Does Alabama Have Any Firearms Organizations?


Well-known member
Now that the government is cranking up it's efforts to take away guns from the populace, I haven't seen or heard of any organizations other than the NRA and other like organizations having anything to say. My question is, do we have any organizations in Alabama that are dedicated to the right to keep and bear arms? If so, where are they? I would definitely like to become a part of something like that which expresses our feelings on gun control and the maintaining of the privileges afforded by the Second Amendment.

I live in nw ala, belong to the nra but would like another org, we need all the help we can get. Our local seems to be on board, like your post. We need to stay awake!
Ruger: I just ran upon the site, "" Didn't know it existed but the state is divided into several districts and looks to be what we may be looking for. Check it out and see what you think about it.
I am also in NW Al. (Florence). Waited for ever to get into a shooting range membership (NASA) and then the city shuts 'em down. Now I feel like the NRA is about to let me down too. Anywhere nearby? I have heard about alabama open carry and cosidered exercising the right but felt that I would probably suffer more negative than positive consequences.
I am also in NW Al. (Florence). Waited for ever to get into a shooting range membership (NASA) and then the city shuts 'em down. Now I feel like the NRA is about to let me down too. Anywhere nearby? I have heard about alabama open carry and cosidered exercising the right but felt that I would probably suffer more negative than positive consequences.

Chances are that you are right about open carry. Some LEOs know it is legal but will give you a hard time anyway. If confronted, I would suggest you be able to quote the law, firmly, but in a non-confrontational manner.
Brother Grunt,

Alabama Open Carry is very active in asserting rights. Those forums are also the home of Alabama Gun Rights, which sponsored this open carry meet-up near Tuscaloosa in the middle of last year.

As the name implies, they concern themselves mostly with open carry-related issues, but they are fairly well organized and have been the support behind some significant court cases in the last year or two. I've been a member of the forums for a year or so I guess, but have not had the opportunity to join them in any meet-'n-greets they've had. I'm not sure if I've even posted there, but if I have, my user name is "CzarChasm."

One of the guys featured in that second link, Jason Tulley (shortbuseinstein on the forums), is probably going to end up at the state Supreme Court over a case he was convicted of for open carrying in a bank in Jacksonville, AL. Thing is, no one in the bank complained. He was simply spotted by a cop outside and the cop took it upon himself to persecute Jason. It's been appealed once and he lost. I'm not sure what the next step is, but AOC and AGR are helping fund his appeals.

Anyway, that's the best-organized group I'm aware of. Hope it helps.


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