Dr asks wife, "Guns in house?"


New member
I've been going to my Doctor for about 12 years now and had always been happy with her. My wife was looking to change her primary care doctor, so I suggested she go to mine. On Wednesday she went for her first visit. She informed me that the doctor asked her a series of questions about how many children we had, their ages, etc. Then she asks, "Are there guns in the home?" :huh: My wife says, well, yes, there are. (She admits she made a boo boo by admitting such.) Needless to say, Now the docs radar is on and she is lecturing my wife about kids and guns and how we need to keep them locked away and safe, etc. I am now very uncomfortable with this doctor and I will be looking for us to change primary physicians! Doctors have no business knowing whether or not we have guns in the house. It is information that can only be used against us at a later date......when Barack Obama is President and Ted Kennedy is his Gun Czar! God Help us all!!!!


I am sorry to hear that. I would try to find a new physician and let her why you have chosen to leave her.
exactly.. the practice of medicine has what to do with guns in the home??? oh right... NOTHING!!! that's absolutely none of their business.
I agree Doc's have no business asking these questions. I read somewere that the AMA has been puting out to ask these type of questions in there medical journels.
Sounds to me like a back door way of getting info on someone. This has nothing to do with your medical history and I would not give out that kind of information. To EZ to fall into the wrong hands be very very careful.
Unfortunately this is becoming more and more prevalent. Some admission and pre-screening forms have the question listed. Should I ever have the question asked my response will simply be that the question has nothing to do with my medical problem (unless I'm shot I guess).
Ask ypur doctor if they can fix..

Ask your doctor if they can fix a broken extractor or failure to feed. Remind them that they are "practicing medicine" not enforcing the UN charter on gun control and write a large and ugly editorial in the local news paper. This will impact the assinine practice of doctors counseling someone about something they are not even remotely qualified to discuss unless they themselves own firearms. (rant off):akuma:
I think this is being pushed by the AMA. I have a friend that is a doctor and he would not ask this. He and I have talked before about the AMA and he feels it is a very liberal group.
It is none of the business of the Antichrist Movement of America where you do or do not have guns in your house. If I were ever asked questions about guns in my home, from a Doctor. I would have to tell them where to go, and keep their questions in line about my health care.
You did the right thing! I'd do like everyone says, dump her for another Dr. and write a letter to the editor and let others know. The more we hurt these liberal idiots in their pockets the less they will be willing to back idiotic ideas like this!
This is a simple-straightforward question. I can't see what the problem is. If the doctor were to ask me about this I'd just be honest. I'd answer:

"Of course, doesn't everyone who values their freedom? Would you like to see the one I'm carrying now?"

There are some places like here in HI where the police dept will send a letter to your doctor when you apply for a firearms permit. :icon_mad: The doctor then has about a week to respond to the letter from the police dept. Here in Hawaii, your physician could be responsible for getting your firearms permit denied, AND causing future headaches when applying for permits in the future. :n:

There are some places like here in HI where the police dept will send a letter to your doctor when you apply for a firearms permit. :icon_mad: The doctor then has about a week to respond to the letter from the police dept. Here in Hawaii, your physician could be responsible for getting your firearms permit denied, AND causing future headaches when applying for permits in the future. :n:


Seems to me that that would be a HIPPA violation. Should they ask your lawyer as well? Whatever happened to "patient/doctor confidentiality"?
New Screening Questions for young Doc.

Yes it is true that all new Dr. are trained to ask the question"are there firearms in the home and if so you should remove them because it is very unsafe to have them in the home with young children" a friend of mine is a former trooper and now is the person that obtains bodies for Dr. to practice on and ALL of his new pediatritions (I am a terrible speller) are trained to as such a question. It should be very interesting when my first baby comes along in a few months and we go to see that Dr. for the first time because I think when he/she ask that question I am going to take out my carry piece (a Kimber Ultra CarryII) and say "like this one?"
I am a disabled LOE and a Firearms instructor now not to mention a NRA life member so this one will not go over well!
It should be very interesting when my first baby comes along in a few months and we go to see that Dr. for the first time because I think when he/she ask that question I am going to take out my carry piece (a Kimber Ultra CarryII) and say "like this one?"
I am a disabled LOE and a Firearms instructor now not to mention a NRA life member so this one will not go over well!

