Diamonds May Have Jump-Started Life on Earth ??


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Right. And when an explosion happens in a junk yard that is how your car is formed.

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One of the greatest mysteries in science is how life began. Now one group of researchers says diamonds may have been life's best friend.

Scientists have long theorized that life on Earth got going in a primordial soup of precursor chemicals. But nobody knows how these simple amino acids, known to be the building blocks of life, were assembled into complex polymers needed as a platform for genesis.

Diamonds are crystallized forms of carbon that predate the oldest known life on the planet. In lab experiments aimed to confirm work done more than three decades ago, researchers found that when treated with hydrogen, natural diamonds formed crystalline layers of water on the surface.

Water is essential for life as we know it. Also, the tests found electrical conductivity that could have been key to forcing chemical reactions needed to generate the first birth.

When primitive molecules landed on the surface of these hydrogenated diamonds in the atmosphere of early Earth, a few billion years ago, the resulting reaction may have been sufficient enough to generate more complex organic molecules that eventually gave rise to life, the researchers say.

The research, by German scientists Andrei Sommer, Dan Zhu, and Hans-Joerg Fecht at the University of Ulm, is detailed in the Aug. 6 issue of the American Chemical Society's journal Crystal Growth & Design. Funding was provided by the Landesstiftung Baden-Wurttemberg Bionics Network.

Another theory, called panspermia, holds that life on Earth arrived from space, as organisms rained down inside tiny meteors or giant comets.

The new research does not conclusively determine how life began, but it lends support to one possible way.

"Hydrogenated diamond advances to the best of all possible origin-of-life platforms," the researchers contend.

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1 Timothy 6:20
O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:

Romans 1:22
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools
Genesis 1:1

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth..........enough said.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth..........enough said.

+1 on that one. Next, we're probably gonna see those wackos at the ACLU trying to force schools to put this nonsense in their curricula.
NDS, this is the " off topic" forum where we are free to discus anything that is not concealed carry. If you are offended by a line of conversation you have two options

1. Join in and let everyone know you point of view

2: Move on to the next forum and find something you are more comfortable with.

I see that you have placed Ecclesiastes 10:19 at the end of your message, I feel that Ecclesiastes 10:12 would be a verse that would fit you better.

Let me know how many of you lookup Ecclesiastes 10:12.....
NDS, this is the " off topic" forum where we are free to discus anything that is not concealed carry. If you are offended by a line of conversation you have two options

1. Join in and let everyone know you point of view

2: Move on to the next forum and find something you are more comfortable with.

I see that you have placed Ecclesiastes 10:19 at the end of your message, I feel that Ecclesiastes 10:12 would be a verse that would fit you better.

Let me know how many of you lookup Ecclesiastes 10:12.....

I did. I also like the verses Psalm 14:1 and Psalm 53:1
What facts?

I'm glad you got my point.

This COULD have been a discussion about the chemistry and biology that would have to be involved for the events in the subject article to have occurred. Instead, the local 'taliban' immediately jumped on the "faith provides all the information you need" bandwagon. Which is reallly pretty funny considering all the science not contained in any religion's scripture we are using to have this conversation.

To restate: it's frustrating when you come to a forum that has a stated purpose and find that every thread possible gets hijacked by people pushing their belief in an invisible friend.

I'm not going to argue faith / fact / belief / knowledge with you--it's pointless and annoys me. I'll go back to ignoring...