Hi all, new to the site. Have had CCW for a few years now. I have common sense, but nothing I've seen in writing that list all off limits locations. But wanted to know what are over off limits that are actual facts.
Like I am told you can not go into a Bar or Night Club. Again, knowing you are drinking, maybe you shouldn't be carrying. But I don't drink, just hanging out with friends. And want to know if I am breaking the law.
Again, nothing in writing indicating that it is off limits.
Does anyone know for sure?
Also, Hospitals and other state run offices. (City hall's and so on), Again nothing indicating it is off limits
I know if they have signs (on private properties) that prohibits firearms, and of course those are prohibited, even with a CCW.
Again, I know common sense tells me know. But I want to know for sure.
This is all its states that are off limits:
Places off-limits when carrying:
1. A permit to carry is required to carry a handgun outside one’s home (even though one may still be on his own property) or in any place of business in which one is merely an employee, not an owner or operator. A permit is also required to transport a handgun back and forth between one’s home and place of business, or to and from a range for target shooting.
2. It is unlawful to possess a firearm on public or private elementary or secondary school property. This prohibition shall not apply to a person with a firearm carrying permit, with permission from school officials, or while traversing school property with an unloaded firearm for the purpose of gaining access to lands open to hunting or for other lawful purposes, provided entry is not prohibited by school officials.
I am just curious.
Like I am told you can not go into a Bar or Night Club. Again, knowing you are drinking, maybe you shouldn't be carrying. But I don't drink, just hanging out with friends. And want to know if I am breaking the law.
Again, nothing in writing indicating that it is off limits.
Does anyone know for sure?
Also, Hospitals and other state run offices. (City hall's and so on), Again nothing indicating it is off limits
I know if they have signs (on private properties) that prohibits firearms, and of course those are prohibited, even with a CCW.
Again, I know common sense tells me know. But I want to know for sure.
This is all its states that are off limits:
Places off-limits when carrying:
1. A permit to carry is required to carry a handgun outside one’s home (even though one may still be on his own property) or in any place of business in which one is merely an employee, not an owner or operator. A permit is also required to transport a handgun back and forth between one’s home and place of business, or to and from a range for target shooting.
2. It is unlawful to possess a firearm on public or private elementary or secondary school property. This prohibition shall not apply to a person with a firearm carrying permit, with permission from school officials, or while traversing school property with an unloaded firearm for the purpose of gaining access to lands open to hunting or for other lawful purposes, provided entry is not prohibited by school officials.
I am just curious.