly often. It is good for his business to do anything he can to discourage citizens from carrying. There have been a number of times reported in NYC where a bad guy got a homeowner reported for having a weapon in his house and then robbed him the next week, knowing he would be unarmed. 3. If he is planning to attack someone, and you were just too well prepared, he WILL go for a softer target later. He is probably feeding a habit, so it isn't a matter of if but when. 4. If you as a reasonable person felt so threatened that you needed to draw, he has already committed a felony assault. That should be reported on its own merit.
I've seen several cases where the first person to call was assumed to be the Good Guy and the latter was the BG by default. Caused lady I know to go to prison for a while.

On the badge idea, I go with the DON'T side as in many states it is specifically not legal AND you become liable for damages if anyone is hurt due to them assuming you were someone in authority. Just because you see them in CCW mag is no reason to buy them.

CCW Instructor

If you want to carry a badge, go through the Academy and get a real one. Otherwise, grow up and stop "playing cops and robbers" would be my advice. Those kinds of folks give the rest of us CCW folks a bad name
If you are in fear for your life and pull your gun why would you not shoot? This isn't show and tell. All you did was educate the perp and next time he'll know how to approach you or somebody else.
In my arrest and being charged with pointing a firearm at a person, just the fact I had a firearm in my gym bag was enough for the cop to haul me to jail and our D.A. to charge me.

So anytime your firearm gets seen you better be ready for anything, trust me on this item it can happen. :-(
If you are in fear for your life and pull your gun why would you not shoot? This isn't show and tell. All you did was educate the perp and next time he'll know how to approach you or somebody else.
Because if, at the sight of your gun, the perp runs away shooting him in the back would be seen "unfavorably" by the courts. :hang3: :sarcastic:
If you are in fear for your life and pull your gun why would you not shoot? This isn't show and tell. All you did was educate the perp and next time he'll know how to approach you or somebody else.
According to Gary Kleck, Ph.D.; based on a National Self Defense Survey conducted by Florida State University criminologists in 1994, the rate of Defensive Gun Uses can be projected nationwide to approximately 2.5 million per year -- one Defensive Gun Use every 13 seconds.

If every one of those confrontations resulted in a shooting we would see national death rates that could be in the millions. The fact that we don't is testament to the good nature of those who use a gun to deter crime.
Happened to me:

911 Call: ... please send help, this man has a black gun and is pointing it at two guys in shirts and tank tops at the local mall, he is wearing a blue suit out side the mall exit ...

My call ... please send a unit to (my location), two males (description continued) ... etc ... etc., I am wearing a blue suit, standing next to my (vehicle description) ...

Dispatcher, Yes sir, we just had a call about your having your weapon drawn and dispatched two officers, please secure your weapon if you are safe and wait for the officers ...

Can you imagine the traffic stop that would have happened to me and the rest of my day if I had not called.

The two guys ended up trying to steal another car on the other side of the mall and the police caught them in the act.
Agravated assault

I know of a guy who showed his weapon in a road rage incident and subsequently faced an aggravated assault charge. This wasn't one of the brightest people that I've known and, as he described the situation, I don't think that the weapon was warranted. Nonetheless, had he called in, the investigating officer might have taken a different look at the situation. His adversary was probably one of those people who cut into the school lunch line when he was kid and was very skilled and opportunistic at getting somebody else into trouble when they resisted him.
Always call authority's when you draw a firearm what if someone else see it or if the bg calls it in you attacked him should always call it in

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