Do you have the experience, equipment, drive and determination to leave where you are and not look back if need be?
Do you have enough food, water, ammo and medical supplies?
Do you have plans and backup plans?
Do you have the resolve to step over something that used to be someone with puking?
Do you have what it takes?
#1 Yes. My whole life has been dedicated to types of work that force you to have these types of determination. I'd prefer to stay home, but have several other plans if need be. I was raised by a Dad and Mom who were "preppers" and the bug out option is always on the table.
#2 Yes, enough provisions on all catagories, in various locations.
#3 Yes, always.... I mean ALWAYS have a back up plan. Something WILL go wrong or not according to plan.
#4 When I was a Paramedic, my partner and I actually sat on a slab in the morgue and ate our Burger King lunch while an autopsy was being performed several feet away. No kidding... True story. Puking is not an option for me. Once you get accustomed to the blood, guts and gore, it's just like a secretary sitting down to a typewriter. You get cold to it and do your job like anyone else does theirs. That's why when a medic does his job, you don't see him/ her puking. It's only those around them that are.
#5 I hope so. I've survived armed encounters, lived through some hair raising situations, fought for my life on a couple of occassions, and practiced my trades, skills and plans along with my wife. We all HOPE we have what it takes when the time comes. Look at the Hero's in World War II or other wars. Most of them were just scared kids that just did what they felt they had to do at the time. They weren't Superman, and many said their hands were shaking when it was over and didn't consider themselves "brave". But in action, they just did it and many didn't really think too much about it until after it was over. That's the way humans are, but they still have to have this little flame inside that pushes them to do what they did. We'll never no for sure until we arrive at that time, but many people tend to do whatever is neccessary when that time comes, except for those with a sheep mentality and a lack of awareness. Those are the ones who will follow everyone else and remain standing in the middle of destruction crying out, what do we do? what's happening? why is this happening to me?