Did you know "May you live in interesting times" is a old Gypsy curse, and I consider this interesting....
So...someone went around with their "knowledge ruler" and measured what people knew? Quantifying information is an extremely tricky business - it's subjective and highly dependent on the observer's point of view.I don't think there is any doubt that knowledge has increased and is increasing at a faster and faster rate. There was and article in the Parade section of the newspaper back in the 1970's that talked about how all knowledge that was present at that time something like 80% and been gained over just part of the 20th century. We went from horse and buggy to putting men on the moon.
Definately thought provoking. Good Post Sir Sheldon, All of this "Knowledge" is really good, But some Very smart people who lack common sense. We have to remember how to marry knowledge and wisdom...