
i have owned pit bulls, quite a few in fact. most are great dogs, the problem is usualy the owners who abuse or train them to be mean.i went to a friends house once and he had a pit that was inbread. aproblem with a lot of pit's, his wife answerd the door and we were talking through the screen door . they had bathed the dog the night before and had it in a bedroom and his small son let him out and the dog came through the door and bit my arm. iwas not acting in a threating maner, i grabed the screen door and closed it between me and the dog who then started to attack my feet. this guy had trained the dog to fight and finaly had to shoot the dog when it turned on him!:angry:
i have owned pit bulls, quite a few in fact. most are great dogs, the problem is usualy the owners who abuse or train them to be mean.i went to a friends house once and he had a pit that was inbread. aproblem with a lot of pit's, his wife answerd the door and we were talking through the screen door . they had bathed the dog the night before and had it in a bedroom and his small son let him out and the dog came through the door and bit my arm. iwas not acting in a threating maner, i grabed the screen door and closed it between me and the dog who then started to attack my feet. this guy had trained the dog to fight and finaly had to shoot the dog when it turned on him!:angry:

He was effin lucky the dog didn't go after the kid!!
With Pitts, I wouldn't say that he is lucky. It is all how they are raised really. They just get a bad rap because of how so many of them are abused and raised to be mean. Any dog raised in similar conditions that some of these Pitts are will be mean. Now, some breeds are what some may call one owner dogs, and a Pitt is definitely one of those breeds. They will attach to whomever they feel is the "alpha" of the "pack"/family. So, if the alpha is the women of the house, then the dog will be protective and guarded around her, and read off her body language. etc.

I've had Boarder Collies most of my life. I really appreciate an intelligent animal.

As far as being able to put down a feral dog. Before my folks and brother had moved out to the country, I would have agreed. But now, seeing what feral dogs can do to terrorize livestock, yes, it is too expensive to not put them down. You also get a feel for who is your neighbours and your neighbours dogs. So you recognize them and they you, and you know that you might ought to have a talk with your neighbour before shooting their dog if they get out. Plus, you learn their habits. So it isn't like you are talking about someone's pet necessarily. As was pointed out, a lot of people will go out to the country to dump their no longer wanted, or affordable pet and hope it either figures out how to survive out in the wild or someone will pick it up. Usually what happens is they will mostly end up getting hit by a car, or shot when trying to go for an easy kill on someone's farm near their chicken coop. The ones that make it, which are very few, may come up with disease and other issues since dogs are so domesticated they are not used to the wild, and they will suffer and die, but worse yet, is they may spread diseases to the local farmers pets and live stock, which you really don't want to happen.

Anyway, I got way far afield there. I'll shut up now. :)
What pisses me off are NON pitbull dog owners who allow there dogs to roam free.

I've adopted and rescued dogs for decades. (pits & other breeds too) I keep close tabs on ALL my animals and make sure they behave. But! My children are terrorized AND have been bitten by (NON-Pit) neighborhood dogs. Thus far, I've only succeeded in getting ONE animal put down.

If I let my pitbulls behave the way other irresponsible dog owners allow their so-called "safe breed" dogs to behave, people would try to put me and my dogs away.

Animal control is fully aware of my dogs and have told me they wish every dog owner was as responsible AND had dogs that behaved so well. They also get far more calls for non pit "BITE" calls than they do pitbull "Bite" calls. BUT! Pits are considered the "BAD" breeds because they're associated so much with gang activity.

Pitbulls are dangerous and need to be banned! GUNS are dangerous and need to be outlawed! Blah; Blah; Blah! Liberal B.S.
With Pitts, I wouldn't say that he is lucky. It is all how they are raised really. They just get a bad rap because of how so many of them are abused and raised to be mean. Any dog raised in similar conditions that some of these Pitts are will be mean. Now, some breeds are what some may call one owner dogs, and a Pitt is definitely one of those breeds. They will attach to whomever they feel is the "alpha" of the "pack"/family. So, if the alpha is the women of the house, then the dog will be protective and guarded around her, and read off her body language. etc.

