Do you ever shoot your carry gun from concealment?
Do you practice reloads while on the move?
Do you practice malfunctions while shooting and reloading?
If you answered NO to any of these questions then this match is for you.
Carry Gun Match
November 6 at Heartland Outdoors
When: November 20, 2011
Where: Heartland Outdoors
1444 North Kelly Avenue
Edmond, OK
Signup: Starts 5:30pm Shoot at 6:00pm
Match Type: Handgun, Tactical Action. Emphasis on Carryguns and holsters. IPSC rules with TIME PLUS scoring.
Stages: Four (typically)
Round Count: 72 rounds
Equipment: Practical guns .380 or larger, carried in practical gear. Holster (required) must cover triggerguard. Two spare magazines or 2 speedloaders will get you thru any stage. No shoulder or pocket holsters or cross-draw rigs. No Race guns or gear.
Rules: Basically, IPSC rules with TIME PLUS scoring.
Low Cap: = 10 rd mags or less. (you may load magazines down for this division)
High Cap: = 11 rd mags or more (load 'em up!)
Revolver: = any revolver, barrel length 2.26" or longer, any capacity.
PDLL: = Ported (like the Glock "C" models) Dot (like the Optima red dot) Lasers and gun-mounted Lights. If your 5-shot J-frame has a laser, it'll compete in this division.
SubCompact: Semi-autos with barrels 3.5" or shorter.
Snubby: 5-6 shot with 2.25" or shorter barrels.
OTHER: IPSC Limited/Production Gun/gear shoot in this Division (equipment placement rules like Production/Single Stack)
Prizes: YES! $50 Heartland Outdoor Gift certificates!
Awarded randomly! Must be present to win.
Limited to first 40 shooters!
Cost: $20
(active military and full-time Law Enforcement ½ price)
Do you practice reloads while on the move?
Do you practice malfunctions while shooting and reloading?
If you answered NO to any of these questions then this match is for you.
Carry Gun Match
November 6 at Heartland Outdoors
When: November 20, 2011
Where: Heartland Outdoors
1444 North Kelly Avenue
Edmond, OK
Signup: Starts 5:30pm Shoot at 6:00pm
Match Type: Handgun, Tactical Action. Emphasis on Carryguns and holsters. IPSC rules with TIME PLUS scoring.
Stages: Four (typically)
Round Count: 72 rounds
Equipment: Practical guns .380 or larger, carried in practical gear. Holster (required) must cover triggerguard. Two spare magazines or 2 speedloaders will get you thru any stage. No shoulder or pocket holsters or cross-draw rigs. No Race guns or gear.
Rules: Basically, IPSC rules with TIME PLUS scoring.
Low Cap: = 10 rd mags or less. (you may load magazines down for this division)
High Cap: = 11 rd mags or more (load 'em up!)
Revolver: = any revolver, barrel length 2.26" or longer, any capacity.
PDLL: = Ported (like the Glock "C" models) Dot (like the Optima red dot) Lasers and gun-mounted Lights. If your 5-shot J-frame has a laser, it'll compete in this division.
SubCompact: Semi-autos with barrels 3.5" or shorter.
Snubby: 5-6 shot with 2.25" or shorter barrels.
OTHER: IPSC Limited/Production Gun/gear shoot in this Division (equipment placement rules like Production/Single Stack)
Prizes: YES! $50 Heartland Outdoor Gift certificates!
Awarded randomly! Must be present to win.
Limited to first 40 shooters!
Cost: $20
(active military and full-time Law Enforcement ½ price)