Domestic terrorist


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I had a conversation with my neighbor who is a professor at the local collage yesterday evening. I wont try to write out the two hour conversation, but instead try to high light the whole thing.

I am a Veteran
I am a white male
I am Protestant
I believe in the first amendment
I believe in the second amendment
I believe that the government is supposed to work for me, not the other way around
I do not like the direction that the country is taking both domestic and foreign.

He looked me right in the eye and said " According to the state department and homeland security, you sir are a domestic terrorist "

How did I cross the line from patriotic and loving God and country, to being a terrorist??????
Who changed the rules, and why wasn't I informed??????????
Glad to make your aquaintence. My list looks just like yours, except:
I am not a veteran (but am very proud of a father that is, having served in both Army and Navy in WWII (interesting story)
I am Mormon

I assume that I still fall into your friend's definition - Oh, well.
I don't think the rules have changed. There are just more and more who seem to think there are no real "Rules".
They think along the lines of Hector Barbossa, from Pirates of the Carribbean: "the code (cross out code, insert constitution) is more what you call "guidelines" than actual rules." It's getting kind of scary, folks!
The rules changed in November when a terrorist sympathizer was elected to our nation's highest office. This change of rule books was confirmed on Jan 20 when a Supreme Court Justice swore him into office as the Pretendident of the United States.
How did I cross the line from patriotic and loving God and country, to being a terrorist??????
Who changed the rules, and why wasn't I informed??????????

You never crossed the line. The new administration just moved it behind you!

But you're not alone. Most of us on here are in the same boat. :wacko:
I stand with you sir

1. Pro God
2. Anti abortion
3. Progun
4. consvervative
5. Veteran of multiple trips to the middle east defending liberty
1. Pro God
2. Anti abortion
3. Progun
4. consvervative
5. Veteran of multiple trips to the middle east defending liberty

Sir, I too suddenly became a terrorist. The day before that I was a patriot. Go figure.

Desert Storm Vet and "Right Wing Extremist".
Welcome aboard!
We Are In Good Company

Remember in 1776 Tea Party Domestic Terrorist became Patriots to free our Country.

I still believe in God and a Free Country and they can call me what ever they want.

looks like the definition has actually changed.. now, at least in the great USA, people who love their freedom and are willing to fight for it... are terrorists.
In the eyes of our current administration, I imagine its like this, if our not a sheep your a terrorist
If you question their decisions and tactics your an anti-American
If you are a free thinker you are an enemy of the state
Remember in 1776 Tea Party Domestic Terrorist became Patriots to free our Country.

I still believe in God and a Free Country and they can call me what ever they want.


Well said, sticks and stones.. we know what we are and we do not need the government to tell us.
Link Removed

We should all be tagged with this stamp. In fact, I'm adding that to my signature. :biggrin:
If my being a white male, Protestant, veteran and believe in the Constitution makes me a domestic terrorist then so be it. I think they have a lot more to worry about though.
I had a conversation with my neighbor who is a professor at the local collage yesterday evening. I wont try to write out the two hour conversation, but instead try to high light the whole thing.

I am a Veteran
I am a white male
I am Protestant
I believe in the first amendment
I believe in the second amendment
I believe that the government is supposed to work for me, not the other way around
I do not like the direction that the country is taking both domestic and foreign.

He looked me right in the eye and said " According to the state department and homeland security, you sir are a domestic terrorist "

How did I cross the line from patriotic and loving God and country, to being a terrorist??????
Who changed the rules, and why wasn't I informed??????????

We homeschool.
We are pro-life.
We have third party, pro-life and NRA stickers on our vehicles.
We are white.
We are Catholic.
We believe in the Constitution as written.
We believe in less government.
I am a veteran. Viet Nam ERA so that makes me a real danger.
We went to the Tea Parties.

So we are probably on every watch list there is. Oh well that might explain that black van that has been on our dirt road the past few weeks.:wacko:

Oh if you are interested this is the memo that went out. Every one is a terrorist per BHO.
Figured people should update their experiences on the subject.
So I now have to add we:
Drink raw milk
Grow our own food
Drive a truck
Have the more then one propane tank in the yard
I believe in Capitalism...
My household is not on welfare...
I desire nothing from the government but to be left alone...
I want smaller government...
My income is Taxed Enough Already...
I demand that Congress read the Bills before passing same...
We homeschool.
We are pro-life.
We have third party, pro-life and NRA stickers on our vehicles.
We are white.
We are Catholic.
We believe in the Constitution as written.
We believe in less government.
I am a veteran. Viet Nam ERA so that makes me a real danger.
We went to the Tea Parties.

So we are probably on every watch list there is. Oh well that might explain that black van that has been on our dirt road the past few weeks.:wacko:

Oh if you are interested this is the memo that went out. Every one is a terrorist per BHO.

Except for the fact that we are Baptist sounds like we are in the same boat. However my wife was raised a Catholic so we are even closer. We home schooled our daughter all the way through the 12th grade. She has sense gone on to get both her Bachelors and Masters degree and is now an adviser at a local University.

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