Do you really think that "brandishing" your firearm in the doctor's office is an appropriate thing to do? :icon_rolleyes: I strongly recommend that you find a more tactful approach in this situation. There are many "anti" 2A folks, there are many more folks "on the fence". Do we really need to give the undecided folks a reason to join the "anti" folks? :eek::eek:

I went with my wife to all of her pre-natal visits, so I was there when the Doc asked "if we had guns in the house". My response was "Maybe. You could break in one night and find out."
Doctor - Firearm Safety Liability Form

I picked this up a few years ago somewhere on the net.



Part One: Qualifications

I affirm that I am certified to offer
(Name of Patient:__________________________________________________ ),
herineafter referred to as "the Patient", qualified advice about firearms safety in the home, having received:

Specify Course(s) of Study:
_____________________________________________________________ from:
Specify Institution(s)
__________________________________________________________________ on:
Specify Course Completion Date(s):
______________________________________________________ resulting in:
Specify Accreditation(s), Certification(s), License(s) etc.:

Check one, as appropriate:
___ I represent that I have reviewed applicable scientific literature pertaining to defensive gun use and beneficial results of private firearms ownership. I further represent that I have reviewed all other relevant home safety issues with the Patient, including those relating to electricity, drains, disposals, compactors, garage doors, driveway safety, pool safety, pool fence codes and special locks for pool gates, auto safety, gas, broken glass, stored cleaning chemicals, buckets, toilets, sharp objects, garden tools, home tools, power tools, lawnmowers, lawn chemicals, scissors, needles, forks, knives, etc. I also acknowledge, by receiving this document, I have been made aware that, in his inaugural address before the American Medical Association on June 20, 2001, new president Richard Corlin, MD, admitted "What we don't know about violence and guns is literally killing us...researchers do not have the data to tell how kids get guns, if trigger locks work, what the warning signs of violence in schools and at the workplace are and other critical questions due to lack of research funding." (UPI). In spite of this admission, I represent that I have sufficient data and expertise to provide expert and clinically sound advice to patients regarding firearms in the home.

___ I am knowingly engaging in Home/Firearms Safety Counseling without certification, license or formal training in Risk Management, and; I have not reviewed applicable scientific literature pertaining to defensive gun use and beneficial results of private firearms ownership.

Part Two:

I have determined, from a review of my medical malpractice insurance, that if I engage in an activity for which I am not certified, such as Firearms Safety Counseling, the carrier (check one, as appropriate):
___ will
___ will not
cover lawsuits resulting from neglect, lack of qualification, etc.

Insurance Carrier name, address and policy number insuring me for firearms safety expertise:

I further warrant that, should the Patient follow my firearm safety counseling and remove from the home and/or disable firearms with trigger locks or other mechanisms, and if the patient or a family member, friend or visitor is subsequently injured or killed as a result of said removal or disabling, that my malpractice insurance and/or personal assets will cover all actual and punitive damages resulting from a lawsuit initiated by the patient, the patient's legal reprerentative, or the patient's survivors.

Signature of attesting physician and date:
Name of attesting physician (please print):

Signature of patient and date:
Name of patient (please print):

Note to patient: Indicate if physician "REFUSED TO SIGN." Ask physician to place copy in chart/medical record.
Well Inform

When you get A new Doctor Before you're wife goes to him are her doctor, Tell You're wife. to tell the doctor. I Cam here for A woman's check up. and that is all. Doctors. can ask you question that is my understanding, But not those kind of questions. I Was ask that the doctors Questions also But I tell them What they need to do When I have A problem. I dont let them ask me the Question's Go Over some stuff with You're wife to Before she goes to the doctor. our go in with her. i Was told this by one of the doctor's if i felt save at home and I just could not help it and i laughed, then I said yes. so tell you're wife to not tell the doctor ever thing. because they can use it against her. our you trust me on this. Like one i never tell my age heheheh. ok like would you teel the doctor when was the last time you had sex no i would not i would say in a year. exsample. And Yes My Other have noes about this.

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