Dove season opener!


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This being the opening of hunting season is cause for celebration! Powder and shot were wasted aplenty today,the ammo mfg favorite day of the year. So how did everyone do? My son and I managed a limit and a half,he's 16 and I refuse to say how many rounds were fired between us. Neither of us are much hand with a shotgun. BUT IT WAS FUN! So how did everyone do? :pleasantry:

Our annual dove opener was a pretty handy success. Most everyone limited, and did so within 2 hours. Those that didn't were late-comers that had to take up spots at the bottom of the field. So essentially, the birds would have had to survive a volley of 3 shots per 8 people....just not enough lucky birds.

I think I had a personal best of limiting with 3.5 boxes of shells burned. Not bad for going 365 days without pulling the trigger.

Yesterday's shoot wasn't as successful. The birds were in the stratosphere and near impossible to kill. I shot and hit a limit, but only killed 7. It would take 5 minutes for the feathers to hit the ground, and by then, the bird was in the next county over.

Dove season is, by far, my favorite's always hot, and the birds can't smell you.
Opening dove hunt this year was my first with three generations myself my son and my grandson all hunting together. We brought home 28 dove but the numbers are not as important as the fun we had together.Lots of shooting lots of teasing and lots of good eating that night.Most important was that we had a safe hunt.My son and I have been hunting together for twenty years and my grandson has been with us for the last three years on opening day. This was my grandson first time to hunt after passing his hunter safety course, before this hunt he was our bird dog.I hope all of you can have as much fun hunting together as my son , grandson and I do.

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