I've had Boarder Collies most of my life. I really appreciate an intelligent animal.

As far as being able to put down a feral dog. Before my folks and brother had moved out to the country, I would have agreed. But now, seeing what feral dogs can do to terrorize livestock, yes, it is too expensive to not put them down. You also get a feel for who is your neighbours and your neighbours dogs. So you recognize them and they you, and you know that you might ought to have a talk with your neighbour before shooting their dog if they get out. Plus, you learn their habits. So it isn't like you are talking about someone's pet necessarily. As was pointed out, a lot of people will go out to the country to dump their no longer wanted, or affordable pet and hope it either figures out how to survive out in the wild or someone will pick it up. Usually what happens is they will mostly end up getting hit by a car, or shot when trying to go for an easy kill on someone's farm near their chicken coop. The ones that make it, which are very few, may come up with disease and other issues since dogs are so domesticated they are not used to the wild, and they will suffer and die, but worse yet, is they may spread diseases to the local farmers pets and live stock, which you really don't want to happen.

Anyway, I got way far afield there. I'll shut up now. :)

DING, DING, DING, Give that guy a cigar, a huge part of this problem is people dumping their unwanted pets off in the country, or just simply abandoning them, AKA they are cruel abusive selfish self centered low life POS.
If you live in the true country not just the burbs that is sort of out the city limits, anyone that hunts or farms will tell you, if they see a dog running wild it will disapear....
When I worked on the family ranch as a teenager we had problems with feral dogs killing our calves. That's why I had a 30-30 every time I was working outside. Like people, dogs can be beloved family members or they can be BG's on four legs and defending yourself against them is no different.
When I was younger we had such a lazy farm dog. It would lay around all day. Then one day in the summer I seen it chewing on a deer leg. it wasn't lazy at all - it was just busy at night! From that day on it was never loose at night again. Unless you watch your animals 24/7 you don't really know what they do or what they are capable of doing. Most folks living in the country killed many dogs and cats. Just like the humane centers that kill MILLIONS every year.
Has an animal person I hate to hear about things like this! BUT I totally understand the things people have to do to protect their property & family! Its sad the animals had to stuff due to the lack of brains on the part of the so called owners! But once on there own saddly this is the end result!
We have a mixed pit down the road,luck for us hes a sweety,laid back very loving,social with people & other animalsl
I've had mant differant dogs their whole life from Big to Little & in between! never had issue 1 with any! Patiences,Love,Continual
Training,Socialize them! With that I truely thing any bred can be a Great Pet!!

Thoses who lose there animals I'm so sorry that it happened!
I've dealt with two strays in my lifetime.
The first was a dog we thought was dead on the side of the road. He was a rottweiler that was skinny from being dumped out in the middle of nowhere. We posted to find his owner but only found liars trying to get him. He went to a good home and had many years of excellent life.

The other was a lab that was dumped in our neighborhood because of hip issues. We adopted him and he eventually had to be put down due to his inability to stand and walk. It was sad, but I am glad he was with us for the years he was here.

Not all strays are problems. Dogs are with us for far too short a time, but it's something that animal lovers have to deal with.
I agree with you that dogs shouldn't be allowed to run free. I also understand your frustration/anger over the loss. So there were 3 different times that a pit bull attacked your daughter's animals? I don't think I would blame the entire breed on that. Dogs are products of their environments. Most dogs can be trained to be violent, aggresive, and dangerous. So can people. Should there be open season on people, too? My answer is yes, to an extent. BUT, how do we know which ones to go after? Just because you've had bad luck with pits, does that really mean all of them are bad?

I know you're not interested in anything but your daughter and her well-being and loss of expensive animals, but if you look, you will find an abundance of information on how pit bulls are mis-represented, very loyal, incredibly smart, and great pets. I've had at least one all my life, and have never had any trouble with them at all.

Again, sorry for her/your loss.

