Doggy Defense


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Reading another thread on break-ins and the need for homeowners to be armed got me thinking about a conversation I had with a shooting buddy recently.

My first line of defense is my 85lb Shepherd mix. Bear is one of the most intelligent and loving animals we have ever had, however, this boy does not like people coming near his home and he lets you know about it.

I am surprised at the number of people that I know that are avid shooters, and CWL holders that are like minded, but do not have a good watchdog.

I can rest assured that there will never be a BG standing over me in my bedroom. I will have been alerted way before anything like this could ever happen.

Any thoughts?

unfortunately I am living in a place now where I can't have a dog.. I love dogs. they can be your best friend. and like you said having one is also an advantage in that it's better than an alarm! not to mention that many bad guys will not come in a home where they hear the bark and growl of a big dog. as soon as I get in a position where I can, I WILL be getting another dog.
I agree that a well-trained dog is the first line of defense against a home invasion. Unfortunately, I live in an apartment and can't have pets. However, as soon as I become a home owner, I will get a dog for this very reason.

Dogs are awesome for being alerted when people come to the house. I have 4 dogs (all very small but make plenty of noise) day I'll get a real dog but intil then these work just fine.

Its like in the movie National Treasure 2 when Riley disarms the house alarm in 26 seconds, he turns to Ben and says "Thats why I tell people to get a dog"
I have a 9 pound mutt that sleeps on the love seat. She sleeps so sound an intruder might be able to carry the love seat off with out wakeing her.
I agree with a dog being a good thing in part of the home defense equation. They are much more infallible than an electronic system. However if you can't take proper care of the dog you shouldn't have one.
We had a great Doberman well trained love us and us him.He let our geese do the watch dog thing for him.Dogs are great but some insurance companys will not cover you if you have one of the deadly dreads.
Same with Rotties I believe. Its sad because with the proper owner, love and training any dog can be a good dog. Not all dogs of a certain breed are bad.
I love my dogs and have three a boxer, boder collie mix and a lab mix. The lab mix will deffinatly let you know some thing is up. he to is a very loving dog but don't walk up the driveway and try to go through the back yard if you don't know him YIPE!!LOL The bordercollie is does better when she is inside at letting my wife and I know some one is to close to the house. The boxer on the other hand isn't much of a barker at all so when she does go nuts I tend to reach for my glock and check to make sure all is well in the house and look out the windows.My next one i would like to get would be a Dobie or german shepered and get a freind of mine who trains k-9 for the military and teach myself and the dogs some cool tricks.
I have a 90-lb. wolf hybrid is our firts line of defense. He stays outside, and he gives early warning when someone turns up our driveway. He howls a time or two when a friend is approaching, and barks when a stranger turns up the drive.

As for defending us, well.... I hope I never have occasion to see him attack anyone; he would simply kill.
Dogs are great for a first line of defense. I'm dog less now. I had a yellow Lab that I had to put down three weeks ago. She had a cancerous mass on her lung that collapsed one lung and pushed her heart into her other lung. She got where it was too hard to inhale and had to force her exhale. I was just getting over my other dog dying Aug 07 when I found out she was sick. He had Cushins disease and Diabetes. Sorry I have tears in my eyes writing this...
Dogs are great for a first line of defense. I'm dog less now. I had a yellow Lab that I had to put down three weeks ago. She had a cancerous mass on her lung that collapsed one lung and pushed her heart into her other lung. She got where it was too hard to inhale and had to force her exhale. I was just getting over my other dog dying Aug 07 when I found out she was sick. He had Cushins disease and Diabetes. Sorry I have tears in my eyes writing this...

I understand Red Hat. We had to do the same to a little dog about a year ago. We had her for about 12 years. She would follow me every time I moved and sit with us when we watched t.v. She became almost like one of our kids.
Dogs are great for a first line of defense. I'm dog less now. I had a yellow Lab that I had to put down three weeks ago. She had a cancerous mass on her lung that collapsed one lung and pushed her heart into her other lung. She got where it was too hard to inhale and had to force her exhale. I was just getting over my other dog dying Aug 07 when I found out she was sick. He had Cushins disease and Diabetes. Sorry I have tears in my eyes writing this...

Some people don't understand what a part of the family they become. I lost my Shepherd during Hurricane Andrew back in 92 and that was devastating. Bear we got from the pound and he was so sick a few days after we got home that they wanted to take him back and put him down. I refused and got him through it. He turned out to be one of the best dogs we have ever had.

Sorry for your loss, and hope that you are able to add a new friend to the family real soon.
Dog lovers watch movie Where the red fern grows and Second hand lion .Lion has nothing to do with this I just wanted to put a plug in for it.I have had cats and dogs, barn animals all my life. Mostly house dogs really got close to our hearts .:yes4:
Dogs are great for a first line of defense. I'm dog less now. I had a yellow Lab that I had to put down three weeks ago. She had a cancerous mass on her lung that collapsed one lung and pushed her heart into her other lung. She got where it was too hard to inhale and had to force her exhale. I was just getting over my other dog dying Aug 07 when I found out she was sick. He had Cushins disease and Diabetes. Sorry I have tears in my eyes writing this...

very sorry to hear that. as I said dogs become your best friend.. and in most cases a real part of the family. I had to get rid of my lab/wolf mix during hurricane rita when I was living in houston.. she was the best. sweetest, smartest, most loving dog I ever had. also very good at protecting the area. miss her a lot!
Two GSD's one 18 months and weighting in at 90 lbs. and a 28 month old at 68 lbs. don't have much of a problem knowing when somebody stops by or walking down the street. it has become my wifes i think fulltime hobby, two times a week to class with the younger one.
It's as hard to lose a dog or any pet as I might imagine it to be to lose a child, but thank goodness I don't know for sure. I've always cared for dogs in my home. Each time I've had to let one go it rips me up. I now have a 6 pound dog and she's the best watch dog I could hope for. Her bark might not scare anyone but her stature does not make her any less of an alarm for us. She has no problem thinking that she weighs 100 pounds as has chased large dogs away. She'd probably chase the coyotes away if I let her outside.
It is hard loosing any pet that you have had years of companionship from, be it Dog, Cat, Bird, Horse, they develop a very distinct personality and are become like your children.
It is hard loosing any pet that you have had years of companionship from, be it Dog, Cat, Bird, Horse, they develop a very distinct personality and are become like your children.
Sometimes more than like children. You can't get unconditional love from children.
I understand Red Hat. We had to do the same to a little dog about a year ago. We had her for about 12 years. She would follow me every time I moved and sit with us when we watched t.v. She became almost like one of our kids.

It's just as difficult to lose a dog by running away as it is to lose one who dies. I know. When I was still living at home with my parents, my mutt (that's right a mutt; I don't even know which breeds he was mixed with) ran away after five years. I cried for a long time after that, and I never saw him again.

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