detroit carry


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do any of you carry in deepest darkest detroit?How does that work?did the local city government give ccw ers a hard time or did they give up?How do the cops in detroit like it?Iask because i'm from chicago and local cops i know always like to say how they would be un comfortable w/folks carrying here if we ever get the laws passed in th the people's republic of illinois.I'd like to be able to say it works in detroit which is similar to chicago and a big northern city.tia
When we first became a "Shall Issue" state there were several local governments that used tax dollars to fight state law, and lost in court. Now except for a few uninformed officers most are for it. Me I try and avoid the down town Detroit area as it is high crime, but any time I have had to go there I was very glad I had my CCW.
Detroit Carry

I carry in Detroit almost every day. Although I have law enforcement credentials, I have never had to pull them out. Since I carry on the job there (executive protection), I do not always do the best job of concealing. I have had occasions to strike up conversations with guys from DPD, county and transit police when they saw either the big bulge or the actual full size 1911. Everyone was cool, no overreaction of any kind. Of course I always dress well and look professional - not the Detroit gangbanger look. I have always been convinced that it is the brass, lawyers and politicians who may be against civilian carry, not the street cops.
Good point by Sheldon, I don't go to downtown Detroit, in the surrounding areas once in a while, but if I was I would surly have mine.:)

I also try to stay away from Detroit. There are times I have to go to the convention centers there for work. If you must go there, stay in high traffic areas and keep an eye on your surrounding.
If you go to Detroit looking for trouble you will find it. Most of the places in Detroit are great places,carrying to a bad part of the city just to say you can because your arm is stupid. I've carried in Detroit many times and never had any problems.
I also try to stay away from Detroit. There are times I have to go to the convention centers there for work. If you must go there, stay in high traffic areas and keep an eye on your surrounding.
Yea the boogie man may get you.

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