Do's and Don't


New member
Hi all, new to the site. Have had CCW for a few years now. I have common sense, but nothing I've seen in writing that list all off limits locations. But wanted to know what are over off limits that are actual facts.

Like I am told you can not go into a Bar or Night Club. Again, knowing you are drinking, maybe you shouldn't be carrying. But I don't drink, just hanging out with friends. And want to know if I am breaking the law.

Again, nothing in writing indicating that it is off limits.

Does anyone know for sure?

Also, Hospitals and other state run offices. (City hall's and so on), Again nothing indicating it is off limits

I know if they have signs (on private properties) that prohibits firearms, and of course those are prohibited, even with a CCW.


Again, I know common sense tells me know. But I want to know for sure.

This is all its states that are off limits:

Places off-limits when carrying:
1. A permit to carry is required to carry a handgun outside one’s home (even though one may still be on his own property) or in any place of business in which one is merely an employee, not an owner or operator. A permit is also required to transport a handgun back and forth between one’s home and place of business, or to and from a range for target shooting.
2. It is unlawful to possess a firearm on public or private elementary or secondary school property. This prohibition shall not apply to a person with a firearm carrying permit, with permission from school officials, or while traversing school property with an unloaded firearm for the purpose of gaining access to lands open to hunting or for other lawful purposes, provided entry is not prohibited by school officials.

I am just curious.

A couple of additions to your list.....

As you probably know, Federal buildings are a big "no-no": Federal Courthouse, Post Office, any IRS or fed LE agency, etc.

Additionally, all state courthouses, assembly houses, offices of state reps or senators, or anywhere else (like a municipal building) where a committee of assembly (reps or senators) are meeting. Almost all of these places (with the exception of post offices) have security screening stations. If you see a metal detector, turn around and put your piece back in the car!

State parks are also off limits.:angry:

You may carry in restaurants that serve alcohol, but may not enter the bar area. I wouldn't try to carry at a club.

As for drinking while carrying: Do not do it. You risk not only grievous injury or death to you or another person if your judgment is not 100%, you also risk endangering the rest of your 2A brothers and sisters.

Banks and hospitals are okay if not posted, as I understand it.

Welcome to the Forum! Are you anywhere near New Haven?
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Thanks. I am about 20 minutes from New haven. Thanks for the update.

Federal buildings I was aware of, but State parks I was not. As I go to Naugatuck state park, where there is a shooting range. But as for as drinking and carrying, I don't drink, but yes, I agree, anyone who intend to drink should not carry.

As for as a bar, you mentioned restaurants that are ok. But bars are not. Not I've heard that bars are not. But have not seen anything in writing. Lets take Black Bear for example. Technically it is a restaurant, but also a bar. There has been a couple times that I forget it is on me. So I just want to make sure I am not breaking any laws.

Thanks again.
Thanks. I am about 20 minutes from New haven. Thanks for the update.

Nice to see you here!

Federal buildings I was aware of, but State parks I was not. As I go to Naugatuck state park, where there is a shooting range. But as for as drinking and carrying, I don't drink, but yes, I agree, anyone who intend to drink should not carry.

You would be covered in the car as you were in transit to the range. Just don't go hiking while you're strapped (stupid, I know).

As for as a bar, you mentioned restaurants that are ok. But bars are not. Not I've heard that bars are not. But have not seen anything in writing. Lets take Black Bear for example. Technically it is a restaurant, but also a bar.

This has actually been addressed, although the specific case law escapes me at the moment. It seems that the restaurant portion is okay, but don't go to the bar portion. Wait for a table (NOT in the bar area).
It's better to be judged by 12, then carried by 6. :wink:

Don't ask, don't tell. :secret:
I am not sure where you folks are getting your info but here is the correct list, if anyone can point to state statutes that show otherwise please post the statute:

As stated above No Federal Buildings (including post office)

No place the legislature meets (Legislative Office Building in Hartford, most local town halls)

Elementary, Middle and High schools (with 2 exceptions)

If you work for a company under state contract and you will be working at a state facility or property.

Of course prisons, courts and jails...

Although this list may be semi incomplete (I am sure I am forgetting something) there is no statute forbidding the carrying of a legally possessed hand gun in a bar by a permit holder (not stating its a good idea, just there is no law tghat forbids it)......
Ohio ccw holders get a booklet from attorney general or sheriffs office upon request. Any state agency any arena or bar with a class d liquor permit. library OFF limits. School bus school activity or entering building not allowed but we can drive through a zone with weapon on us in a holster. Depende on your state, ask the sheriff office where you got your perit, I'm sure all the revisions are in the booklet.
Bar statute (kind of)......

Section 53a-206d

This statute declares that any person under the influence of alcohol is guilty of a crime. The (b) section then stipulates that anyone with a BAC of .10 or more is guilty of a crime. However, that section does not pre-empt the first section. Thus, anyone that can be proven to be under the influence of alcohol, despite the BAC, is guilty. This kind of "muddy" law is standard for Connecticut.

The rules that state that permit holders should not carry in a bar is not a law, but rather a rule set forward by the Board of Firearm Permit Examiners. The following rules, if broken, would result in a legal revocation of your permit. Thus, according to the board, handguns should not be carried:

1. into a bar or other place where alcohol is being consumed;

2. in any situation involving stress such as an argument;

3. after consuming alcohol or any other than those legally prescribed; or

4. in any building, residential or commercial, whose owner prohibits handguns

While it may not be a crime, per se, it will still lose you your permit. Worse, if you defend yourself with deadly force while involved in any of the above listed situations, you might lose your defense against the law, which is basically what your permit is.

