way too many cops are trigger happy, chicken*** punks. like the 4 who fired 41 shots at a guy, 15 ft or less away, that had nothing but a wallet,.outnumber him 4 to 1, body armor, etc, and still scared spitless. If you are SO scared of the guy. why did you chase him, eh? It IS just a job, after all, and felons escape pursuit EVERY day, someplace. So what's one more, hmm? We had a case near me, 30 odd years ago. supposedly, 2 cops were responding to an alarm, at night, of a commerical property. big deal, no lives at stake here. one goes in the front, seaching, like an idiot, with a shotgun, and the other waits out back, SUPPOSEDLY, he hears the 12 ga inside, and a figure jumps thru the window, coming out, wiht something in his hands. so the cop kills him. His partner (again, supposedly) "fell'", ie, idiot again, finger on trigger, safety off, without a doubt, and fired a shot. The minority 17 year old had a crowbar. NO threat to the cop at all. Shot him in the back, too, fleeing down the alley. The punk cop had the NERVE to be upset when people objected to him shooting some pissant thief kid in the back, with no reason. If a civilian had done anything of the kind in that state, he'd have gotten at least 30 years and had to serve at least 20 of it.