Disgusted Public Could Initiate Civil Disobedience in the United States


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Interesting Read...

Life Defenders, Gun Owners and Disgusted Public Could Initiate Civil Disobedience in the United States

By John Michael Snyder

It’s hard to believe that in less than a month after taking office three top appointees of the new Obama administration have run into trouble over non-payment of taxes. Two have withdrawn but the third actually has become Secretary of the Treasury charged with enforcing United States tax laws.

Another appointee has taken office as Attorney General even though serious questions have arisen over his handling of a presidential pardon granted an international fugitive from justice and of his role in the commutation of terrorists’ sentences.

Public support for an appropriations bill promoted by political honchos in Washington has declined as people come to realize that the measure has as much pork as stimulus. According to a recent Rasmussen poll, only 37 percent approve the plan and 43 percent oppose it. According to various surveys, public approval of the new president has declined by over 20 percent in a matter of weeks. This occurred even though he told opponents of his ideas that “I won” last November’s election. He admitted later after one of his appointees withdrew that “I screwed up.”

No wonder some are coming to regard Washington, D.C. not as the District of Columbia but as the “District of Corruption.”

The rumblings of dissent are beginning to be heard in our land as sectors of the public find ways to express opposition to the Washington regime.

Many are concerned with what seems to be a wicked spirit of life-snuffing fanaticism underlying some legislative proposals. Church leaders ask co-religionists to oppose bills that would overturn laws protecting parental involvement and conscience rights and those preventing partial-birth abortion and taxpayer funding of abortion.

Many of the estimated 90 million law-abiding firearm owners in the United States are concerned about repressive policies being considered in Washington. Sales of firearms are soaring throughout the country. Even though FBI estimates show there already are 200 million privately owned shotguns, handgun and rifles in the United States, citizens are buying more and more of them.

Politicians promote additional regulations of gun shows and re-imposition, extension and making permanent of a ban on sales of certain semiautomatic firearms which expired five years ago. Citizens respond by buying more and more guns and ammunition.

Data from the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) show background checks on the sale of firearms jumped 28.8 percent last month when compared to January 2008, reports the National Shooting Sports Foundation. The increase follows a 24 percent rise in December and a 42 percent rise in November, when a record 1,529,635 background checks were performed.

People are upset with Washington attempts to interfere with their right to keep and bear arms. People are upset with Washington attempts to interfere with their right to acquire the means necessary for defending their lives and the lives of their loved ones, with their right to life itself. They’re especially upset as they consider the possibility of having to defend themselves and their families from murderous attacks by militant Islamist terrorists.

So many people are so fed up with Washington that a continuation and expansion of its corruption and repressive legislative ideas could transform concern into outrage and stimulate a reaction of civil disobedience by large segments of the American public.

Although people in the United States have not heard much about civil disobedience since the civil rights movement of the 1960s, it has a long and successful history in this country and others. Civil disobedience is citizens’ active refusal to obey certain laws and orders of government without resorting to physical violence. People over the years have employed this tactic in rebelling against unfair laws. In addition to its use in the American civil rights movement, it was employed in the 19th century by abolitionists before the Civil War, and in the 20th century by Mahatma Gandhi in India in leading the struggle for his country’s independence, and by South Africans in their fight against apartheid.

It’s interesting to consider how civil disobedience would function in early 21st century America. One may imagine its impact if America’s religionists and America’s firearm owners both were to become fully galvanized along with a public disgusted with Washington corruption. Woe to the Washington political establishment!

John M. Snyder
Telum Associates, LLC
Arlington, VA
Phone : 301-365-3180
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Perhaps everything that they are doing is intentionally designed to bring Civil Disobedience. They would then have reason to declare martial law, suspend the Constitution and bring the military into our streets. Of course the political elite would never do that and the Pope is not Catholic.
Perhaps everything that they are doing is intentionally designed to bring Civil Disobedience. They would then have reason to declare martial law, suspend the Constitution and bring the military into our streets. Of course the political elite would never do that and the Pope is not Catholic.

We're in for a bumpy ride here in the near future.
At least they're not building FEMA camps and training soldiers for mass search and seizure of weapons from the American people...Oh, wait a minute.:confused:
Well, I feel sorry for anyone going after you, Cooter, providing that avatar picture is of you and you HD firearm.

Well, I feel sorry for anyone going after you, Cooter, providing that avatar picture is of you and you HD firearm.


No, that's not a picture of me, I just found that pic on the internet. I do own an AR-15, my SHTF gun. My HD guns are an assortment of shotguns and pistols strategically hidden around the house. I live too close to other houses to use a high velocity rifle for Home Defense. :biggrin:
Perhaps everything that they are doing is intentionally designed to bring Civil Disobedience. They would then have reason to declare martial law, suspend the Constitution and bring the military into our streets. Of course the political elite would never do that and the Pope is not Catholic.

I was thinking that same thing about the credit freeze/bank fiasco! Perhaps they did do all this on purpose, so they could blame it all on you know who, just so they could come in and say hey we gotta fix this! Knowing full well the media would back them up in anything they say.:angry: Bastards!
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It seems to me this is the exact same way Britain took over their people. It is like looking through a time machine and watching it happen all over again. The Dems accused the Bush administration of using fear to get his way. If he did it does not hold a candle to what the level the Dems are using fear to get their way. By time they are done 2+2 will equal 5 out of fear.