Don Hume holster


New member
I ordered and recieved a Don Hume holster (JIT) It is a good holster. Is anyone else useing it?
I ordered a redish one from The gun store and they sent me a black one insted.:mad: I could have exchanged it but that would just cost more shipping. I think they ship what ever they have and count on that. But I will be staying away from The gun store from now on anyway...
Don Hume

Blame the gunstore, because Don Hume has been 100% top quality service for me. Two years ago, they realized that they did not make the holster I needed..... so they custom made the holster for no additional charge. I was amazed, so I kicked in the extra money for the hand-boned detail. I love both my ankle rig (and my strong side carry rig) which were made by them.

Good luck getting that straightened out, use their webpage and call their customer service number. They will do you better than the gunshop.

Have a ruler handy to make sure you get the right barrel length.
No No! I do not blame the holster make (Don Hume). I loved the holster. Othe then it was black! It was all the gun store!! And they would have fixed it. But they send me some real bad emails.. Just a warning for every one! Buy elsewhere...
I have two friends that carry with the JIT and they love it. I personally have never tried one but I do have a 721 OT for my Ruger SP-101 that I really like.

I use Hume's JIT holster often. I ordered directly from Hume's website. As I recall the holster was under $25. and it is a top quality leather holster. It works equally well for strong side or crossdraw. You can't beat it.
I really liked my allso! Other then it was black, not what I ordered. My problem was with The gun store!!!!! (where I ordered it) Stay far far away from them when ordering holsters. They are mainly on Ebay....
I orded a DonHume IWB. should be getting this coming week. looking forward to using it, for the price sounds like a good buy.:)
I'm wearing a H721 OT right now. No complaints, and I'm getting ready to order another for my S&W 65. Good quality, retention, and comfort.

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