I have friends who have Pits. They are the best PETS you ever saw. Recently got loose, and almost killed another friend's donkey. If you can't keep a pit where there is NO WAY it can get free, you don't need them. Same with ANY "dangerous" breed/
I have friends who have Pits. They are the best PETS you ever saw. Recently got loose, and almost killed another friend's donkey. If you can't keep a pit where there is NO WAY it can get free, you don't need them. Same with ANY "dangerous" breed/

guess I need to add to that--same with "any" breed. Even the best animal can turn "bad" when pushed too far (be it starvation, running with the pack, or many different reasons) Guess that's why my county has a "leash law". All pets are to be on a leash or penned at ALL times. Of course this doesn't happen, as many people find out when their trash is scattered, so forth. It comes down to "If you are going to own a pet (any pet), be responsible and considerate of others".
I am a firm believer that animals need to be controlled. here in Arizona, if an animal leaves its home place and is causing trouble you can kill it. 2 years ago on Christmas day a pit bull came into my home and killed my wife's Pekinese. Sorry to say the police would not let me have him. But the owner did come to her and asked forgivness, what can you say then? I wish I had been home...
I agree with you that dogs shouldn't be allowed to run free. I also understand your frustration/anger over the loss. So there were 3 different times that a pit bull attacked your daughter's animals? I don't think I would blame the entire breed on that. Dogs are products of their environments. Most dogs can be trained to be violent, aggresive, and dangerous. So can people. Should there be open season on people, too? My answer is yes, to an extent. BUT, how do we know which ones to go after? Just because you've had bad luck with pits, does that really mean all of them are bad?

I know you're not interested in anything but your daughter and her well-being and loss of expensive animals, but if you look, you will find an abundance of information on how pit bulls are mis-represented, very loyal, incredibly smart, and great pets. I've had at least one all my life, and have never had any trouble with them at all.

Again, sorry for her/your loss.

dude you're so dumb pits are the most dangerous of all dogs out there. To say that they aren't is just ignorant. They kill 500% more than any other breed out there. And the idiot owner always " He was just the sweetest thing, he never hurt anything." yea till now dummy. I tell you what you watch a 7 year old girl have throat ripped out and tell me, "they were trained to do that". Or " she was prevoking him". Shut up and keep your dog away from society. i don't believe all are bad dog, or all should be put down. But they just have something in them that is wrong.

just look at this: Link Removed
When I was a kid i raised sheep.One night a pack of dogs was chasing my sheep. One was my neighbor's so the next day I called him and asked him to keep his dog home. He informed me that his dog slept beside his bed and I was wrong. While the next night the dogs came back and I shot a couple of them. One was my neighbors. He called me a couple of days later and asked me if I had shot his dog. I told him it couldn't have been his because his dog slept beside his bed and I had never even been in his house, and never in his bedroom.
When I was a kid i raised sheep.One night a pack of dogs was chasing my sheep. One was my neighbor's so the next day I called him and asked him to keep his dog home. He informed me that his dog slept beside his bed and I was wrong. While the next night the dogs came back and I shot a couple of them. One was my neighbors. He called me a couple of days later and asked me if I had shot his dog. I told him it couldn't have been his because his dog slept beside his bed and I had never even been in his house, and never in his bedroom.

That's what he gets for lying! Shame on him. Sad for his dog. Hope your sheep were okay.
A good friend of mine has a sheep in an enclosure. His roommate's german shep will pace/chase along the fence-line just wishing she could go take down that sheep. She's got the strongest prey drive of any dog I've ever seen. It's not just pitbulls. It can be any breed that is a threat to livestock.
I know this may sound redundant but on the TV news last night.... another pit bull attack.....

N this time according to the news story this dog has attacked other peoples animals 3 previous times killing them... since it was just another dog it attacked and the owner was injured trying to separate them animal control refuse to do anything despite multiple complaints against the owners....

Kalamazoo city limits this time so shooting them could land you in jail due to the firearm discharge law they have.... so I'm thinking they need a good crossbow....:hang3:
If I would have been home, law or no law I would have killed that dog. But the city police were here and they are friends or ... talk is cheap... There is no place for a pitbull in the city, and maybe not in the country at all.

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