Don't Mess with Texas!


Thank God I'm alive!
While the article is too short on details for me to say anything definitive, I WILL say that this goes to show that you don't mess with Texans!

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SAN MARCOS, Texas — Police in Texas say a group of teenagers were trying to break into a home when a resident opened fire and killed two of the youths.

San Marcos Police Chief Howard Williams says the shootings happened shortly before 2 a.m. Friday. He says two 16-year-olds died and a third teenager was seriously wounded.

Another teen was unharmed and arrested in the shootings that were about 30 miles south of Austin.

Authorities declined to release the teenagers' identities but say the two killed were from Luling, about 20 miles from San Marcos.

Williams says police responded to a call of a home invasion and shots fired.

Authorities say the three people who were home at the time were not injured.
"two 16-year-olds died and a third teenager was seriously wounded.

Another teen was unharmed and arrested in the shootings"

They ought to charge the two teens who survived with murder. It's not unprecedented ya know.
I think most states have a law that allows for charging someone with murder if someone is killed while committing a felony. He need to be charged that's for sure...
I think most states have a law that allows for charging someone with murder if someone is killed while committing a felony. He need to be charged that's for sure...

From what I understand
In the great state of Texas, if you commit a felony and some body dies even if your not the cause, you can still be charged with manslaughter. :pleasantry:
Texas really has laws I can agree with . . .

If it weren't for the heat, longhorns, hmm. . .
Texas really has laws I can agree with . . .

If it weren't for the heat, longhorns, hmm. . .

...and all that FLATness! Before we settled on South Carolina as the Landing Zone for our next incarnation, we were looking hard at Texas. It's got an awful lot going for it, and we were very torn. You can (at least before Obama tweaked the economy) get a WHOLE lotta house for not a whole lotta money there, and - as noted - the laws are actually intelligent and friendly to the law abiding. South Carolina really only won out because of the terrain and climate, but a piece of my heart was still being tugged toward Texas. (Arizona, too, FWIW.)
The hill country of SE Texas (about an hour NW of San Antonio) isn't too flat. It's not the Rockies, but still - not flat.

More power to the home owner and immediate consequences to the dirt-bag teens' career choice. Texas would likely be home for me if I were to vacate AZ...

Hook 'em Horns!! :pleasantry:
The hill country of SE Texas (about an hour NW of San Antonio) isn't too flat. It's not the Rockies, but still - not flat.

More power to the home owner and immediate consequences to the dirt-bag teens' career choice. Texas would likely be home for me if I were to vacate AZ...

Hook 'em Horns!! :pleasantry:

Some real mountains down around the Davis Mountains area. The problem is that Texas is so big that depending on where you live it is almost as close to go to the Rockies than mountains in Texas. Also Palo Duro Canyon in the Pan Handle area as well as the Big Bend area is quite spectacular in a rugged sort of way.

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