Beyond that, the DPS can revoke your permit based on their own "investigation", without any laws being broken, or even referenced. Again, par for the course in Connecticut.

BFPE: OLR 2008-R-0238
You are going to have to clarify the statute number as Sec. 53a-206 involves Injunction and restraining order. Not alcohol...

While your quotes are accurate, the Board of Firearm Permit Examiners has no power to set any rules for permit holders. They are currently being sued for over exceeding their authority. Nor can the Board initiate any type of revocation. Further these statements were removed from there website late last year when the lawsuits were initiated.

As I stated you cannot be arrested for carrying your legally possessed handgun into a bar or into any of the "situations" mentioned by the Board, with the exception of #4 which is listed in State Statute and by passing a sign on private property that states no weapons allowed your permit becomes null and void on that property, that is how they can arrest you for that. Additionally the law in CT for BAC while in possession of a pistol is .10 and they are trying to reduce it to .08 as we speak. Thus if they try to take your permit or arrest you your defense will be that you did not violate any law...

After the Goldberg incident you will find the state does not have the stomach to enforce laws that are not on the books, they are currently being sued federally and in state court over various civil rights violations.

The employees of tthe Special Licensing and Firearm unit are clearly biased and do not believe civilians should have guns, this is quite a situation as these are the people who issue your permit. I believe we are going to see sweeping reforms in both the SLFU and the BOFPE this year..if they would like to make the laws they will need to run for congress...

Additionally your permit is not a defense against the law in a deadly force incident that would be the following statutes: 53a-17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23...remember that prior to 1994 you could purchase a handgun without a permit and many still have handguns in their home and never got a permit, thusly a permit is not needed to justify legal self defense.

I agree, CT likes their muddy laws, however, I am working hard witrh Bob Crook to get changes to state statutes that will benefit us all.

FYI the public hearing on Microstamping is going on right now at the LOB in Hartford and I am leaving to go there now......
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This is all great. Thanks guys. I wasn't sure which law I was breaking more. Leaving pistol in car while either going to a bar (With friends, as I don't drink) or bringing it in with me.

So I guess I should be OK just bringing it with me (into a bar or club)?

Also, is leaving it in the car illegal?
You have a permit, your car does not...state law also holds that unlawful storage of a loaded firearm is a felony and can result in imprisonment and fine. In order to leave your gun in the car you need to do everything a prudent person would do to secure it properly. When the gun is not under your immediate control it must be unloaded and locked up, I would unload the gun, lock it in the glove box or console or trunk and lock the ammo in another spot. You could also pourchase a lock box to bolt under your seat (or secure with a cable) to give you another spot to lock it up...anyway you do it make sure it is unloaded and not just secured behind a glass window....
Great. Yeah, when I do leave in the car it is unloaded and locked with a cable going through the mag slot and to the frame of the seat. And throw the mag in the glove compartment.
Here are some of the laws, verbatim, governing storage of firearms. The first section, Title 28, deals primarily with handguns and "dangerous weapons". Let me agree with your suggested storage solution, because it sounds prudent - but i don't believe it is illegal. Read on. Though if this situation ever played out you'd probably still have to spend a fortune on legal fees for defense, to have the liability for negligent storage, two things have to happen - a minor must get possession of your gun, and he must injure or kill someone with it. Then, the exception is that no liability exists when a crime is committed in the act of obtaining possession of your gun. So, leave it in your car, kid commits a felony breaking/entering, larceny, and illegal possession of a firearm, all to get your gun, you're off the hook. Maybe.

Sec. 29-37i. (Formerly Sec. 29-37c). Responsibilities re storage of loaded firearms with respect to minors. No person shall store or keep any loaded firearm on any premises under his control if he knows or reasonably should know that a minor is likely to gain access to the firearm without the permission of the parent or guardian of the minor unless such person (1) keeps the firearm in a securely locked box or other container or in a location which a reasonable person would believe to be secure or (2) carries the firearm on his person or within such close proximity thereto that he can readily retrieve and use it as if he carried it on his person. For the purposes of this section, "minor" means any person under the age of sixteen years.

(P.A. 90-144, S. 1.)

History: Sec. 29-37c transferred to Sec. 29-37i in 1993.

Sec. 52-571g. Strict liability of person who fails to securely store a loaded firearm. Any person whose act or omission constitutes a violation of section 29-37i shall be strictly liable for damages when a minor obtains a firearm, as defined in section 53a-3, and causes the injury or death of such minor or any other person. For the purposes of this section, "minor" means any person under the age of sixteen years.

(P.A. 99-212, S. 9.)

Sec. 53a-217a. Criminally negligent storage of a firearm: Class D felony. (a) A person is guilty of criminally negligent storage of a firearm when he violates the provisions of section 29-37i and a minor obtains the firearm and causes the injury or death of himself or any other person. For the purposes of this section, "minor" means any person under the age of sixteen years.

(b) The provisions of this section shall not apply if the minor obtains the firearm as a result of an unlawful entry to any premises by any person.

(c) Criminally negligent storage of a firearm is a class D felony.
Just to be sure, because I thought there was some wrestling going on in court, but can not carry licensed and concealed while hiking thought ANY State Parks or Town parks or Federal State Parks here in CT? Seems so dumb if true. If I am hiking with my family deep in woods, who the hell knows what crazy people are out there. Bet you the criminals are carrying. So, do I have it right?
Town and State Parks in CT are not off limits, there are no statutes prohibiting it...Federal Parks are still no go for now but the bill to allow carry under state laws in Federal Parks is making its way through the Federal Legislature....

EDIT: State Parks have been declared "off limits" by the DEP.....

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