I never take my CCW out in public unless I intend to use it. It stays concealed. I have other firearms I use for practice.
There are still issues in Florida. The BG's know that when you go to the range you have to remove your magazine and carry unloaded. There are often times that people forget to reload their weapons when they leave. There have been several incidents where individuals were followed home from the range and their weapons taken from them.
The first thing that we do when we leave the range is reload. An unloaded weapon is useless.
Except that gun ranges have no more legal right to tell you to disarm than Walmart in Florida if you hold a permit. Gun ranges are NOT on the list of restricted areas. YES, my gun range has that sign on the door too and NO I do not follow it. I keep my P-3AT loaded and in my pocket at the range while adhering to their "rules" with the weapons I am firing. They are not going to pat me down any more than that Walmart greeter is and concealed is still concealed.
Sorry, but I do not see my gun range like Walmart. I understand your point, however, I would rather not take the chance of being asked to leave and not return for a small issue. There is nobody protecting me at Walmart, but there are some very knowledgeable, well trained and armed men working at the range. Big difference. Further, on the line I am fully loaded, so no issue there either.
It is a simple matter for me to walk out the door and stick the magazine in.
The main issue with my post was warning people to reload if they are those who choose to follow that rule while at the range.