Did I make a mistake by selling this?


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Several weeks ago I sold a Benelli M1 Super 90. I had had it for 15 or 20 years. Now, considering what is going on in this Country, I'm beginning to be sorry that I sold it. What do you people think? Did I make a mistake?
Hi Charlie.......I don't know if anyone here would tell you you made a mistake or not in selling your Benelli, I think ultimately you will decide that, maybe you already have. After reading your bio I see that you have a nice assortment of firearms to protect yourself and family if needed. I liked the luger description by the way. I have sold or traded a few firearms over the years that I really wished I didn't a month or so later, you'll get over it, if not I am quite certain you know where you could get another one to replace it.

Yes, you made a huge mistake. Each weapon you sell is one less weapon you have to protect your family. What if the day comes that you are under attack by an entire terrorist cell, and pull every weapon in your house to defend your love ones, no time to reload just drop the empty gun and go for another. What if, when there's only one left and your last gun clicks empty? What will you do? Probably wish you kept your Benelli.
Don't get me wrong, because there's folks who downright swear Benelli SGs are the

best thing since sliced bread, but it's not the end of the world.

If you don't find satisfaction in a Mossberg 500, get another M1.

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