Do you know your neighbors?


New member
I got an interesting email today from a friend. It was the link below that is a very informative site. You type in your address and it shows a map with red pins in the immediate area where convicted felons reside. It also shows what their offense was. I tried it and found about 15 living within 5 miles of me! They include convicted rapists, sexual misconduct with a child, false imprisonment, witness intimidation (they were both in their early 20's!), and a few other that I'll just call "persons of interest". Try it and see who lives around you!

Link Removed
I've been using this program for quite awhile now, and know just how many felons are living in my vicinity, and what they were convicted of. Nice application. I thnik everyone should run this before they buy a house. But you had better believe the realtors won't like it.
I believe this is the site that is total fabrication. Conduct the same search 10 times and you will get 10 totally different results. It's fun but it's a joke.:big_boss:
I DO know one person on the map, where he lives and what he was convicted of. But you're right that if you keep clicking the Search button, the results will change. I'm not sure how the search engine works, or where they're pulling the data from, but it's not totally bogus.
Ya know, I do Snopes checks all the time, and never did one on this site. Thanks, fellas. It just so happened that I did get a hit on one of my "neighbors" and that was enough to make me think the place was legit. I wonder where they do get their data from? Is it all "made up" or do they actually get some data from the law?
I've been using this program for quite awhile now, and know just how many felons are living in my vicinity, and what they were convicted of. Nice application. I thnik everyone should run this before they buy a house. But you had better believe the realtors won't like it.

Well, yeah! You bet I'm NOT going to tell anyone where to find a sex offender, or a felon. I'm a former Realtor from California. No Realtor in their right minds, Kalifornia or elsewhere, wants to take on this responsibility and then get sued when a site like this turns out be bogus, maybe, or sued for invading someone's privacy, or for what ever other reason someone thinks up for a law suit. What we ARE/WERE required to do is to let our clients know that they have the right to research this themselves. Too bad, though, that I never had a client do the research on their own and come back and tell me what they found. I'm not surprised, just sad!

BTW, only sex offenders are required to register in California under Megan's Law. No other felons are required to register in that state, as far as I know. Do other convicted felons have to register in other states, areas?
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Ya know, I do Snopes checks all the time, and never did one on this site. Thanks, fellas. It just so happened that I did get a hit on one of my "neighbors" and that was enough to make me think the place was legit. I wonder where they do get their data from? Is it all "made up" or do they actually get some data from the law?
It's meant to make fun of the idea of felon-tracking, because of the data-mining issues with keeping up with millions of people's current addresses. If you notice, it also links to similar sites, like Link Removed.
I agree. Maybe I'll start doing Snopes checks a bit more from now on. Thanks for the advice. :)

I hope you did not take that personally. I just think that it helps to question the information you receive until you verify its authenticity. Not saying to be a cynic, but nevertheless, just be more careful.
My favorite one has to be the old classic about AIDS needles on gas pump handles. It's a chain email sent around, warning of the dangers of infected needles stuck into gas pump handles. Most often, it's set in Jacksonville, and has lots of information from the "Jacksonville Police Department". That's great, but we don't have a "Police Department". Our boys and girls in blue are the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office. I've lived here my entire life and have yet to encounter a single needle stuck to a gas pump handle.
I agree!

I believe this is the site that is total fabrication. Conduct the same search 10 times and you will get 10 totally different results. It's fun but it's a joke.:big_boss:

I tried and get different names and crimes every time. I think that we we need to reevaluate things for ourselves and not blindly trust the internet.
Well, yeah! You bet I'm NOT going to tell anyone where to find a sex offender, or a felon. I'm a former Realtor from California. No Realtor in their right minds, Kalifornia or elsewhere, wants to take on this responsibility and then get sued when a site like this turns out be bogus, maybe, or sued for invading someone's privacy, or for what ever other reason someone thinks up for a law suit. What we ARE/WERE required to do is to let our clients know that they have the right to research this themselves. Too bad, though, that I never had a client do the research on their own and come back and tell me what they found. I'm not surprised, just sad!
That's why you always do your own due diligence. Las Vegas is the only city where you're a few blocks away from a lawyer, mortgage agent, realtor or prostitute and sometimes it's very difficult to tell the difference and sometimes they're one in the same.
BTW, only sex offenders are required to register in California under Megan's Law. No other felons are required to register in that state, as far as I know. Do other convicted felons have to register in other states, areas?
Megan's or Aimee's Law is federal. All States have publicly accessible sex offender registries.