Do you carry at the range? Might want to consider it.....


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Pastor killed, and firearms stolen while at a West Virginia State shooting range........

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Just another example that you can not view any place as safe. This can happen anywhere anytime.
Yup, I carry at the range and do not leave weapon AND ammo together at the bench when I go down range. When I go down range I always have a loaded pistol on my side and either rifle or rifle ammo in hand, even when there is nobody else there.
I always carry a loaded Sidearm at the range.

It is a habit i picked up as a Range control officer at the sportfire range in the military. You never know who is going to be at the line while you are checking targets. You never know who is going to snap with the first gun experience and want to turn it on a fellow human being because "it would be cool". You don't know who is not following safety rules when your back is turned even for a split yes I carry at the range. Openly and as accessible as possible.
The 2 bad guys in the famous FBI shootout in Florida were known to kill people at gun ranges and take their guns. I always carry when I legally can & I'm outside my home, no exceptions.
There are still issues in Florida. The BG's know that when you go to the range you have to remove your magazine and carry unloaded. There are often times that people forget to reload their weapons when they leave. There have been several incidents where individuals were followed home from the range and their weapons taken from them.

The first thing that we do when we leave the range is reload. An unloaded weapon is useless.
just shows you (preaching to the choir) how a curtain very small percentage of our human race does think and act like wolves. (nothing against real wolves, I think they are very cool) and just consider any of us as meat. I've met through my work true socialistic personalities and they are unemotional and would cut my throat if they had the chance and it bettered them or just for kicks and giggles....mind you most of these animals have family members who will swear on a bible that they are "good boys...just not understood...just needed a break from the goverment...more education,...more chances for work....where addicted to drugs........
I carry going into the range, then load the one not being carried, and so after I shoot one series of magazines, I reload at least one magazine before shooting from the other gun. That way, I'm never out on either one at the same time. As I pretty much stay in the same spot while at the range, there's no need to literally carry it around.

Getting shot at the gun range would be bad, one would give a second thought to the sound of gunshots, until someone else goes in there.
Of course

I have one concealed on me at the range. You never know when someone who shouldn't be on the firing line may show up there. I never take my CCW out in public unless I intend to use it. It stays concealed. I have other firearms I use for practice.
I never take my CCW out in public unless I intend to use it. It stays concealed. I have other firearms I use for practice.

Just a thought, If you've never fired or practiced with it, then how do you know you can defend yourself or others with it? Personally I've never really thought about it at the range because I'm usually the only one there, so thank you for posting the article. About all I did was check to see if someone else pulled into the parking lot.
I once lived in a state that had many remote shooting ranges on state game lands properties. I asked myself "If I were a felon and needed a gun, where would I go to get one?" The answer was obvious -- a shooting range. Watch, select, take, maybe even eliminate witness(es). Everything is there: guns, ammo, privacy. Thereafter I always toted at the range (usually with a primary and a b/u/g), and as soon as I was able built my own range to avoid the public ones.
There are still issues in Florida. The BG's know that when you go to the range you have to remove your magazine and carry unloaded. There are often times that people forget to reload their weapons when they leave. There have been several incidents where individuals were followed home from the range and their weapons taken from them.

The first thing that we do when we leave the range is reload. An unloaded weapon is useless.

Except that gun ranges have no more legal right to tell you to disarm than Walmart in Florida if you hold a permit. Gun ranges are NOT on the list of restricted areas. YES, my gun range has that sign on the door too and NO I do not follow it. I keep my P-3AT loaded and in my pocket at the range while adhering to their "rules" with the weapons I am firing. They are not going to pat me down any more than that Walmart greeter is and concealed is still concealed.
Except that gun ranges have no more legal right to tell you to disarm than Walmart in Florida if you hold a permit. Gun ranges are NOT on the list of restricted areas. YES, my gun range has that sign on the door too and NO I do not follow it. I keep my P-3AT loaded and in my pocket at the range while adhering to their "rules" with the weapons I am firing. They are not going to pat me down any more than that Walmart greeter is and concealed is still concealed.

Sorry, but I do not see my gun range like Walmart. I understand your point, however, I would rather not take the chance of being asked to leave and not return for a small issue. There is nobody protecting me at Walmart, but there are some very knowledgeable, well trained and armed men working at the range. Big difference. Further, on the line I am fully loaded, so no issue there either.

It is a simple matter for me to walk out the door and stick the magazine in.

The main issue with my post was warning people to reload if they are those who choose to follow that rule while at the range.
I understand that there are armed folks at the range, but honestly do you really want to depend on them to protect you? I work at an indoor range, and here in Hawaii CC is not legal for your ordinary citizen, so CC on the range is not an issue. I would not have a problem if a legal citizen was carrying on the range. I would prefer to have more folks working to stop the threat than the minimal employees who get paid less that $10 an hour, some of whom I see may actually "run and hide" if anything serious happened.

Just my $.02.

Sorry, but I do not see my gun range like Walmart. I understand your point, however, I would rather not take the chance of being asked to leave and not return for a small issue. There is nobody protecting me at Walmart, but there are some very knowledgeable, well trained and armed men working at the range. Big difference. Further, on the line I am fully loaded, so no issue there either.

It is a simple matter for me to walk out the door and stick the magazine in.

The main issue with my post was warning people to reload if they are those who choose to follow that rule while at the range.

No challenge Palmach, it just that you started your post with "still issues in Florida".

My feeling is the issues are with the gun ranges. I have a real anamosity over the ranges attitude that although 2A rights should be protected which also protects their business that THEY themselves should decide they are above the law.

There is zero legitimate reason that I can think of for gun ranges to require people not to carry. I can understand rules that say 'NO HANDLING OR FIRE OF YOUR CARRY WEAPON' and or have a separate unload / load area for carry weapons, so they can say that they do not have people waving loaded weapons around, but ALL WEAPONS MUST BE UNLOADED INCLUDING CCW is a no carry banner that violates the laws that we and supposedly they have fought so hard to put in place (I include gun shows in this group by the way). If they beleive that CCW is not trained well enough to properly handle their weapons in the shop of the instructors (that is where most of us took our course) then what does that say to the outside world.

If I say OK, the gun range has a right to restrict me, then I also have to say so does Disney, Walmart, Home Depot or any other business, and THAT is what the whole battle is about.
What difference would it make?

You have a gun or two sitting right in front of you anyways 99% of the time.

It would be better advice to make sure you are aware of your surroundings and have some good situational awareness.
I appreciate the heads up warning. I go to the range with either family or friends I've know for a long time. One of us acts as a backup safety while the other(s) fire. That way we are ready in case of an issue, and, when the others are reloaded, we take our turn firing. Makes a lot of sense to be aware of the surroundings, also a spare set of eyes you can trust is good to have too.

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