D'oh! Now if we only had these type of results in Nevada!


Obama is a mack daddy!
I was called by Investigator Dunn of Utah BCI today. He was professional and courteous as what we have grown to know from BCI.

Apparently I started a stink by spreading the word about HB204 has affected BCI's ability to process applications; both permit and instructor certificates. He did confirm that a minority of the instructors are an issue that that we have a right to know about any pending legislation and how it may affect us. He out of the blue confirmed there are no instructor complaints against me. I wouldn't be a squeaky wheel if I wasn't squeaky clean. :pleasantry: It was not my intention to cause any issues with Utah BCI but to direct inquiries to W. Clark Aposhian and Curtis Oda.

I think we've weathered the worst of the storm with the original HB204 being substituted for HB204S01. I'll be watching this session along with probably a few hundred other non-resident Utah CFP instructors.

Please if you have any further legislative concerns pertaining to HB204, please direct them to;
BCI only administers the program as specified by the Utah Code, they do not have any say if the legislation passes or not. If you're still concerned about whether or not you should take the instructor class until after the 2009 Utah legislative session is over, contact BCI about canceling. Please keep it to that issue only. I know of at least one instructor that would have been affected by the original HB204 since he was flying from Virginia to renew.
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