I am getting used to carrying now as much as I can. I work in a hospital, and they have the gunbuster sign at the door. So, I tend to leave it in the car in a safe. I went to a movie w/ the mrs. the other night. I dropped her off at the front door and parked. Walking in I noticed the sign, but we were late, and it was hidden well. I felt a little "criminalish", but after looking around at how much the mall had changed since last time we were there, I kinda felt better. That will be the last time we see a movie there I informed her.
As far as the church dealie goes. here in OH, it is up to the church's discretion. But, how do you confront the pastor? " Hey pastor, I wanna know if you would mind if I carry a weapon in here?" just doesn't seem right. I really don't care to get into legal mishaps, but like the concensus states - better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.
As far as businesses go, I am aware, and try to avoid them. Someone is ALWAYS eager for my greenbacks. My problem is the credit union where we have one account is anti, and we have our car loan there, so I am in a mixed state on this. I would really like to go in there, ask for my balance in a bank check and leave, explaining why they lost my business, but seeing as the loan is direst w/draw, it would create more of a hassle right now at this point in out lives. ( we are frantically trying to purchase a house before the baby is due, and I really don't have the time nor energy to put into it right now.)
That is it for the most, and my wife is being pretty good dealing w/ the new lifestyle. She is from Canada, and you all know thier thought process on all of that. Even though she was raised around a family of hunters, pistols are a different breed/mindset to her. I am breaking her in slowly, and she can now shoot well. Plus, she said she may take the course next year when the dust settles. I did have to gently remind her the other day when she walked up to me and pulled up my shirt in my uncle's auto shop and stated out loud that I was packin'. At least they are all like family, and my uncle welcomes firearms in there. { friendly ones at least
Being new to all of this, any suggestions would be appreciated in dealing w/ those issues I mentioned. As stated previously, I want to comply as much as I can, but sometimes it gets tricky. Also, the wording of the law in OH is that loaded mags are considered a loaded weapon - stoopid, eh? So, even if i take the piece off, and carry the mags, is that still considered "packing" in the eyes of the law? Those conceal a little easier though. For the most, the Desantis holster (owb,sob)I picked out is comfy, and doesn't really print, especially with a baggy shirt. Plus, w/ fall here, and winter comin, noone should make it.
Thanks for all the usefull info here. Muchas appreciated.......mot